mirae has a but of a reputation in the undergroud, mirae comes from a disgraced family tied to this way of life so she had to fight for people to take her seriously. a girl who always lands on her feet, she was able to get that respect along with ties to many important people. this makes her quite the valuable player inside spitfire. a girl on the road to glory and power, she wants the world. she hopes spitfire will still be beside her when she gets to her goal. 
mirae started out as spitfire's hypeman. she was recruited because of all her connections. they entrusted her on getting the name of spitfire out on the streets. eventually she found her place in spitfire. a girl who is learning to value relationships more than money, she hopes to make the right choice in the end.

name :woo Mirae
other names : Rae- it's just a shortned version of name,her close friends usually call her this
maker-this is the name she uses to enter races. she likes to think its another way of saying god since she is oh so clever
age :21
gender :female

birthplace :Seoul
hometown :Seoul

year of initiation : 2097

face claim :Yubin
backup(s) : bora from sistar

appearance : 'Bad mothaa, God complex'
mirae has a very intimidating and magnetic appearance. she walks into a room and people seem to know that she is something to behold. she walks with heavy steps, people always hear her before they see her. she either has a lopsided grin on her face or a glare but either way people are attracted, like moth to a flame. she is charismatic despite her rough appearance and loud mouth, her tan skin and tattoos do not overshadow her bright gaze. she could have a sneer on her face and be calling for blood but she is a vision. 
mirae stands at 5'5 and walks around like she owns the damn place. she has a body muscled through need rather than vanity. lean arms, calloused hands, pear shaped body with strong legs and thick thighs. her body is adorned with bruises both new and old and scars. she has long, dyed, dusty blonde hair. her face is contoured with bold, arched eyebrows and a pretty lipstick color. when not wearing makeup her face seems a little tired with dark under eye circles. ilhwa likes to about them so she blocks his number and reports all his social media.

attire : 'i like black Timbs and black hoodies'
Mirae's attire mostly consists of the color black with some denim or white thrown in here and there. there isn't a special reason as to why she wears black, she just looks really good in it. it's become her signature color. i mean, it's soomeone's funeral somewhere, right? her style is tigh street clothing. crops tops with sweats or some tight jeans with a loose hersey tied at her waste with some timbs or Pumas. bomber jackets are her life. the tighter the pants or top the better. always wears a gold michael kors watch and a black choker. her racing attire is basically the same. 

+ charismatic, defensive, intimidating, materialistic, friendly, abrasive, hustler
Mirae’s reputation is pretty interesting. Every group needs a wild card, they’re bad boy, a hype man. That’s mirae.

'I got something to prove forgive me lord here they come'

Mirae is quite popular in the underground scene. Not only because of who is her family but also because of her actions. She is charismatic, she has a pull that you cannot deny. she may be a the majority of the time but she is a friendly, funny who you love to hate. She has a way with words, uses her aura and her abrasive yet charming way of talking to get you to listen to whatever proposition she has or to take her seriously. She honed these skills at a very young age, hustling for attention or some type of acknowledgment, didn’t matter if it came from her mother or the old men with the garish tattoos around the corner who may have laughed at the loud little girl who would often say she would one day have as many chains as they did. She would be heard and seen. She got where she is today, a top member of Spitfire, known throughout these streets, a danger and a sought after ally because of her actions to thrive no matter the cost. Lord help those in her way.

'know imma ride for you either way it goes'

All Mirae has ever wanted is to be wanted. She is just looking for bonds with people, relationships that are going to last. The problem is her ambition sometimes gets in the way. She grew up being ignored, being given the cold shoulder because of someone else’s actions. Her home growing up was not a warm one. She grew up poor and cold, the only people who seemed to want her around was the childhood friends she made. They were like her, dirty and barefoot who loved doing daring things. She treasured them until she was given the opportunity to become bigger and better. She was enamored with the lifestyle of fast cars and easy money and her old friends didn’t want any part of it so the distance between them grew. She had thought of herself as a loyal friend and yet look how easy she broke promises for money. She worries if the same might happen with Spitfire. She finally got her wish. Bonds that seemed so strong, yes even with Ilhwa, and yet she is scared that she hasn’t changed at all. 

‘and even though I always my life up, only I can mention me’

Ah, here is one of the traits Mirae can’t charm her way into hiding, her defensiveness. She is a Scorpio through and through, she likes to tell people their s and truths but she doesn’t like it when it’s done to her. She cannot take criticism at all, she feels like they are just attacks and that the other person wants to hurt her. So she lashes out and attacks the other person, depending on who it is either with words or fists. Mirae knows she isn’t always an easy person to be around with but it is very hard for her to not take offence when people bring up the bad traits she has. It’s one thing she mentions them, it’s an entirely different thing if someone else mentions it. 

‘if your mama only knew how, you turned out. You too wild, you too wild’

Now that mirae has the money, the power and the es she has a much bigger range of fun to do. Before, she would spend her time either hustling people into buying they don’t need or in the underground fighting ring. Where she grew up you either bulked up to fight back or step aside for those stronger than you so she used the righting rings as lessons. This is where she got the habit of being paid to loose, a secret that she would rather keep quiet about. Point is, her pool of fun stuff to do was limited because of dinero. She would often whine about just wanting to do hoodrat with her friends but nooo that stuff was only reserved for rich kids. Now though, she can do all the hoodrat that she wants. Going to clubs every night, drinking till the next morning, buying she doesn’t need and letting self-restraint go. 

‘if you scared to take a chance how the we gon get rich?’

Mirae is a product of her surroundings. They have given her both good and bad traits. She grew up in the streets with a family who despite all its connections always seemed to be living paycheck to paycheck. How she hated being poor. She would acknowledge that her thirst for wealth and power is another reason why she is the way she is, a criminal who loves the recognition she gets. A perfect match for street racing she likes to think. Many of her decisions strive from this want for money. How can she get money fast? What the best decision to bring in the big bucks? She’s lived through meager stages and would rather die than go back to those times. Sure she has lost some friends on her way to the top of the ladder. She had bigger aspirations and knew that the top was where she belonged, rough and dirty as she was. 

‘es say he’s’ funny and disrespectful’

Mirae has a way with words. An abrasive, witty, in your face way of talking. This has earned her many friends and many enemies. She is a smart mouth and people usually appreciate it, so long as it’s not directed at them. They think she’s funny in a ‘wow, I can’t believe she actually said that’ kind of way. She has a harsh mouth, her words sprinkled with curse words. She came from the harsh, forgotten streets of Seoul, what do you expect?

‘I want that Bugatti just to hurt ‘em’  ‘all my life I want money and power’

Mirae is a show off. She is flashy, wanting all those who doubted her to see how she is living now. She knows it hurts her enemies to see her making it big and flourishing. It was hard work, charming her way into people’s hearts, having them trust her. Where she lived she could only extend so far, the bigger bucks were with those in the upper classes. Having allies in higher places can only do you good.  She even likes some of them. Normally, she has a very low opinion on rich people, especially those rich kids with fake friends who just want a little thrill in their privileged lives so they come to the races. They have all the money they could want yet they want more. You can argue that Mirae is a bit like that but she is not pretending, she came from nothing why wouldn’t she want more? If she has to buddy up to the owner of a big merchant trade or send a few bright smiles to the son of huge foreign car dealership she will. With it comes money and with money comes power, it’s all she’s ever wanted.  

- cold childhood: mirae was raised by a single mother and her grandparents. since mirae's mother, ara, had a child out of wedlock her grandparents felt shame and basically never forgive her. her mother tried her best to give her love but she had her own demons to deal with, she worked as an and became very popular so she would leave mirae with her parents while she partied. 
-family legacy: mirae's family has a bit of a reputation in underground seoul. her grandfather is an ex-member of the mafia. the stump he now has where his left hand should be is meant to show everyone he is disgraced. along with her mother being an , always hanging with the top of the top has created a reputation for mirae before she had even reached adulthood. she was the daughter of a and the granddaughter of a branded man. 
-awkward family time- she was always treated with disdain by her grandparents since they thought she brough more shame to their family. now that she was the means to live apart from them she goes out of her way to spend the least amount of time with them as possible just stops to deliver their weekly allowance. now that her mother is in jail for allegedly running a brothel she goes to visit her twice a week, she loves her mom but she can't help but feel a wall between them. 
-sugar daddies?- mirae was a teenager when she began to hustle people for their money. she saw how easy her mother and other people could be gifted with money by just sending a bright smile to someone so thats what she did. she convinced some to become sort of sponsors for her as she trained and fought in the fighting rings.
-first love- she was 16 when she started going to street races.she wanted to see if their was any talent that she could latch onto when she saw him. already, she could see the man he was going to be. he had just won his 2nd race in a beat up mustang but she could already see his bright future. she sent a few smiles his way and he came running. a year older than her he taught her everything he knew. she was still the girlfriend on the sidelines then but she saw the bank he was making and was itching to start. they were together for 7 months when he died in a race. She wAS ONE OF THE LAST PEOPLE TO LEAVE THE SCENE, STRUGGLING WITH STAYING BY TO INFORM THE COPS WHO HAD JUST DIED SO THEY COULD TELL HIS FAMILY.WHAT IF THEY ARRESTED HER, THOUGH? SHE STILL HAD SO MUCH TO DO...BUT JONGHYUN. the fLAmes were the last she saw of him before she ran, the sounds of sirens not far away.
- dreams: she dreams about it alot, the accident. Its a shadow that comes arounf often, she feels guilty, like she didn't do anything for jonghyun. Like she chose to save her oen hide than stay by him, which by all accounts she did exactly that.
-bfffffffs for life: mirae likes to think of ilhwa as her bfff for life. the member she is closest to who is always down to do some crazy . she thinks their friendship works because ilhwa doesn't mind the various insults she likes to throw his way about his rich upbringing. her contact name for him is 'rich '
-all good in the hood: she still likes to go back to neighborhood to see how things are going. she likes to help the people there. she pays the college tuition of some of the kids and tells them to remember her when they become judges so they can make a difference in the laws for those who are poor and easy prey for the justice system. she tells them to not be stupid like her and save their money rather than waste it.
timeline : November 2079- born to a fairly young single mother and some hoodlum, rumors say the guy was a fairly good racer. An even worse rumor is that mirae’s mother begged one of her patrons to kill him after he refused to marry her.

2093- 14 year old mirae starts to participate in underground fighting. This is where her connections really begin to grow.

Summer 2095- mirae is 16 years old and begins to attend street races. a lively atmosphere that she can be down with she begins to attend them every weekend. Meets jonghyun and her teachings begin. He taught her all he knew of racing since she couldn’t wait to start making the big bucks.

Winter 2095- jonghyun dies in a car accident during a race. A few weeks after the death of jonghyun is when mirae begins to loose on purpose for double the earnings she could win. A deal was made before whatever race and mirae would make it a believable loss. This is her dirty little secret that she continues to this day if she is low on cash or the earnings are just too good to pass by. She’s had to break a few hands to keep anyone from snitching on her just because they don’t want to pay her. She prays that her teammates don’t find out.

2097- mirae is sought out by the leader of the fairly young spitfire racing team. By this time her gtr is a regular in races. after some thinking over she sees no downsides so she agrees. It started out as a way for her to make even more money but it grew into a support system she desperately craved for. A warm home. it was a win-win situation for her, she was able to get schmoney and gain a family. She sometimes sees those childhood friends she had in spitfire.

spring 2097: the time of her initiation into spitfire. mirae's was rather tame compared to what the leader had some of the other members do. all she had to do was get one of the better known race promoters to have spitfire go up against the more popular race teams. even if they lost the fact that such a young crew went up against rampage would get people talking. 

2099- her mother is arrested for being the supposed madam of a brothel. 

current situation : mirae is a fulltime member of spitfire while having her hands in various other honey pots on the side. with the leader's permission of course, she has gotten the team invested in the smuggling trade and the importing and exporting of conterfeit things. mirae and some of the other members of spitfire usually stay in the teams headquarters. she goes to visit her mother twice a week. always on the lookout for the love of her life, she likes to frequent seoul's nicest high end clubs and seoul's dirtiest house parties. 
car : she drives a shiny black nissan gtr r35. shes had it upgraded in america where she invested 75,000 u.s dollars under the hood. the inside is tan leather with tinted windows. she takes it to be washed and cleaned from the inside every week. simple yet gets the job done,

position in the group : let's start with mirae's most important position their hypeman. she doesn't have to do that much advertising now that they are one of the better known teams out there but when she began she basically pimped out the team. she remembers what she would say fondly, ' maaan, you should see this new crew out here! watch, spitfire is going to come and drag all you motherers!' it was easy work for her to hype them up considering they had her in their ranks now. of course they would murder these streets. the leader was aware how much she knew of the underground and how big her range was so she was sought out. 
now, along with getting their name out there she is their racer and their contact to other teams or suppliers. she is an award winner. she has her moments when she is winning nonstop for a few weeks and then there is a random loss, it's very strange to some. she likes to think of herself as the leaders right hand sometimes, helping them plan what to do next if they are working on a bit of a heist. 

street racing career :mirae doesn't usually lose because then that means no money and she loves her money. since she was 16 she's been practicing and improving on her racing skills. she did find a bit of natural talent in driving, perhaps it comes from that supposed father of hers. anyways, racing is still the fastest way she can make big money so those 10 second races are her favorite. she usually wins unless losing turns out to be the more profitable choice.  the types of races she usually enters are the drag or 10 second races, although she does joing cannonball races everynow and again. in those she usually scores in the top 5. drift races are where she has the most trouble with since it is even more difficult to keep her car under control. 
her strategy is basically just being super focused and calm and knowing when to speed it up. she just has to win by a second or a centimeter. before a race she scouts out the competition while hoping to find some weakness, perhaps the other person's car hasn't had a tune up in a while or they need to get new tires so she uses that to her advantage. racing gives her a high that most of her members can agree with. it makes you feel like you can fly while simultaneously makes you feel like you are about to throw up and die, its the best.

thieving ? : oh yes. one of mirae's specialties. she usually tries not to steal from those with less than her, the bigger fish are her target. she focuses more on stealing shipments or equipment rather than pickpocketing or that sort of thing. she gets an inside man, or befriends a worker in whatever company or sea port she is looking to strike so they can help her in. her favorite places to have the team steal from is the sea ports where ships bring in things from other countries or expensive car dealerships. 
she steals because she has to. mirae has a network of people she has to take care of. she has little birds in various ports, ships, trailer companies, dealerships, stores etc who give her information to when is it the best to run up with her team and take what they want so she has to repay their loyalty. they make it so she can just walk into some places like a walk in a park. 
‘I hope its okay if I give the interviewer a name. I’m going to give her a random name’
q: please introduce yourself for the viewers at home !
a :
‘mirae rolls her eyes and sighs. She rolls up the sleeves on her jacket, letting her snake tattoo be seen’ lily, I thought I told you I never wanted to be interviewed or videotaped. What if you and your homeboy here end up getting caught and they confiscate all your tapes, all the evidence they would need is right there! Im not doing this! ‘walks out of the frame and a second later you see her being pushed back by a masculine hand. She has a pout and glare on her face, her dark eyebrows bunched together’ so ilhwa told me leader said all of us were doing this so I am back, against my will. Anyways, most of you probably know and if you don’t you should. I’m woo mirae, racer for spitfire.

q: well, mirae, it's an honor to have you with us. what's it like being with spitfire?
‘rubs the back of her head and tilts head slightly to the side. You can hear the cameraman take in a deep breath and mutter ‘wow…’ well, it’s good so far. They are the family I chose and there never is dull moment. I’m thankful for them and especially thankful that most of them are ing good behind the wheels. We are rolling in money so that’s not bad either. 

q: that's nice, that's nice. what got you into street racing ? why did it call to you ?
mirae stops rubbing her neck and stands up straighter, hands behind her back.’ I had heard the races were the best way to make easy money and I am all about that life so I came one day when I was about 16. I met a guy who taught me most things and well… here I am. Pretty much the stacks of cash and the hot guys called to me. They still do, actually. ‘she gives a big grin and laughs. The cameraman’s hands begin to shake a bit’

q: beautiful. what would you say is your greatest strength and greatest weakness when it comes to driving ?
‘mirae gives a tight smirk and looks intently into the camera’ oh, you motherers would want to hear my weaknesses, huh? Well, let me throw you guys a bone and say that my weakness is…hmm… what is my weakness? ‘she shakes her head a bit and continues' I can’t really think of any weaknesses but if you ask my teammates I’m sure they would have picked something up so ask them. they'll probably say my weakness if drifting, but that's why i try to avoid it .As to the other question, I think my greatest strength when racing is that I’m very observant when I’m racing. Any little thing I notice I will use to my advantage. 

q: are you ever afraid of the neighborhood patrol snatching your ?
‘ mirae snorts’ well, most of us are, aren’t we? ‘she goes to tap the camera a bit’ this little thing here won’t do us any favors, I guarantee it. Getting arrested is always on your mind when you do like this and if it isn’t you must be pretty in dumb. So, yes, I am afraid of the police snatching my . I’d rather not end up having to share a cell with my mom.

q: and finally, there are rumors of spitfire being a gang of criminals... reports coming up of looting and other criminal activities. is this true ?
’she gives lily one good, hard stare before abruptly walking away. She waves her hand in goodbye’ yeah, I’m not gonna answer that. I’m not gonna get caught because of some dumb, interview. See ya, later lily. Don't forget that money you owe me.

q: well, that was mire from spitfire. I would like to thank her for sitting down with us. ‘lily yells after mirae’ it's been wonderful talking with you!
‘mirae’s voice is heard faintly from far away’ I don’t care what the leader said. This had big in problem written all over it! I’m not about to let my words be used against me if the cops find that . I got too much to do and to many people counting on me to be caught by something as stupid as that!
commentary : i hope its okay that i gave the interviewer a name and had mirae know her. i figured since i wrote mirae as someone well known she would recognize the interviewer. i will say that the first bolded lyric you see next to the appearance section does not have a link since i couldnt find a working link on youtube but the rest of the bolded lyrics and linked. also, if she was to have a love interest i would say let it be someone already in the crew. i hope all the pictures arent overkill.i was listening to want it by jay park and that opening is what inspired me to start this app. I sort of wrote mirae like that one friend in movies who always leaves the group because of a fight or whatever but ends up coming back because they realized they were wrong. Sort of like the traitor i guess idk. Tbh im npt even rrly sure about this app, im kinda scared to send it in but I can't look at it anymore.

username + alias : hello, im ddred88 but you can call me dani
comments/questions/etc : not really i just hope its not too long
suggestions : i would suggest having more of the underground stuff appear like smuggling, human trafficking, underground fighting, smuggling drugs etc just to go all the way if thats what you are looking for

song rec : backseat freestyle-kendrick lamar
y.a.l.a, bring the noize, bad girls-m.i.a
heathens-twenty one pilots
fire squad-j.cole
new god flow-kanye west
h.a.m-jay z, kanye west



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