Pro Ent || [ddred88] || Kim Ava

only the strong can survive.

are you strong enough?




✮ Kim Ava 

✮ ROT.N 


- Personal Info 

Username:  ddred88

AFF Profile Link:  +

What I Should Call You: Call me Dany! 

Availability: 3


- Character Info - Basics 

Birth Name: Kim Ava 


✮ - Pogjug *firecracker*| Ava was *and to this day* the trainee that caused the most trouble and headaches for the company, mostly because of her sharp tongue and inability to keep . She got this nickname while she was under YG and it stuck, even when she moved to Pro Ent.

✮ - Horangi *Tiger* It's a nickname that the fans like to call Ava, mostly because they notice how sneaky she looks when she is about to start teasing one of the girls. They say she looks ready to pounce.

Date of Birth08/12/1993 | August, 12, 1993

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Weight: 54kg

Height: 164cm

Ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Mexican

Nationality: American 

Blood Type: B

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California

Hometown:  Los Angeles, California 

Education: Graduated high school

Spoken Languages:

✮ - Fluent- Korean, Spanish and English 


- Character Info - It's What's Inside That Counts 


Ava naturally has this tough and intimidating aura she gives off. She seems to always have this mean look on her face, that or a 'Are you ing serious' expression. Because of this many people find it very hard to approach her. Ava screams 'foreigner' from a mile away. Even though she has been living in Seoul for almsot 6 years, she hasn't gotten rid of those foreign traits. Ava walks like an American, talks like an American and dresses like an American. Ava doesn’t fit the norm for Korean females, either physically or personality wise so many see her as ‘manly’. Not that she looks like a man but by the way she talks, she talks very strongly and sharply.  She walks into a room like she owns the damn place. She seems to always have something to say and has to always voice her opinions. She has a sharp tongue and won’t hesitate to make remarks. 

Ava has a very dark, sarcastic and American sense of humor. She just loves to tease people and has been described as a smartass by her friends. One of her main targets is the other 3 members, she likes getting them riled up but since they know how Ava is they can't really stay mad at her. She has also been described as a diva since she can't control her facial expressions and if she thinks something is stupid or just plain ridiculous you can always tell by her expression what she is thinking. But just because Ava seems like she wouldn't have any feminine traits doesn't mean its true. She actually has this very girly side to her. She loves to go get manicures and to go to the salon and get pampered there. People are always surprised when they see Ava worry about her appearance. Before, Ava never really cared to much about her appearance. But as she got older and started to yearn for romance and a love interest her appearance began to matter more to Ava. This is actually her biggest insecurity, she feels like if she is just seen as this stubborn girl no guy will ever take an interest in her so she always has her hair and nails fixed and take extra care of her skin, even though she doesn't have that milky skin she at least has a certain glow to it.

 Ava finds it very hard to take orders since she feels like she is inferior for some reason, she basically doesn't like someone having the upper hand. She's the type of person who gets annoyed easily but it doesn't turn into full blown anger. She usually has good control over her anger since it goes away fairly quickly but when she does get angry it is quite scary since she has a very quick and sharp tongue.  Since she is so stubborn she will often not back down which is a very bad trait. Even though she is just 18, she isn't a little girl anymore and should act a bit more mature and responsible and she should not let little things get to her. Another bad trait Ava has is that she tends to be possessive and protective of people. For example her members, Ava isn't really big on showing affection but if she see's someone being a little too friendly with her members she will basically drape herself over them and be all whiny and annoying.  On stage Ava is very cool and y. She grew up in the states so being y and even a little risqué isn’t a big deal for her. She always tries to be confident onstage. She tries to bring a strong and charismatic presence when on stage. She always likes to give the fans a good show and is very sweet towards them, always smiling in their direction and worrying about their safety when not performing. Although, many people who aren't fans often see Ava as a cold and rude person because of her way of speaking and expressions. She lovingly refers to fans as 'god damn bastards' for maing her act sweet and caring. 


✮ - getting manicures and pedicures

✮ - beating boys in anything because girls rule and boys drool

✮ - cats because they are fluffy s

✮ - mangoes and tangerines

✮ - She likes to use the phrase “You know what I mean?” because she would say this phrase so often after she ended a sentence in English that she just transferred it to Korean.

✮ - annoying the girls, especially the maknae

✮ - admiring Choi Jinhwa 'cause damn that boy is fine 

✮- Ava likes Rap, r&b and pop music because it was the music she grew up with

✮- Kanye west, M.I.A and Yoon Mi Rae

✮- handcream since it leaves her hands smooth

✮- the color red


✮ - being woken up early

✮ - birds because they are annoying

✮ - being alone in the dark

✮ - pineapples, especially pineapple slices in pizza, she would rather die than eat a pizza like that

✮ - since she is a fast walker she hates when the person in front if her is walking slow

✮ - being scolded in front of people


✮ - freestyling 

✮ - reading

✮ - searching her name on Nate

✮ - practicing her singing


✮ - applying handcream many times throughout the day

✮ - whenever someone sneezes she says "Bless you!" even if she doesn't know that person

✮ - cursing in English whenever she messes up or is annoyed

✮ - talking back to people

✮- bossing people around

✮- Another habit is challenging a person with authority, When someone has been appointed to give out orders, whether it was in a dance class or in school and Ava doesn’t feel like that person is strong enough to give orders she has the need to takeover

✮- rolling her eyes 

✮- waking up in the middle of some nights and eating cereal. Whenever someone catches her eating she just stares at them till they leave. She has no shame.

✮- making an 'are you in' serious' face whenever she finds something ridiculous 


✮ She is always drumming her fingers to some beat she has in her head

✮ she goes to get her nails done with Hyoyeon of SNSD

✮ - she can freestyle in both Korean and English although she is more comfortable rapping in English

✮ - even though she has this tough image, Ava enjoys portraying a y image as well

✮ -she often forgets where she left her phone.

✮ - she has a pear shaped body

✮ - has tan skin

✮ - Ava likes acting cutely in front of ROT.N's manager since she knows it annoys the crap out of her 

✮ - has her ears and tongue pierced

✮ - she looks up to Kang Youngmin, Pro Ent's vocal instructor a lot since he helped Ava strengthen her singing voice. Singing has always been her weak point but Youngmin has been there through Ava's angry tears and tantrums and built her singing voice to be, in his words "decent.' She just thows him an eyeroll and a smirk

✮ - she has 3 tattoos   

✮ - she likes checking out hot guys

✮ - the background on her phone is a picture of Godfrey Gao, her favorite Male model

✮- her old cyworld is still up since she forgot the password and can't log into it anymore so fans can still see old posts and selceas

✮- because of Ava's tattoos and loud behavior she has a lot of anti fans since they think she is just a troublemaker and thug

✮- she does have 2 very loyal fans though, since predebut JunKi and Boram, they send her messages everyday through twitter so she recognizes them 

✮- she writes her own lyrics

Life Story:

Ava was born in Los Angeles. Her family is of working class, her dad is the owner of a woodshop that makes handmade furniture. Ava's childhood was a happy one, she was a little monster though. She was never quiet or shy and always a force to be reckoned with. When she was 12 the family left for South Korea since her dad decided to open up a wood shop in Seoul. This was when things became a little bit harder for Ava. She had darker skin since she was mixed. Not to mention the fact that she was very ‘Americanized’ and loud that made it hard for people to feel comfortable enough to approach her.

She worked at her father’s studio where they made hand made wood furniture. Ava was still in high school when she auditioned for Pro Ent. so school was what she focused on during the day. Or tried to. Even though she had been in South Korea for a couple of years she still couldn’t get used to the 8+ hours of school she would have to attend during the week. She was an okay student since she tried her best to focus . She did great in her English and History classes but the rest were ok. After she would get home from school she would either help out in the shop and work on some wood furniture or go to a dance class. During the weekends was when her life was solely dedicated to rap. She would sneak into wherever there was a freestyle contest or a show and just take in as much as she could. What inspired her to become an idol was watching her role model Yoon Mi Rae be able to be popular and be respected as a female in the music industry. Ava honestly did not think of trying to make a career out of music until she saw Yoon Mi Rae and realized ‘Hey, if she can do it, so can I’. The thing that pushed Ava into becoming a idol rapper and singer instead of an under ground artist was that she thought it was time for the kpop industry to be introduced to a Real female rapper who can compose her own lyrics and be able to freestyle. 

- Character Info - What's On the Outside Does Matter 

Ulzzang Name: Im Dahye 

Ulzzang1 | |2 | |3 | | | | | |  | | 7 |

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Lee Jung Ha

Back-Up Ulzzang ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 


Ava likes to blend urban clothing with tight, y clothing. For example she’ll mix tight jeans or shorts with a baggy shirt. Or she’ll wear a cropped shirt with a oversized sweater on top. She likes to wear caps, bandanas and beanies and a lot of sweaters and jackets. She usually wears sneakers or boots however she does like to rock high heels every now and again. For music videos they usually have her wear some type of longsleeve to hide her arm tattoo unless they want to show it off. 

| || | 3 | | | | | |6 |

How Do Other People See You?:

It's very obvious that Ava is a foreigner, everyone who has met her has remarked that they knew she American from the moment they saw her. Not to mention the fact that Ava looks mixed. She gives off this cool and intimidating vibe. People also asume that Ava is a rebel and someone who doesn't follow rules simply because she has tattoos.  She doesn't give off a warm and inviting vibe, she has to admit. 


- Character Info - Relationships 


Kim  Hyun Ki | 46 | Father | Owner of Golden Wood Shop, a wood shop that specializes in making handmade furniture |Alive | Hyun Ki isn’t your typical parent. Instead of giving his 2 daughters everything he made sure he prepared his daughters for the real world. He is a person who has a lot of common sense. He can be serious when he needs to be but at home he is very lively. | Ava and her father always had a very strong relationship. Even though Ava likes to act tough, whenever she is talking to her dad she reverts into a daddy's girl. 

Kim Lena | 44 | Mother | Nurse | Alive | Lena is someone who is the more stern parent. She can uptight sometimes but she does have her fun moments. | Ava and Lena have a much stronger eltionship now than they did when Ava was younger. Ava was the wild child and so there were many fights between the two. 

Kim Lia | 24 | Older Sister | Teacher | Alive |  Lia has a personality very similar to Ava except that she is a lot calmer than Ava. | Ava and Lia have a very clsoe reltionship. Lia is the eprson who Ava looks up to most in her life. She misses her sister dearly. 


✮ Jung 'Zinger' Hana | 21 | SECRET | Zinger is Zinger is a very fun person to be around. She is very cute and funny. She knows when to have fun and mess around and when to be serious. She loves to tease people around her. | Ava and Zinger have a very strong bond. . They always make plans to hangout and practice together, whether its singing, dancing or rapping. Zinger is someone who likes to push Ava into things she isn’t comfortable. When they are together they bicker a lot but that’s just how they are. One of Zinger’s most favorite things to do to Ava is tick her off because she says ‘the things Ava says when she is angry are always funny and witty and very America.' | Ava and Zinger met when Ava had just moved to Korean, they both attended the same dance class.

✮ Kim Hyoyeon | 22 |SNSD | Hyoyeon is someone who is very independent. She loves to make people laugh and always has a witty answer. She doesn’t like to be serious or let other’s know that she is feeling sad. Just like Ava, Hyoyeon loves going to the salon and getting her nails done. | Ava and Hyoyeon have a very close friendship. They both like to tease eachother and other people so it's always fun around when they hang out.

✮ - Gong Minzy | 17 | 2ne1 | Minzy is someone who starts out shy at first. Ava remembered she did most of the talking in the beginning of their friendship. She is very hardowrking and extremely talented, she could rap, sing and dance and Ava thought she was amazing at everything. Minzy is someone who has a lot of natural cuteness. Even though she is young she iis very patient and mature. | Since Minzy and Ava are close in age they got along rather quickly. While in YG, Ava was usually hanging around with Minzy. 


✮ Lee 'CL' Chaerin | 21 | Member of 2ne1 | Ava doesn't hate CL, its more like she feels bitter and intimdiated by her although she will never admit it. While she was in YG CL was her competition, thats whos he ahd to be better than if Ava wantd to debut in 2NE1. Later on she would realize that there was never a competition and that YG always planned on debutting CL. In Ava's mind she was more talented than CL and a better rapper than her so she made it her goal to be considered above CL and be seen as a great female rapper, idol or not. | CL oozes charisma. She is a powerful artist who knows how to work the stage. She can be both tough and cute.  She is hardowrking and deserves all the success she has. She is strong and independent, a great role model. 


✮ - Woo 'Zico' Jiho | Block B | 20

✮ - Shim Changmin | tvxq | 24

Partner’s Personality

✮ The first thing you will realize about Zico is his love for music, specifically hip hop. He will burst out freestyling any random second like it was nothing. He is someone who music has become the main part of his life. Since Zico is the leader of Block B he tries (and succeeds) in making the group members focus or try harder. He may not always seem like the leader type since he is very loud and mischieveous but he is preety much the only person who can control the members, that of course doesn't mean that s are pushovers, they talk right back to him. He is best friends with Kyung even though they often fight butoften times it's Kyung who is the only one who is able to get Zico out of a dark mood. He is someone who is very confident in his talents and his ability to lead.  This unfortunately rubs people the rub way msot of the time. Hes knows he is talented in what he does, he isn't going to hide that. He likes control and gets very upset when he has to take orders, especially when recording. He is often described as a loud, vulgar and witty person. Of course he does have a bit of an uncontrollable vibe to him, you just don't know what he'll do or say next.

✮ Changmin is very strong and resilient. He has many sides to him, he knows when to be serious and when to have fun. He takes his job very seriously and won’t settle for anything less than perfect. He does not take to kindly to people who show disrespect. He is a very sarcastic person and will choose food over anything. With the public and the members Changmin is known as the evil maknae. He is very snarky and blunt and some people see it as charming and others see it as annoying.

Any Past Relationships?: how is she suppose to attract anyone with her attitude? 


- Character Info - Pro Entertainment 

Group of Preference: ROT.N

Stage Name: Ava 

Group Persona

✮ - Warrior Queen 

Position: Main Rapper/ Lead Dancer

Trainee Years: 4 years- 2 with YG and 2 with Pro Ent.

Trainee Background:

She was scouted while performing at a freestyle contest and a scout was so impressed he met with Ava after her set and asked her to come and audition for YG. Ava never even played with the idea of ever trying out for companies or becoming an idol, she didn’t see why idols had such bad reputations, if they are doing what they love they shouldn’t be looked down upon, right? Once the scout offered her to go an audition Ava began to feel giddy and excited, imagining what would happen is she was accepted and even got to debut, she felt a new dream forming. Because Ava was fluent in 3 languages and able to rap and dance she was accepted. She was still in school while she was a trainee so it was incredibly hard for Ava to juggle them, plus music gigs and contests she would join to rap. 

She only trained there for 2 years and had been considered in joinging the new girl group YG would debut, 2ne1. Ava had been the rebellious trainee who often didn't follow the rules. She had made a verbal agreement along with the other trainees not to get any tattoos while they were under the company and of course Ava thought it was stupid. She then went on vacation to America and ended up getting a tattoo and was almost kicked out of YG. Ava was very stubborn and would often complain how they shouldn’t have to come every day to practice and would sometimes not even bother going to practice which got her in a lot of trouble. The reason why Ava left YG was because even though she had been a strong candidate for the new girl group she just had a feeling they wouldn't pick her and decided to try her luck at another company. After not being chosen to debut in 2ne1 she was bitter and a bit discouraged.  She had built herself up in believing she would get to debut. And that''s when she auditioned for Pro Ent. She liked the freedom the company offered. Ava was still the trainee that caused the most trouble and was often called up to be reprimanded. She had a hard time with her singing lessons but has gotten better. 

✮ Ava model's for 


✮ There have been many posts before and after Ava debuted with ROT.N about Ava's rude behavior. Not to mention the fact that Ava is mixed has brought a lot of trolls into almost every post made able ROT.N. 

- Other 

Anything Specific? Suggestions? Requests?:  Variety show apparances?  lots and lots of drama

Anything I Missed?: I  couldn't find any. 

Questions?: none


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