Why is everyone (well moztly everyone) is leaving AFF? It is mostly abt AFF being this and that (watching my language... for now)?! Since this month, AFF has been kinda boring... Anyone agree or something.... aish


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Actually if ppl could stop being buttholes, exobubz did NOT plagerize. I hope someone will get their facts straight. She left because she is being harassed by ppl and the mods saying that she plagerized and she DIDN'T. So being r being rude and arrogant, harassing her on tumblr and and its getting on my nerves.
Just because two people have the same plot, doesnt mean its plagerized. Ive seen two stories that were literally the SAME but the main characters were switched. ( both were kaisoo, one had where kyungsoo was being abused and the other it was kai being abused ).
So yeah. Ppl just need to get it over with and ahut ing mouths. She left, enough said. People have their opinioms ( and most of them are effing ridiculous) and no one will ever grt along. Shes leaving because SHE WANTS TO. Shes being harassed. I mean, I left RPR because I was being harassed multiple times. But im not leaving AFF. if I start getting harassed, maybe I will.
Apparently, the huge mess concerning exobubz, everyone is starting to bring OTHER authors into it. INNOCENT AUTHORS. isnt that crazy? She just wanta justice, but no. People have to s and get what they want all the time. Even if it involves innocent people.
its just because of the competition going on here aff is not anymore the side it was! you need more karma to get that.. more subaceiber to be populare where is the time when it wss okay if youe english and the plot was important.. SIMPLY GONE.. and people go
Plagiarism is the key role in this.
People who are leaving cannot abide by rules and/or upset at the mods.
To be honest I think it's childish. If you stole work then you deserve to be banned and when you're questioned for stealing work if it's not true there should not be a problem...in my opinion.
Not everyone though. But no one is stopping people from leaving. If they can't follow a few simple rules here, I don't think they deserve to use the features here for free. As to why:
Based on the time they were posted:
http://exo-ho.tumblr.com/post/67871355688/leaving-aff-ish (this was posted here but it was removed)