If fate will

I smiled at him as he held my hand, his soft and warm hand that I will certainly miss. This was it. After this night, I will disappear. I will be back in my normal world, my plain, boring world.

"Hey," he called, "Go to sleep, okay? When you wake up, I'll cook your favorite dish." He smiled at me. Of course, why would he be sad? I still haven't told him what is about to happen. How much time do I still have left? A week? A day? An hour? A minute? Nothing? 

I looked at him. Those eyes that gazed at me with serene love, which will soon be replaced by tears. I don't want to see him cry. He's the reflection of me. I wanted to tell him that sooner or later, I will disappear, I will be back in my plain self - powerless and dull. I wanted to tell him that my time is near, our time is near.

But I can't. Not when he's in this blissful state.

I slowly closed my eyes as a tear slipped down my cheek. 

"Sorry, Tao."


I felt someone nudge me. Oh, right, I forgot. I should be back in my world right now. I should be, right? Unless a miracle occurred and a brief time was added. I continued to close my eyes and let the blankets drape over me. I don't want to open my eyes, yet. I don't want to wake up where I am all alone, again.

"Hey, love," he called, "Breakfast is ready. I cooked your favorite dish."

That voice. That damn beautiful voice. I felt all my nerves cramp and compress as tense emerged with my heart.

"Tao?" I asked.

"Yes?" he replied. 

I sat down and gaped at him. Why was he still here? Aren't I supposed to be back in my country? Why is he still here?

"W-What are you still doing... here?" I asked him. He looked surprised by my question. His eyes widened as he feigned hurt and pouted.

"Do you not want me here?" he asked.

"N-No, it was just..."

I wasn't able to finish my sentence when I felt my heart ache. I clutched my chest. Tao scrambled towards me as he enveloped me in an embrace. I don't get it. I should've disappeared.

"L-Love?" he called, "What's happening to you?"

I looked at him and to myself. I saw my feet slowly disappearing into glitter-like powder. What was that again? Pixie dust? It was then until I realized that I was disappearing already.

"Love," he shooked me frantically, "Tell me what's going on?!" he demanded. I only his cheeks which was damped by tears. 

"Don't cry for me," I said, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was afraid you'd panic like this."

He hugged my body. I felt the tears run down his cheeks. "Tao," I called and hugged him, "I wasn't able to tell you that after I do everything that needs to be done here, I will disappear."

He looked at me in the eyes, hurt and anxiety evident in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

I looked down my body and saw that my lower part has disappeared already. He noticed that and he seemed as if he was on the verge of his sanity. Our eyes met. I smiled at him as he looked at me.

"No!" he yelled, "Don't go!"

"Sorry, Tao," I said as I gripped on his neck, "I knew you'd be hurt, so I decided that I would just keep this a secret."

He weeped more. I felt my hands disappearing. His eyes flashed as he took hold of my hand. 

"Will... will we still meet?" he asked.

"...Maybe... when time comes," I croaked, "and fate will... lead us... together."

I his face, moistened by anguished tears, and wiped his tears. "Love, if this is the only thing I could do to seal our love forever..." Then, he kissed me passionately. His soft lips that landed on mine felt heaven. I regretted not kissing him a lot now. 

Now, only my head and the faint glow of my body remained. He continued to kiss me, a chaste and pure kiss. His tears that landed on my cheeks, soon landed on the bed sheets.

He opened his eyes realizing that he was only hugging the mere figure of me. I was gone but I could still see him, like a dream. I saw how he bawled on yelled my name over and over again. I wanted to go to him and calm him down, but my body stayed immobile. I was still. He cried his heart out as I fell down my knees, crying like him.

If only fate would bring us together again. If only.


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Tao, eh? That'd be awesome!
;-; aw man
Woah!!! ;~;