SM High's Glee Club Application

AFF Username: K-P0PG1rL

AFF profile link: [ Pyeong ]

Name: Lovella Han/Yang (JaeJin) [Birth:Han] [Step Family:Yang]

Age: 16

Nickname: Lovely / Lolo / Jae / Jelly

Birthday: 12/13/1994 (Turning 17 this year)

Ethnicity: Korean British

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 47 kg

- Kimono Lolita
- Dark Colors
- Harajuku Styles

- Hip Hop
- Science
- Math
- Anime
- Hello Kitty
- Ballads
- Bubbles
- Ballet

- Foreign Music
- Fruit
- Stars
- The Moon
- Outer Space

- Cake
- Chocolate

- Pink
- Aegyo
- Bad Moods
- Bugs
- Car Rides
- Chips
- Liars
- Insults
- Peanuts

- Blood
- Death
- Pools
- Car accidents
- Numbers 18 & 30

- Covers ears, cries and mumbles to self in 3rd person when she’s scared or sad
- Playing with other people’s hair when they're asleep
- Pouts and glares when angry
- Crossing her eyes
- When she lies, she will either, keep a straight face or her right eye twitches
- Sticking her tongue out in pictures
- Covering when she laughs
- Mumbles to herself
- Sticking paper on the wall and drawing on them
- Puckering her lips when she eats

- Break dancing
- Dyeing hair
- Chores
- Sports (i.e : Baseball & Football)
- Fixing computers
- Filming
- Baking
- Playing games
- Dressing Up
- Writing
- Singing & Composing Ballads

Languages (fluent): Korean, English, Mandarin & Japanese

Languages (learning): French

Place of birth: London, England

Where you were raised: London / Hong Kong / Tokyo / Daejeon

Personality:Lovella is a bit of a bipolar girl. She’s a little awkward when she’s alone, which is quite often. When she’s alone, she looks genuinely happy and content being by herself. Lovella rarely smiled but their never fake. She likes the idea of having friends and has a few. Lovella comes off as a nerdy emo girl; she is very consistent and patient. She tries to be a little understanding when she tries to help in arguments with people she knows. At first, she’s not accepting of people she doesn’t know, but as time goes on, she tries to put them into her life. She’s especially smart because her father was a college professor before he divorced Lovella’s mother. When her parents divorced, it didn’t really affect Lovella. Her mother didn’t show too much love to her but still, she cares for Lovella. When Lovella is yelled at, even if they are for her own good, her eyes will tear up as she tries NOT to cry. It is very hard for her to control her emotions, especially the dreadful feeling of being yelled at. When she’s upset or angry she growls and acts like an animal. It’s quite frightening because, when she growls, she bares her teeth, showing her sharp canines.

Lovella is very quiet but she is curious around others as well, so she’s a great listener. She is also quite smart so she likes to go into depth with explaining things to other people. If you don’t understand her way of thinking, she tries to either go into detail or put it in simpler terms.  She tries to be more outgoing and happier looking, as before, since she met one of her oldest friends, who is over 8 years older than she is, since he was always so funny to her. Lovella isn’t too girly. She still has girlish tendencies but she doesn’t believe it works for her; she’s somewhat pessimistic. She is also a very romantic person, she loves the exotic scenes and even the cheesy confessions. Lovella can be negative and show a lot of anger. When she vacationed in Japan a few months ago, she became even quieter because her sister passed away. Her sister wasn’t the smartest person out there and when the two sisters went to the Shibuya’s shopping district, her sister Evelyn got ran over by a car.

History/past: Lovella was born in London, England on December 13, 1995. As a baby, she was very chubby and clumsy. She had very small eyes and was very lazy. When she was just a baby, her family had moved to Hong Kong, China, specifically Macau. At the age of two, her parents had met Mr. and Mrs. Lee. Lovella’s mother and Mrs. Lee became close friends and when they brought their daughter and son to meet the Hans. Lovella was only two when she first met 10-year-old Xing and his 12-year-old sister, Li-hua. Xing had fun hanging out with the Han children, especially Lovella and Slater, Lovella’s older brother who was about 3 years younger than Xing. Lovella’s sister, Evelyn would hang out with Li-hua. The older girls were 7 years apart and Li-hua would dress the two of them up in cute clothes.

When Lovella was about 4 years old, her mother took her with her to a recording studio to be in her movie, My One Wish (fic movie). Her mother was the main character and the producer and director had agreed for her to use her own baby as part of the movie’s wish. The movie was about a dying mother, who took her family for granted before she found out she had a weak and dying heart. Mrs. Han, Hee Yeon, was surprised at first when 3-year-old Lovella knew how to act when her mother’s character ‘died’.

At the age of 6, Lovella was a toddler model. She was scouted for her foreign looks, even though she was technically a full Asian. Lovella was a girlish girl; she wore dresses, lots of pink and white clothing with flowers and hearts. She was a cute child with a unique foreign face. She was very charismatic as a little girl and always had fun with her family and her other modeling friends, Daniel Hyunoo Lachapelle & Aleyna Yilmaz. They were a very common trio, 2 girls and a boy. The other two were half Korean and some other ethnicity. Aleyna is a Korean-Turkish 6-year-old and Daniel was a Korean American 5-year-old boy. Lovella and Daniel got the chance to take a picture with Kim Jeong-Ryeul or more known as DJ DOC.

As time went by, the Hans saw less of the Lees. It seemed they had moved to the USA and then to Korea. When Lovella was eight, the family moved to Daejeon and continued acting, teaching and modeling there. However, on the year she was going to turn nine, on her brother’s 14th birthday, February 2nd, 2004, her parents got a divorce. Her brother Slater was furious & most of all hurt. Evelyn was sad that this was happening to her. Lovella had absolutely no clue what was going on.  A week went by and Slater was going to be moving back to Macau with their father. His father was going to become a model. The day the two males left the women, Lovella threw a large fit because her daddy and oppa were leaving her. The 9-year-old girl was ‘depressed’ for a while but eventually became a quiet and blunt child.

The rest of her life wasn’t than exciting. Lovella’s mother had remarried to a police officer who had also divorced his wife, but his was for her cheating on him. He had two sons and a daughter, BaeHyo, JongMin and JiYeon. Lovella had exclaimed a bunch of times that the Yangs were kind of like the Hans, except they had two boys rather than two girls, and the oldest was female rather than male. The other children were confused since they only met the two girls, so Evelyn had to tell about the divorce and that Slater was with their father.

The Yang children were a bit busy being working outside jobs that they didn’t really spent much time with the Hans. BaeHyo would occasionally hang out with Lovella since they were the maknaes, even if there was a small of about 3 or 4 years. It was same with her sister and stepsister. Lovella was starting to get into hip-hop and Hello Kitty, a result of hanging out with BaeHyo often. The older of these girls would hang out together as well, and JongMin didn’t really hang out with them, but with his stepmother and his father.

The two families were beginning to become close. Then, there was another depressing day for Lovella. In May of this year, Mrs. Han and her daughters went to vacation in Japan for 7 days. The Yangs had to stay in Korea because of their work. On day 5, May 30th to be exact, Evelyn and Lovella decided to go to the Shibuya shopping district. They were going to cross the street to another store after eating at a cafe. Evelyn, being not so smart, decided to cross the street when the light was still green but there were no cars, for the moment. Lovella was busy gathering their things, so she didn’t see her sister. As she finished up, she heard the screeching of a car & when she turned her head; her sister’s body had flown a good few feet. Lovella was just 14 when she lost her sister. A month before Lovella’s 15th birthday, they had her funeral and all of the families came; Mr. Han’s family and Slater, Mrs. Han’s family, and even the Yangs. Lovella has become even closer to the Yangs that day, and introduced them to her older brother. For the past few months, nothing else has been very significant or life threatening to her.


Father – Han JaeJun– 41 – Was a professor, now a Male Model
Mother – Yang/Han Hee Yeon- 38 - Actress

Sister – Han Evelyn/HyeSun– 18 (Deceased)
Brother – Han Slater/JiHyung– 20 – College student

Step Father – Yang HyunSeok– 43 – Police Officer
Step Sister – Yang JiYeon - 22
Step Brother – Yang BaeHyo - 19
Step Brother – Yang JongMin - 21

Pets: 4 Japanese Spitz Dogs (1 Mother & 3 Puppies)
Yuki - Mother
Winter - Oldest Puppy (Male)
Shiro - Middle Puppy (Male)
Marshmallow – Maknae Puppy (Female)

UlzzangLinks: Am | I | Pretty | Enough | For | You | To | Like | Me | Yet | ? | EVELYN & I THE DAY SHE DIED

Ulzzang Name: Moon Ya El

14 Casual/school style: My | Style | Is | Unique | Creative | and | Unexpected. | What | Are | You | Going | To | Do | ?

Prom style:

I | Like | These. | What | Do | You | Think | About | Them | ?

Dorm style: I | Am | Comfy | In | These | Clothes | ... | Don't | Judge

Cheerleader, nerd, or in between?: Nerd

New student?: Yes

What you’re best at: Singing & Dancing

Singing links: K o r - e a n - La La La | Ja Pan Ese | Eng Li Sh

Dancing links: It's | Time | To | B | u | s | t | A | M | o | v | e | !

Rapping link: R | A | P | S

Crush: SuHo

His personality?: He's mature and fatherly. He's honestly a big dork with a lot of aegyo. His sweet nature and innocent face makes him seem like an angel. SuHo's a real gentleman and very intelligent in comparison to some of his more... oblivious friends. He looks out for his friends and is quite loyal at that.

Friends: The Rest of the Glee Club

Password?: NONE

- She has a British accent when speaking English
- Favorite Colors: Alice Blue, Crimson Red & Neon Green
- Favorite Numbers: 7, 13 & 21
- Favorite Foods: Samgyupsal & Onigiri
- Favorite Drinks: Thai Tea & Bubble Tea
- Favorite Korean Songs: Paradise – Infinite; Finally – Brave Brothers ft. Kevin & Alexander; Lovely – Kim Jong Kook; Change - Hyuna
- Favorite Japanese Songs – Hana Kagari – Yumi Shizukusa; Everlasting – BoA, Eien - BoA; This Light I See – Paku Romi
- Favorite English Songs: Fences – Paramore; Perfect Two – Auburn; Apple & Cinnamon – Utada Hikaru; Riot – Three Days Grace
- Allergic to Kimchi, lemons, dust & fake fur
- Has 2 tattoos – On right arm & Back of neck; No one knows except for her friends, BaeHyo & JongMin.
- She has a birthmark on her neck, to the left of .
- Her ideal type is a guy who’s cute yet mature, taller than she is and loves when she gives him hugs.
- She loves Hello Kitty because of her step-brother, BaeHyo.
- When she was little, she hated taking bathes and showers.
- One of her oldest (age) friends is 10 years older than her.
- Her male idols are TOP from Big Bang, Kim JaeJoong from JYJ/DBSK & Hoya from Infinite.
- Her female idols are Kim Hyuna from 4Minute, Ahn JiHo (Navi) & Son Dambi.

Anything else?: N/A

Do you want me to write you a scene(s) or fluff?: I don’t really mind, either one, but I prefer fluff. makes me feel embarrassed to read ^0^;


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do u mind if..... i add u in later in the story? i have a really good idea for that! ull be in the story as much as the others, but youll just be added in later, is that ok? because that way i can add BOTH of u :)
fx cant be ur friends :) BUT IM IN LOVE WITH UR APPLICATION!!!!!!! its a good thing u turned it in!
now..... i can only choose one more..... BUT THERES TWO PEOPLE (you andd sumbudy else) THAT I REALLY LOVE!!!!! emmmmmmm...... maybe..... i could possibly add one more space and have both of u? >< idk if i can though, otherwise therell be too many ppl...... ill figger sumthin out ;) dont worryyyyy