These things really don't help my self-esteem

Hi random people I'll probably never meet!

So I consider myself pretty awkward when it comes to making posts, comenting on y'all's stories and even texting my own mother... So I figure I should try and make this first blog post as short andsweet as possible.

I've wanted to keep a blog for I don't know how long. I've tried little things before and never really liked the results or stuck with it.  But now that I've started college I have another reason to blog. My comp professor offers extra credit if you keep some kind of jounal and he said blog posts count...

So I figured why not post here? Random observations... some relating to kpop and some not.

This should be fun, right?


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boosher #1
Do it!! I always enjoy reading random blight posts!!!
I say do it! Extra credit is always good, especially if you're a procrastinator xD