L'aime Coffeehoue's Customer Data- Im Chun Hei

L'aime Coffeehouse

A story about love and coffee


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Me & My Life

Character's name : Im Chun Hei

Other name(s) : --

Nickname(s) : Chunnie

Age : 21

Birthdate : 16 may 1992

Birthplace : Hokkaido

Etnicity : Korean-Japanese

Nationality : Korean

Occupation : University student and Part-timer at L'aime Coffeehouse


Home Sweet Home

Family Member(s) :

Father | Im Tae Pil | 48 | Bus Driver | 2 | deceased

Mother | Sasagawa Ayano | 40 | Salers | 4 | Alive

Sister | Im Sora | 17 | High School Student | 3 | Alive

Sister | Im Aecha | 7 | Elementary Student | 3 | Alive


Just Me and Myself

Background : Her father married with her mother and lives in Hokkaido, Japan. Her family leads a normal life although they are poor. Chun Hei and her sisters are genius since they are a baby. Her parent happy to see that and hopes they can change their life. But when Chun Hei is 17 years old, her father died in accident. Their whole life change 360 degree. Chun Hei, who is never studying, starts to study because her mother told her only if she wants to get out from this poor life, she needs to get a good job. Good job means good university. Good university means good exam result. Since she is the first child, she is responsible to her sisters' school tuition once she graduate. Because of that, she never paid attention on what happened around her and focus on study. She never have been in relationship or went out with her friend. Now that she is in university, she realize she wants some romance in her life.

Personality : She is a cheerful introvert. She is cheerful when she is with her friend but in fronts of stranger, she will be so awkward. She wants to be with her friends but prefer to be alone. Chun Hei has a preference for a quiet, more minimally stimulating enviroment and anti social. She tends to enjoy quiet concentration, and listen more than she talks. She thinks more, is less reckless and focus on what really -meaningful work. She often takes pleasure in solitary activities. She enjoys time spent alone and finds tiring to spent time with large group of people; though she may enjoy interactions with close friends.

Trust is usually an issue of significance. She is only choosing a worthy companion. Someone worthy to be by her side and to tell them her problem. She prefer to concentrate on a single activity because too many things to think about may leads to headache for her. She is also incredibly shy when she is near man because she rarely interact with one. Her face will turns red without a reason. She is also can't concentrate on many things at one time. She can't handle multi-tasking.

Likes : 






Dislikes :





- Getting scolds by others

Hobbies : 


-Plays games

Habits : 

-She will daydreaming and sigh and pretends like she never done it when people talks to her or when she is alone.

-Her eyes are widening when she is mad, surprised or excited.

Facts : 

-She never has a boyfriend or date.

-She never goes to MT or field trips.

-She has a high expectation for man she wants to date.

- She easily lost her temper when she is with someone who act stupid.

-She sleeps early but wakes up late.

-She rarely have a new cloth because never have enough money to buy one.


My Face When I Look at the Mirror

Faceclaim's name :Do Hwe Ji

Pictures : #

Back-up faceclaim's name : Lee So Ah

Pictures : #

Style : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

Height : 168 cm

Weight : 47 kg


My Love


Love Interest's Name : Lee Jinki (Onew)

Relationship : Senior-Junior

Age : 22

Birthdate : 14 December 1991

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Occupation : University Student and a part-timer

Additional Information : Although, he is genius at university but his character is like a fool sometime. He always makes a lame jokes and only Chun Hei will laugh at the jokes because she thinks it is funny. He loves to eat but rarely eat outside because he too has money issue. He works as a part-timer at a chinese restaurant in fronts of L'aime Coffeehouse.

Back-up Love Interest's Name : Jung Daehyun


Love and Coffee



Love Story : Chun Hei first saw him is at their university. At first, it feels normal; no fluttering heart or anything. But slowly, Chun Hei realized she is looking for him, all of her senses are focusing at him. Her ears twitch when he is sneezing, her nose wrinkled when he used a new perfume -it is almost likes she stalks him. Since she is never in love, she don't know why she smiles every time she saw him and feels there are butterflies in her stomach everytime she heard his laugh. By the time she realized she is in love, she can't accept the fact because Onew is not likes the man she always imagines. Far away from her expectation. Onew sometime acts like a fool and Chun Hei can't handle someone like that.

When Onew tries to talk to her, another problem arises. She is a shy girl especially with a guy. So she always runs away from him. Whenever they are alone, she never talks and just let Onew talks until the situation becomes awkward. Onew thought that she hate him and a little bit sad by that thought. Because of that, he tries to talk with her more in order to change whatever thought she has about him without knowing Chun Hei is dying because of embarrassment. They' 'talk' until they found a subject that they are interest about -money. Because of this topic, both of them know each other better.  Both of them are lacks of money and can understand each other problem. After lots of talking, Onew is interest about Chun Hei personality and Chun Hei still sticks to her thought that Onew is not anywhere near her expectation. He is better.

Problems : In every love story, there is always up and down. When there is problem, Chun Hei will starts thinking about it. But Chun Hei reals problem is, she can't concentrate about many things in one time. Her love life starts to disturb her study. She can't focus in class if she saw Onew with other girl or other problem. Since she is born genius, she didn't fail, but her marks are average. She knows that being just average is not enough; she needs to be the best if she wants a good job with a high salary. She needs to earn a lot of money because she has two sisters that need tuition money and an old mom, who is very old, tired and wants to retired already. She is torns between love and responsibility. 


Favorite Coffee : Hot Chocolate

Favorite Cake : Chocolate Indulgence


Meet the Owner


When did you meet Soori (the owner) ?

When she just move out from Japan to Korea. Soori is her new neighbour.

What happened when you met her?

Nothing much. Soori just helps her move in her things and them gets to know their neighbour. Since Chun Hei is a little bit passive in fronts of stranger, they don't talk much. But their relationship gets closer as the time pass by.

She was asking about your problem. Are you hesitate to tell her?

At first she is hesitating because she only tells her problem to someone she trust as stated in her personality. But after becoming closer with Soori, she realizes how reliable Soori is.

Why did you come to L'aime Coffeehouse in the first place?

She didn't has money and Soori suggest to work as part-timer at the coffeehouse. So she goes there and starts to work at there.


At Last

Suggestion & Question :

Scene Request(s) : 

Chun Hei gets mad at Onew, when he didn't told her he didn't has money. Then, she shares her food with Onew and Onew promise to buy her a dinner in return when he has enough money.

Onew brings Chun Hei to the arcade, amusement park and cinema, to show her how hanging out with friend is.

Any Last Words : Sorry for my english. English is not my first language. If there anything needs to be change, just tell me. Hope you choose Im Chun Hei ^^


Welcome to L'aime Coffeehouse

InfinityRhapsodyL & ThatsTheWay


All pictures belong to its owner.


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