SNSD YMA Awards-The Freaking Audience

I'm not beating around the bush here, I'm just going to get straight to the point. SNSD WON THE YMA AWARDS!! WOO! I'm actually quite calm about it. I'm happy for them and all, but somehow I wasn't that surprised LOL. Did I expect it? Who knows. Anyways, congratulations to them! I hope they will progress more in the future and accomplish much more. Again, congratulations! 

But something just ticked me off so much, I couldn't watch the rest of the video-the audience's behavior. Really? You couldn't even give them a decent applause? How freaking rude! I understand that they probably don't know who SNSD is, and I wasn't expecting a standing ovation, but not even a good applause? What? Are you trying to insult us? Are you trying to get yourself a bad rep.? Just because you don't know them, doesn't mean that other people don't. Have some respect. They won, so the decent thing to do is to at least congratulating them by applauding, not staying silent like you just got your tongues cut off. My goodness...

Well, I'm thankful that at least a few of them had the decency to applaud, but still, really? 


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