Highlight of the week!

So I really tried to make this post last night, but everything just kept going haywire.  So allow me to start over again:

Monday started and ended on a bad note for me.  But this is supposed to be about the absolute highlight of my day, and thus far even on Wednesday, the highlight of my week. 

First is started with me meeting a girl that gave me all kinds of information on a study abroad trip to France this summer.  She told me about the fundraisers that I can do in order to bring the price down - it's really looking like I'm going to be able to go!  But anywho, this girl (who's named Chantelle by the way) stuck around and listened to me blab about kpop even though she had a hard time following.  So about five minutes later, a girl comes up and asks if she can sit at the empty chair at our table.  After she sat down, she kept staring at my bag and then just started grinning.





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Yes, a random kpop fangirl sat down with me!  And that  conversation I was having with Chantelle?  Oh it was me telling her that my bag refered to G-Dragon's song One of a Kind and she asked me if any of my friends got the reference without me explaining it.  So when this new girl sat down and got it, with just one look at my bag, Chantelle and I burst into hysterics.

So I made a new Kpop buddy and got to talk about Kpop, Kdrama and even the Olympics for about two hours.


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Why can't this happen to me :(