Guise -_-

I'm sick.

Not like *cough cough* *sneeze sneeze* throat hurting kind of sick.

I had to go to the ER because of excrutiating pain in my stomach. I had to wait in the waiting room for 2 hours until they finally got me a room. The nurse kept sticking the IV in my arm because it wouldn't go in, so she finally gave up and stuck it in my other arm where blood was previously taken earlier that day. So now the insides of my elbows hurt and are bruised pretty bad. So I finally get these drugs in me and I start to feel better. The doctor comes back and tells me that my blood tests and urine tests have come back good but I would have to get a CAT scan. So they scan my CAT, and it turns out I have inflamed intestines. And I'm lying there on the bed in this sack-like hospital gown like...wat.


Now I can barely eat anything because it's hard to digest hardly anything that isn't crackers or water. I have to take medicine to reduce pain. I don't even know if I can go a full day of school yet. I have to go to my primary doctor and get checked out, then referred to a GI specialist (gastroenterologist) to get my stomach all better (or so I hope). 

Guys...I just want to eat -_-

Sorry to bore you with that whole story, but I just thought you guys should know (for those of you who actually read my blogs -_-) 

But I will hopefully be updating soon, and when I do I hope you'll enjoy! <3


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