Happily Ever After ➤ ➤ ➤ The Wolf


The Wolf
TheNielRiver | Grace | 7/10  | GMT-8 or PST
First name : Daewan
Last name : Jin
Nickname/s : Jinjja namja (Really male: Many people teasingly call him this because of his masculine, mysterious nature)
Nationality : Korean
Birthday (Month.Day) : 07/30
Age : 29
Gender: Male
Height : 192 cm or 6'3"
Weight: 83 kg or 183 lbs
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Personality : 
Daewan acts very serious and nonchalant. He almost never has a smile on, mostly only straight faces or frowns. He speaks in concise sentences and avoids saying more than he must. He's more of a listener than a speaker, and if he's actually willing to, he can give good advice. He can be somewhat harsh and distant, and he tries to avoid becoming attached to people. He's logical and analytical, thinking over situations from a factual, objective standpoint. Daewan  usually knows when to stop and rest, or ask for help. However, he still prefers working alone. 
Daewan is slightly emotionally unattached. He feels all emotions, but prefers to push them away in favor of logical reasoning. He does this only as a defense mechanism. Later, after all his emotions are bottled up, he can lose control - usually on the full moon of every month. When he dislikes someone, you can tell by his cold glares and blatant disregard for them. But when he's actually angry... The person or thing his anger is directed at might as well be digging their own grave. It takes a lot for him to get angry, so when he is, he can murder in a heartbeat.
He has a soft spot for kids, and vulnerable things. When kids  are involved, he'll soften up by a lot. It doesn't take much persuasion to get him to agree to helping kids. He would willingly give his life up to help kids. Daewan, though still logical, is more steadfast when making decisions regarding the wellbeing of kids and other things he holds dear. 
Flaws : Emotionally inept (bottles them up, then releases them), serious, logical (would even give up a team member if it meant the survival of everyone), distant
Fears : Attachment/falling in love again, Grimm killing his loved ones, one of his plans failing, losing control
Likes : 1) Chicken
2) Night time
3) Forests
4) Lakes
5) Martial arts
6) Math
7) Documentaries
8) Spicy food
9) Kimbap
10) Warm weather
Dislikes : 1) Chocolate
2) Alcohol
3) Really sweet foods
4) Greasy foods
5) Soap operas
6) Big cities
7) Rainy, cold days
8) Turtlenecks (on himself)
9) Mud
10) Deserts
Habits : 1) Clasping and unclasping hands when thinking
2) Flinching at someone's touch
3) Rubbing temples when tired
4) glaring at everyone (even when not mad)
Hobbies : 1) working out/running
2) playing sodoku
3) target practice
Background (Include link to original fable): __ The Wolf and the seven children
Daewan was born on the 30th of July in the middle of a nice, calm forest. However, his mother, weak from labor, died soon afterwards. His father, although still grieving, took care of him and taught him the ways of the werewolf. As a young pup, Daewan was more carefree.
 However, when he was thirteen, his father died from a heart condition. Now alone, he settled by himself deeper into the forest, away from the cities. He grew more withdrawn and managed to scrape by. But as the years went by, more humans settled in the forest. He tried to steer clear of them, in case any had prejudices against werecreatures. 
One day, when he was seventeen, he heard screams of pain coming from one of the houses. Curious, he decided to check it out. It turned out to be a more secluded house, farther away from the rest of the human houses. He could hear sobbing, the sounds of whipping, and then - silence. He heard the door slam shut and a woman storming from the house. Daewan decided to peak into the house, and his heart broke at the sight: seven children, three girls, four boys, bruised, bleeding, and silently crying on the floor. 
Deciding that no child should have to deal with the wrath of an abusive parent, he went inside the house. They were frightened, but too tired to actually do anything about his presence. He helped all of them with their wounds, doing all he could. They introduced themselves to him, eldest to youngest: Gwendolyn, Victoria, Joshua, Sebastian, Angelica, and Vincent. He immediately found Gwendolyn very beautiful. After talking with her, he discovered that she was only two years younger than he, and she was a very optimistic, hopeful soul. When he suggested them living with him, she told him, "This only happened today. Our mother is normally a very caring woman. We like it here."
No other beatings happened for months. And in that time, Gwendolyn and Daewan often met up to talk and play around. She knew that he was a werewolf, but was fine with it (or so she said). When more beating occured four months after the first, she told him, "We deserved it. We ate too much food when we know that we don't have enough money." He was skeptical, but her voice, her face, her everything calmed him.
Beatings occured more frequently over the following four years, and each was worse than the last. The only thing stopping Daewan from killing the mother right on the spot was Gwendolyn, who promised that when she turned twenty, they would run away together with the rest of her siblings. She just wanted Vincent to turn ten before they left home. And so he waited, but Vincent didn't get to turn ten. Their mother had turned out to be a Grimm and murdered all her children before he could run with them. When he found them all dead, he was so mad, he slashed her to bits. He mourned for days over Gwendolyn, promising to never forget her.
He decided to move into a city, despite its lack of space. He wanted to do something productive with his life like the plans he had made with Gwendolyn (get a house, get a good job, get married). When he discovered the handgun and the motorcycle, he was so overcome with sadness for weeks. Gwendolyn often told him that she wanted to ride a motorcycle. Still, he chose to buy one. When he found Fable, he was eager to join.
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Face claim (include link to gallery and name): Hwang Jin Uk
Back-up claim (include link to gallery and name) : Park Jung Do
Clothing Style (A link to a clothing store will suffice) : Motorcycle gear
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Species : Werewolf
Abilities (include weakness): Super speed, super strength, (both only during wolf form), heightened eyesight, sense of smell, rapid healing
Weaknesses: Wolfsbane (herb), silver, moonless nights (no chance of turning), overwhelming scents, things that remind him of Gwendolyn
*he can freely turn into a wolf whenever, though at night is better because of the moon
*full moons are good for strength, not for emotions. Full moons heighten emotions (anger, sadness, lust) and can send him into rampages
Weapon (Describe it if its customized, A link would be helpful): Gun
Work of fiction that inspired this character (Include link): Inuyasha
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Is your character more comfortable indoors or outdoors : Outdoors, preferably in the forests
Do they like to hunt or do they feel sympathetic : Hunt, unless it is one of his soft spots
What does your character do to make money : Bar/Club bodyguard
Why did your character choose to become part of Fable : to kill Grimms and get revenge.
For how long has your character been part of Fable : 7 years
Does your character see themselves as a leader or a follower : Leader, because he is good at planning things and ordering people.
Name a moral, of a fable, your character believes in : A fine appearance is a poor substitute for inward worth.

Name a moral you believe in : Be reasonable in your criticism.
If I wanted to give your character a theme song, what song would you recommend: Love Letter by VIXX

Love interest?

Your character's ual orientation : Biual
Applicant or Idol  : Applicant
Personality of love interest : Someone childish, happy, cheerful. A breath of fresh air in the grim (haha pun intended) life of hunting and killing. A warm summer day in the middle of Daewan's grieving. As long as their normally very cheerful, anything can work. They can secretly be depressed or something. 
How they met : Through Fable.
How do they act around each other : Daewan cannot believe that someone so happy would join an organization such as Fable. Why would they sacrifice part of their normal life (as normal as it could be) for chasing down Grimms? He is reminded heavily of his first love, so he mostly stays away from this person. This person, though, tries to be friendly. 
Status : Daewan is reminded of his first love, so he ignores the person as much as possible. Barely even friends. 
Scene request : 1) Daewan getting injured (or sick) and calling this person "Gwendolyn".
2) Daewan running into this person when they're not so cheerful and happy.
3) Daewan almost losing control during the full moon, person calming them down


Anything else?

Comments : I didn't use a gif because *coughs* Hwang Jin Uk isn't a very popular ulzzang, I guess, so no gifs could be found :(
Suggestions : __
Scene requests : 1) ghost of Gwendolyn (idk if this would work) being disapproving of him moving on
Are you okay with angst/drama? : did you see his background? (Of course you did.) i am very okay with angst/drama. 
How would you feel if I changed the rating for this fic? : I wouldn't really care.
Anything else : I'm Kelli's irl best friend xD
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Thanks for applying! I knew it! While reading your application I couldn't believe how compatible your character is to hers XD
Nicely done.

Daewan is an awesome character but there are some things that I will be editing if I accept this character. I'm going to make his back story darker because I don't believe the back story you have now warrants the personality he has.

Just warning you that I will torture this poor pup. ^_^;