Tagged by Chiciz


Rule 1: Post the rules.

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them.


1. Which genre you prefer more, horror or romance?

What?  Romance isn't scary enough?

2. Do you write fanfiction? If yes, what kind of?

I write the crappy kind of fanfiction!  Okay, I tend towards the supernatural/fantasy

3. Would you rather be trapped in desert island with your bias or be where you are now with your family + friends?

As adorable as my bias is, I would miss my family and friends too much - and eventually run out of sunscreen.

4. MV that is memorable to you?

The most recent would be SJ's Opera, others ones memorable to me are really old!

5. Person who you didn't like at first, but now you do? (any specific reasons?)

There have been some people at school and work who have intimidated me until I got to know them

6. Pairing you are not fond of, but don't dislike either?

I don't get excited about Kangteuk, but it can be sweet

7. How did you start like your OTP?

That would be when I got pulled into the big, bad world of AFF ;)

8. Thing you fear the most?

losing loved ones

9. What kind of weather is your favorite?

I like sunny autumn weather, but thunderstorms are cool, too

10. Do you feel awkward while reading ? (if you do)

I get awkward if it is too intense/weird - being the prude that I am ;)

11. Which sentence from a song/movie/etc means a lot to you?

Ha!  I have three because I'm such a nerd me:

"We've come to far to give up who we are"  -Daft Punk

“Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. ”   -Will Rogers

“Dear Prince, I must leave you, but I will never forget you, and next spring I will bring you back two beautiful jewels in place of those you have given away. The ruby shall be redder than a red rose, and the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea.”   -Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince


The following will be my tag victims (forgive me!) 

(I saw that these folks posted recently, if other people want to play, that's cool, too!)

Chiciz - right back to you babe ;)






Now for my fun, fun questions:


1. What was the first K-pop MV you ever laid eyes on?


2.  What do you have in common with your bias?


3.  If you haven't read it already, what would be the best fan fiction you could ever read?


4.  Boba, coffee, tea, or soda pop?  What kind?


5.  Which countries have you visited?


6.  Who was your first bias?  Same as now?


7.  What is one of the craziest things you have ever done?


8.  What was one of the craziest things you ever thought of doing?


9.  Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?  Doing what?


10.  What is your dream occupation?  (Trophy wife doesn't count!) ;)


11.  After Halloween question:  What's the scariest place you have ever been?



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What, I need to do this again? Meanie :D