


The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4: Let them know you've tagged them



So I'll tag:
















1)      If you could marry a Kpop star (just one) who would it be?

Kris from EXO cuz he seems really considerate for others, is tall (omg tall guys) and he speaks English

2)      What T.V show has traumatized you till now? Movies, drama etc

American Horror Story (effed up there yo)


3)      Most embarrassing moment in your life?

There's a lot but I guess that time when my sis threw a roll of toilet paper at my face and I cried for ten minutes OTL (I was 8!)

4)      What is secret kink? That you never would admit?

Manhandling but only for the bedroom! You hit me forreal, I'll beat the sht outta you

5)      If could be one dessert what would it be?

wait what? If I could be dessert? Umm cheesecake I guess

6)      If you could live in one fantasy book, what will it be?

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

7)      If there was only one season for a whole year, what would it be?

Fall or Spring cuz they're perfect

8)      If there could be only one color in the whole world, what would it be?


9)      If you could be in any current girl group now, what would it be?


10)   What is your favorite yuri(girl/girl pairing)?

Taeny ftw!!!

11)   If you could have one kpop idol as a parent, who will it be?

BoA because she's extremely graceful and dignified

My questions are:
1) What's your favorite Disney movie?
2) If you had the chance to meet any author from AFF, who would it be?
3) What kpop group do you absolutely hate?
4) worst subject in school?
5) Apple of Samsung?
6) laptop or mobile?
7) how do fish have babies? 
8) did that last question confuse you?
9) I keep losing my socks, how can I stop?
10) why did I wake up with scratches on my torso this morning?
11) how do you let a guy down easy? 


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1.Lion king and Mulan I cant choose which one.
2.I don't know I'm still kinda new on aff.
3.I don't like Girl groups I think that they're all the same.
4.Math I was born to read, write, and love Koreans not math.
6.Laptop..no other reason.
7.I believe that I learned that the dads carry them.
8.Not really it was simple since I'm still in school.
9.Put them somewhere you'll know that you definitely remember.
10.maybe you scratch yourself in your sleep or maybe do you have a pet?
11.Just tell him that you're not looking for a relationship I'm sure he'll understand if not then ignore him he'll eventually give up sooner or later.(I'm sorry I've never been in a relationship nor have been asked out.)
Id answer your questions here.. is that okay?
1) What's your favorite Disney movie?
Cinderella? (I know, dammnit) judge me, but I love it!

2) If you had the chance to meet any author from AFF, who would it be?
my dong saeng River_Song, she seems really kind.

3) What kpop group do you absolutely hate?
I don't have one.. O.O

4) worst subject in school?
Math, I swear, my natural blondness comes out! uurgh

5) Apple of Samsung?

6) laptop or mobile?
Mobile (I have horrible eye sight) sigh.. laptop complicates things.

7) how do fish have babies?
O.O how the hell do I know? ahahha I'mnot a nature girl, Scenes from Finding Nemo play in my mind.... but-huh O.O

8) did that last question confuse you?
It made me laugh (I am proud to say I googled it! but, I am not changing the answer! lol)

9) I keep losing my socks, how can I stop?
Put a tag, or buy it in a color that you love.

10) why did I wake up with scratches on my torso this morning?
A ghost is probably watching you, or touching you.... yeaah that went weird. lol

11) how do you let a guy down easy?
Tell him, "I am sorry, but I am not looking to be in a relationship right now" or "Youre sweet, but no, thank you" dont text or call ... lol make sure to touch a part of his body and hug? O.O that works for me...