❝Kim ChungAe❞ is having troubles ♠


Kim ChungAe


I want to know more about you.


Name: Kim ChungAe

Nicknames: Darling, parents. Chungie, Joonmyun when they were younger and they were close. Shorty, Kris because of his own height.

Birthdate: 22.05.1993

Ethnicity: Canadian

Bloodtype: AB

Birthplace: Vancouver, Canada

Home Town: Vancouver, Canada

Languages: English (native), Korean (fluent)


what is behind the mask?



Idol used: Suzy

Back-up idol: IU

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 44.5 kg

Style: Doesn't really go out often, so she doesn't own much other clothing besides the school uniform and a couple of old, big hoodies and pajamas. Her hoodies are 2 sizes bigger because she likes to be comfy while she does her homework diligently. She doesn't buy too much because of the family budget. Clothing consists of plain colors, with occasional striped patterns.


The one who matters.


Family :

Father | Kim KyungJoon | 54 | Taxi Driver | 3

Mother | Kim Jooyeon | 42 | Restaurant Waitress | 3

Bestfriend : 

Wu YiFan (Kris) | 23 | University Student | 5 | Kris cares for her a lot, like a younger sibling. He grew up with her in Vancouver before he left to go to Korea first. He knows her problem but can't really help because she specifically told him not to, and is busy himself with university. Occasionally drops by her house to lend a listening ear and to give some company. 

Friends : 

Nicole | 20 | Student/Social Chairperson | 4

The girls from the website

Rivals :

Krystal | 20 | Student | 1 | Cold, quiet, uncaring | Part of the main group who bullies ChungAe




You are the one?


Love interest: Kim Joonmyun (Suho)

Age: 22

Relationship: Classmates, old friends.

Personality: Kind and caring, always takes care of other people before himself. Looks out for anyone in need and comforts them.

Interactions: Joonmyun is school council president, ChungAe is vice-president. They don't speak to each other unless it's about meetings, although Joonmyun always tries to start a conversation.

ChungAe and Joonmyun used to be friends in elementary school and he was the one who taught ChungAe korean when she first entered school. However, ChungAe fainted during the summer vacation before high school started due to the stress of being bullied, and forgot most of her memories of elementary school. Only remembers the negative things, doesn't know about Joonmyun anymore.

First meeting: Sitting beside each other in elementary school, Joonmyun tries to befriend the new student to help her fit in. There was a strong language barrier but Joonmyun pushed himself to learn english to help ChungAe.

Back-up love interest: Kim Myungsoo (L)


Love rival: Nicole

Age: 22

Relationship: Distant friends

Personality: Loud and outgoing, likes making new friends, talking and socializing with them. Knows everybody in the school.

Interactions: Nicole is the social chairperson of the school council. Nicole is one of the other students ChungAe would talk to outside of school council meetings. She likes talking to Joonmyun the most, whether because he's the president, or another reason ChungAe doesn't know. She isn't aware that ChungAe is getting bullied because Nicole is always with her own group of friends.

First meeting: First day of high school, Nicole was introducing herself to everybody when she noticed ChungAe being lonely on the side. Nicole approached her and tried to get her to open up.

Back-up love rival: Sulli




Let's go in further.



ChungAe is quiet and shy. She doesn't have much people to talk to besides her family members and her one, older, best friend. She is very studious and smart, but worked hard to be that way. ChungAe is very closed off from her fellow classmates, and doesn't really get along with anyone. Her smiles are mostly fake when talking to other people because she isn't listening fully to what the other is saying while she's trying to memorize formulas in her head. 


ChungAe was born and raised in Canada but her family had to move back to South Korea to take care of her sick grandmother. Because they had to move from Canada and needed to find a new place to stay in Korea, their family funds descreased greatly and so their family wasn't the wealthiest. Her grandmother's place was only big enough for two people so ChungAe's whole family couldn't stay. ChungAe enrolled in the elementary school in her new neighbourhood, but because it was the middle of the year, no one approached her to be friends, except for a certain boy. She didn't have an opportunity to learn Korean either in Canada or while they were moving, so she couldn't communicate with them anyway. Also, she had lots of trouble understanding what was being taught, so she had to focus all her time and effort on studying. ChungAe spends most of her time studying because she has trouble memorizing things, she always needed to write things down. She started getting bullied because she always mutters quietly to herself in english and the bullies thought that she was talking trash about them. ChungAe tried explaining to them that she didn't really know Korean, in Korean, and she must have said something wrong because the next day she went to school she saw trash in her locker and desk.

Likes : 

-Books, they are her best friends and a mental home away from home. Besides textbooks, she loves reading books to experience the lives written and the impossible adventures she would love to go on.

-Sudoku, besides reading or studying, she enjoys working her brain and so she challenges herself with sudoku.

-Tea, sometimes needs a drink to keep her awake. ChungAe prefers tea over coffee.

-New stuff, whether items or a new piece of knowledge, she likes new things. 

-Learning, ChungAe likes knowing what or how to do everything she is able to learn. She likes having a range of skills and knowledge.

Dislikes :

-Socializing, with a bad past, she hasn't had much interaction with other people. She also worries about Kris being seen with someone like her, so she doesn't go on outings with him either. He just comes over or calls to give company.

-Messy notes, she finds it hard to study with notes that aren't clear.

-Bad grammar, one of her pet peeves.

-Distractions, once she sets a goal in mind, she doesn't like things that stop her from doing it.

-Doing chores, she just doesn't like it.

Habits :

-Chewing on the end of her pencil, she always has a notebook or journal with her. When she's thinking, she tends to unconciously chew on the end. Lucky that she only has mechanical pencils.

-Tapping her fingers, an occasional habit that happens when she's bored during lessons, as she read the material the night before. 

-Biting her lip, she sometimes has many things to say, but no one to say them to. Her stress builds up when getting bullied, but there's nothing she can do, so she keeps shut.



-Learning new things



-Can cook really well, she taught herself when her parents would sometimes work overtime.

-Top of the class, but applied for vice-president. President would be the one to absolutely control everything and ChungAe thought that she wouldn't have time. Vice-president mostly helps out the president.

-Can't eat spicy food, she has a cat's tongue and her face becomes red right away.

-Doesn't know how to say no 

-Doesn't know what love feels like, or rather forgot.





Plotline: the one who has troubles with - school

 Q1; How do you feel about getting bullied? Why not do something about it?

I've just gotten used to it after a few years of this constantly happening. It's not exactly the best feeling, knowing that a bunch of people hate me, but there's nothing I can do about it. They're just wasting their time anyway. I'm not anyone special and I've tried to explain, but they ignore what I say anyway. Sometimes I just want to blow up and yell at them, but it's just me standing up against a group, so I know it's useless.

Q2; How did you came to know about the website?

My parents were getting worried after I came home a few times with a soiled uniform and my not telling them what happened. They approached me saying that they understand that I may not want to to talk about these things to them, and found a website where I can go to if I ever needed to talk to anyone. I didn't think much of it, but when the bullies went too far one day, I considered it.

Q3; Your thoughts about your love interest who tries to be hero and save you?

He's never really noticed me before, I don't know how he knew that I was being bullied. He was always surrounded by others who actually talked to him. Me, I don't talk to him besides school council meetings so I was shocked when he showed up at the rooftop door. But then again, who was he to care about what I was going to do? 



Last but not least,


Comments : Ehehe I hope you like my application ^^ If something sounds weird or something's wrong, just let me know :)

Scene Request : A cute childhood flashback, where Joonmyun and ChungAe were close and he was teaching her Korean, as she encounters Joonmyun when he tries to save her.

Suggestions : None ^^

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