Happy Birthday Park Chanyeol

Happy Birthday Park Chanyeol!
Wow, I could write all my love for you.. heck I already have I have a whole 1240 word confession of how much I love you but I doubt anybody cares so I will keep it to myself. I love you Park Chanyeol only if you knew... I wrote a 1240 word confession of my love for you and here it is <3

I went with Korean age so please do not comment "He is 21 not 22" because trust me I know how old the man I love is!

If you plan on reading alll of this, thank you I put all my heart into this (not all of it if I would have written all I feel for him this wuld be about 20 pages long haha)


Happy Birthday Park Chanyeol!

Wow, where do I begin to explain you… how do I explain my love for you when it’s just so overwhelming. I guess I can start from day 1. I remember the first time I saw you…. That was awhile ago I have to admit, but I remember so clearly. I didn’t know your name all I knew was you were so handsome. The funny thing is the first picture I had seen of you was one with your derp face and I still thought you were perfect! I didn’t know who you were or where you were from and all I had was a picture how was I supposed to look you up with that? Well, you stayed in my mind for months, I didn’t know who you were but you were somehow already my ultimate bias.


Then one day I was watching SHINee’s Amigo and decided I would read the comments and some had said “Wow, that’s Park Chanyeol’s ex” and “What if we don’t want to see Chanyeol’s ex” I read the name and my heartbeat sped up just like when I had seen the picture of you. I looked up the name not expecting who would come up on my computer but it was you! I was so happy I had finally found out who the man that I would think of every night was. Then I read about you I read rumors about how you were ‘rude’ and how you a ‘horrible’ person, my heart ached as I didn’t know if the rumors were true. Soon I found your band… EXO and instantly they had become my favorite band because of who? Because of you <3.


The first time I heard your voice I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair thinking “THAT y voice is coming out of that cute, handsome boy?!” Since then your voice is all I hear, I now know you are not rude nor a horrible person but you are a crazy and cute happy virus but you are also the man I have fallen in love with… You will always be in my heart a VERY special place in my heart. When I think about you loving somebody other than me I get tears in my eyes and soon enough I am curled up in a ball crying thinking about how you will never love me the way I love you, you will never look at me with eyes full of love like I do you. That somebody will make you happier than I ever could or the thought that hurts even more… you will never even know of my existence. Of course when you do find love I will support you because all I want is for you to be happy, yes I will cry and my heart ill be shattered into a million tiny pieces but your happiness is WAY more important than I am.


 I never thought I would feel this one sided love I hoped I would never go through heartbreak but when I saw you I instantly fell in love with you, not just your appearance but you! I understand all I get to see is the Park Chanyeol that is on TV who knows if that is even your true personality. I like to believe I know you and that is your personality, crazy, cute, funny, sweet, just a happy boy. Some may call my love for you ‘infatuation’ but I know better I know my love for you is real I have never looked at somebody the way I have you. My heart has never started beating faster when somebody speaks like it does with you. I know what I feel I know I am truly, madly, and deeply in love with you I will never regret loving you, you were my first true love and someday I hope you will return the feeling and be glad to call me yours.


 But distance has proven that you will most likely find somebody before I could ever get to where you are. I mean you are 22years old and I am not even 18 yet why would you want a kid?! Why would you love somebody 7 years younger than you?! I understand…. But just know that you will always have a special place in my heart, even when I am grown and have a family of my own and you also have your own family that every time I will see you just at random I will feel like I do now. My heart will speed up, my knees weak, and I will be speechless, but then I will think about all the nights I spent crying over you, all the times you made me smile and my stomach bust with butterflies and walk off with a smile on my face thinking about how you must be happy with your love an how I hope she knows she is the luckiest woman on this planet.


You changed me in ways I can’t even explain; you made me understand what true love was you made me understand why every girl out there longed to be loved so much. Because now that my eyes and my heart have discovered you you’re all I want. You are all that I can think about! Every single second of the day I am always thinking about you, about your eyes, smile, ears, your voice, your lips, and your amazing personality just everything about you! You make me happier than anybody in this world ever could. I can go from crying to smiling like an idiot by just hearing your name. Nobody will ever understand my love for you how my heart aches for your love. Someday I hope God will make my wishes and prayers come true and I will be able to wake up beside you every day for the rest of my life. I hope someday we will both be able to look into each others eyes and see the love as we both promised each other….. forever


To be honest I could write so much more about how much you mean to me, but I will keep it at here then when we are together and its midnight we can both just lay down and talk then I can tell you every single little detail and flaw I love about you. I love you with every fiber of my being and someday I hope you will return the love.  I know so many other girls out there believe that nobody could ever love you as much as they do but to those girls, I believe I have the heart that could prove you wrong of all those words. So out of all of this I just want you to know that YOU, Park Chanyeol, will always be the love of my life forever and always!  Happy 22st birthday to you I hope this day is one of your best this age is one of the biggest ages for one to turn! I hope all of your wishes come true… I love you.. <3


       A Girl Who Loves You More Than Any Other Girl In The World EVER Could and I hope one day I will get the chance to prove my love or you! <3



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exoxbae #1
Lol, I absolutely understand your feeling about the age part. Who will ever choose a kid when out there is full of mature women. And the part thinking of him will smile like an idiot. Nah, Chanyeol wasn't my bias but I will still smile like an idiot. Even when I'm angry with something, I heard his voice or saw his picture I'll straight smile like an idiot. Then start to fangirling and butterflies everywhere. My mom told me not to love kpop too much but how can I when there is a man in one of my fav group that too charming until my life may be ruined someday?

That is my feeling. I'm not going to say to much but exactly can feel the same as you. So, you're 15?