` 優雅さ • sora : ciel


username : AProudVIP
nickname : Fiqa
activity : 4
face claim : Sin Bi
gallery : 1 or 2
back-up : Kang Sura
gallery : 1
너 자신 : — be yourself.
full name : Kim Chung Ae
nickname : Her brother calls her Chungie
date of birth : December 16 1996
international age : 17
kingdom of origin : Sora
ethnicity : Korean
height - weight : 168 cm - 47 kg
blood type : a 
languages : Korean and english
자랑 : — stand tall.
personality traits : Shy, Strong-willed, Self-reliance, Empathy, Risk avoidance
personality :
She is an extremely shy person. She is really timid and lacks of confident about herself. She feels she has a lot of weakness. She hates to be the centre of attentions. Every time she attends any events she will quietly separate herself from others and sit down at a corner. Whenever people approach her, she will run and hides behind her brother. But most of the time she will solve all of her problem herself. She never relied herself to others much because she is to embarrass to ask for help. She uses her brother as a shield from the outside world and to let others know her opinions. She will tells her brother about anything she wants to tell other because she knows her voice can never been heard by others.
She has a singular focus. If she puts her mind to it she will accomplish it, even if others think it is impossible. This can be a negative trait if the focus is negative like: How can I run away from my peoples?  But it can be a positive trait if used for positive purposes like: I will be a good princess for my peoples. And the more impossible, the stronger the resolve to accomplish the goal. She is not willing to waiver on one's ideas or principles and unbending to the will of others. Sometime, she appears like a stubborn brat because of this personality.
She likes to stick to familiar routines, ensuring that those social situations that she must endure are those that she already knows how to cope with. When she must ventures into unfamiliar territory, she likes to plan well ahead, minimizing the risk that she wills ends up in an unwelcome social situation. Because she is reluctant to ask others for help she often become very knowledgeable about how the world works. And then use this knowledge to do most things for herself.
She prefers actions than words. In a huge crowd, she always stands silently and listens to other. She always observes her surroundings. Because of that, she becomes really aware on what happens around her more than people expect. She can understand what others are feeling because she has experienced it herself or can put her in their shoes. She can relates herself with their problem and give them what they need the most at the time. 
background :
When her mother gives birth to her, everyone is so excited because at last there is a princess in their country. Although they already have a prince, but a princess will makes their country a bit cheerful. When she spoke her first word every one could heard that she has a thin voice. They have no problem with it. She always happy when she is a kid and asks about everything with her chirpy voice. When she is 5 years old, her mother brings her to play with her same aged friend. When she talks, all of them can't stop laughing at her voice. Whenever she opens to talk they will laugh and ignore her. Well they are such a young child, still didn't know the effect of their behavior towards other. But because of them, she is having a trauma for a 5 years old kid. She scared to talk and being a laughingstock. She starts to becomes less confident about herself. Slowly she growing up to becomes a shy adult
At first, most people starts to question her about her sudden change and if she could be their princess. But after sometime, they just calm down and get used to it. Whenever she needs to say something, she will whisper to her brother and lets her brother speaks on her behalf. Even she talks, she just said one or two word and either nods or shook her head.
style :
She always wears a light or pastel colour dress and gown. Something that will give out a graceful feeling. She never wears something with striking colour because it will attract attention. She rarely wears pants or sneakers. Most of the time is a skirt and comfortable flats. She will let her hairs fall loosely at her back. She rarely style up her hairs. The accessory she always wears is hairpin. But if her mother insists her to wear bracelet etc, she will wear it. She sometimes looks a little bit fragile and weak, as if she needs someone helps all the time.
family : 
mom — queen Hana ; 40 ; 3 ; She likes a normal mother. Always wants to dress her child prettily. She cares about her children well-being and always cooks for them. She tries to become as closed as she can be with her daughter but there is always a huge wall around her daughter that she can never across. She really worries about her but she knows she can't do anything if her daughter didn't ask for help. She always prays for their happiness
dad — king Ethan ; 45 ; 2.5 ; He is a great king. His kingdom is his family. He will do anything to protect them from danger. He teaches his child in a harsher way compare to his wife. But he does it for their own good. He is always smiling and calm but if there is something wrong about his kingdom or family, he will turns scarier.
sibling — prince Key ; 20 ; 4 ; Here comes the prince charming. As the crown prince, he is absolutely loved by the people mostly the girl. He is decisiveness. Never lets other get in her way and a overprotective brother. He knows about her sister personality more than anything and only he his sister will talks most of the time. But he always becomes frustrated because he still can't demolish the wall around his sister.
friends : 
bestie — Park Sena ; Sora ; 17 ; Sena is her maid since she was a child. They have grown up together. 3 ; Sena is totally protective over her because of her fragile appearance. Sena always nags at her about she should become more confident about herself. She is a fun person, 
사닐 : — tell me.
likes : 
  • plays with the cloud
  • birds
  • sweets
  • sushi
  • being alone
dislikes : 
  • Bugs
  • not showering
  • crying
  • talking
  • going outside of Sora
habits : 
  • Playing with her fingers when nervous
  • Didn't look at others eyes when talking.
peeves : 
  • People who ask her many question
  • People lies to her
hobbies : 
  • Sightseeing at a calming place
  • Meditating
  • Reading
fears : 
  • Crowded place
  • being a laughingstock
  • Being alone with stranger without her brother
trivia : 
  • She can't swims
  • She hates the girls who always her brother around and confess to her brother.
  • She learns how to cook with her mother.
  • She loves to see musical.
  • When she saw someone crying she will cries too without a reason. as if she can feel how they feel.
  • She always watch everything from her room's balcony
공주 : — your ruler.
princess name : Ciel - means sky in french
kingdom : Sora
plotline : the intelligent mute
how would you treat your subjects?
She will always listens what others going to say but she will never give her comment and just give her order to be carried on. She never interacts with her people. But because of her knowledge there is nothing bad happens because of her order. She never asks for their opinion and just precedes her ideas.
what element do you control? 
Wind and weather 
which would you prefer 
She will choose her love interest. Of course she loves her kingdom but she never feels so comfortable with them. When she is with him she feels so comfortable. Maybe it sounds selfish, choosing based on her comfortable, but she rarely feels happiness and she wants to feel happy. After all she still has her brother as the crowned Prince to lead their kingdom and she not suitable to be their ruler.
what do your subjects think of you?
They didn't care about her personality. She didn't do anything wrong and just do her jobs as a princess. As long she maintains her dignity as Sora's princess they have nothing against her. But if she opens up a bit to them, that will makes them happy.
키스 : — my love.
love interest : Himchan
back-up : Youngjae
kingdom :Hikari
age : 19
relationship : New friends
personality :
He is full of life, energy and wits. He is bold and always finds thing to entertain himself. He will get himself in trouble and sneakily get out from the trouble he has created. He loves to talk and travel. He is not someone that can be tied down by his parent. He always seeks for freedom but once starts to show interest in his kingdom affairs, he becomes more focus about being a ruler. He is totally confident about everything and believe if you confident about something everything going to be alright. He is more sensitive than he appears. When somebody badmouthing him, he will becomes angry but just surpass it silently. He takes no pleasure in conflict but much pleasure in compromise.
interactions :
When they meet, Himchan do the talking while Ciel will silently listen to it. At first Ciel, didn't wants to hear Himchan speaking nonsense but When Himchan starts to talk about places he has travel, it makes Ciel interested because she never been to that place. Slowly Ciel warms up to Himchan and starts to talk with him more than she has ever been with anybody. But she still when she is alone with Himchan and always bring Sena with her along. If she meets Himchan at any party, she will run and hides behind her brother before Himchan greets her.
how they will meet :
They meet when Himchan parent went to the Sora castle to visit Ciel's parent. Himchan who can stay silent go to sightseeing the whole castle. When he feels tired he sleeps at the garden. Ciel is doing her routine that is walking around the castle. When she is at the garden, she saw an unfamiliar male sleeping. She takes a step closer for a better look. She thinks he is one of her father guest and about to leave him alone when he suddenly opens his eyes and caught Ciel's hand.
He said "Are you the Sora's Princess?"
Before he gets his answer, Ciel shouts loudly in surprise. In a few second, the guards with her brother come in surprise because this is the first time they heard Ciel's voice this loud. When Key saw, Himchan is holding Ciel's hand he almost cuts his hand off, but fortunately their father comes in time and stop him. Himchan tells the truth and apologised to Ciel who is still hiding behind Key.
미움 : — good riddance.
questions : uhm, i got nothing/
suggestions :Himchan gets jealous of Ciel and Key and starts to question Ciel if Key is just her brother and nothing else.
comments : Sorry for the bad english.. If there anything wrong just tell me..
anything else? Hope you like Ciel
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