《 Sensoria ⋮ Luriema Kiju ⋮ Mae 》






username ⋮ unnamed1demannu 》《 activeness ⋮ 8/10 》《 what to call you ⋮ Lia 



Who are you?

Country ⋮ Mae 
Name: Luriema, Kiju
Nickname(s): Turtle - because he's awkward and tends to hide. By his friends (or, his one friend)
Age ⋮ Birthdate: 18 ⋮ November 27th, 1995
Height ⋮ Weight: 170 cm ⋮ 54 kg
Blood type: O


How do you look like?

Ulzzang ⋮ Ju Jae Hyeon 
Picturesonetwothreefourfive gallery 
Back-up ulzzang: Park Ji Ho
Pictures: onetwothreegallery 
Appearance: He's not horribly short, per se, but his thinness (he looks more scrawny than lanky) and tendency to slouch gives the impression that he's about ten centimeters shorter than he actually is. He also just looks a lot younger. His hair is completely black. His posture in general tends to scream "awkward". No scars or visible birthmarks
Style: His style is anything that he can wear and doesn't get in the way or restrict movement too much. Pants are either black or brown, usually made of cotton/twill or some similar material. His shirts are normally some shade of gray (he does have one random neon green shirt, though) made from cotton or polyster or some kind of blend of that. If it's cold, he'll wear a wool sweatervest.


How do you act like?

Personality key traits ⋮ Needy, sensitive, awkward, hard working 
didn't you know it's never his fault?: Kiju is unfailingly polite. He's always the one who engages guests in conversations, who compliments instead of criticizes, who holds the door open for others and always apologizes. The word "sorry" is probably the word he's said the most in his not-so-long life. Every time something goes wrong, he's always there to take responsibility and try and fix things. Most people attribute this to innate gentility. In truth, Kiju started doing it because he didn't want to be blamed for things. In a erse kind of way, he feels like apologizing immediately lessens the blame put on him by other people. They'd know that he screwed up, but they'd feel sympathetic to the screw up and think "he's such a nice boy, it's okay, it probably won't happen again". 
too easy to influence: Tying in with the previous point, he's overly sensitive to how people think of him. He hates not living up to expectations, he hates failure, he hates being ridiculed, and he just generally puts too much worth in how people think of him. Kiju knows that not everyone can like him, but has trouble rationalizing it when faced with the opinions of others. As a result, he prefers to be a wallflower and be ignored by most people. It's ridiculously easy to get him to do something, too; all you have to do is make the offhand remark that "oh, it would be really cool if you did so-and-so", and he'd get it done.
⋮ is he always like that?: A lot of people don't like talking with Kiju. It's not that he's insensitive or rude or anything like that; he's just awkward. If he's not putting an effort into holding a conversation, his conversational topics are pretty much limited to the weather and his current work, and he can really only muster up about one measly minute of conversation about the weather. He's very cautious about what he says - "think before you speak" - which leads to him taking nearly minute-long pauses just to consider exactly what he wants to say. Even if he is putting effort into socializing, he's not a very good speaker. He's a much better listener, and that's probably the only reason people even talk to him at all.
⋮ he hasn't come out of that room in a week: Perhaps his awkwardness is due to the fact he doesn't get out that often. He's extremely intelligent and a very talented Operator. He does everything he can to improve his skills and be as useful as he can possibly be. Even though he seeks approval and acceptance, Kiju's has a good gage on his skills and knows that he's not a people person. He knows that he can't rely on charisma to get ahead, and so focuses all his energy on his skills so that he can be just as valuable as those Operators who also happen to be people persons.
⋮ Electronic gadgets - side effect of his specialty
⋮ Red light/the color red in general
⋮ Being alone
⋮ Origami - he can't fold it, but he thinks it's pretty
⋮ Jellyfish (as animals, not as food)
⋮ Eucalyptus
⋮ Writing research papers/doing independent research, but he doesn't have much time for that
⋮ Thunderstorms (if he's inside)
⋮ The temperature range around 20 - 25 degrees Celsius (68 - 77 degrees Fahrenheit)
⋮ Loud noises
⋮ Being at high elevations
⋮ Cakes/pastries in general
⋮ Mud
⋮ Swimming (especially in the ocean - he's okay in a swimming pool or small lake)
⋮ Solar flares - he kind of gets cranky when these occur. It's like PMSing without the threat of blood and being female.
⋮ Blacklights - they just kind of freak him out.
⋮ Eating - takes too much time and he doesn't particularly like food
⋮ Public speaking
⋮ Historical fiction - it's either history or fiction for him
⋮ Politics. Historical politics/polisci is a whole different story, though.
⋮ Puts on sunscreen whenever it's sunny, even if he won't be out for long
⋮ Wrings hands when nervous - when really nervous, he nearly vibrates with tension
⋮ Writes things in the air when trying to remember something
⋮ Talks to himself when thinking really hard
⋮ The less confident he is, the quieter he gets. His posture also goes way more submissive.
⋮ Stargazing
⋮ Reading (usually scientific journals or old record tomes. He's boring like that.)
⋮ A mild insomniac
⋮ Can make a really amazing paper plane and nothing else, really
⋮ Is a horrible dancer and is quite clumsy in general
⋮ If he's talking about something scientific or factual, he starts sounding really formal. Otherwise, he's pretty unsure. He also tends to talk in conditionals or opinions - "i think ___"; "i'm not sure, but maybe ______"; "it could be _____, but i don't know"
⋮ One of his pet peeves is people trashtalking his powers
⋮ Does not like arguing. He usually just gives up in the middle of an argument, unless he goes off on a factual rant.
⋮ Is not a very honest person by nature, but hates it when people blatantly incorrect facts. He prefers sugercoating the truth until it starts resembling a lie.
⋮  Does not believe in getting revenge
⋮  Is not at all religious, although he doesn't mind others being religious
⋮  A lot of people automatically assume he's Beomian, due to a mix of his power type and personality.
⋮  Has never fallen in love with someone. (in other words, CHOOSE HIS UALITY LOLZ)


Where did you come from?

 Only one ⋮ Do Kyungsoo 
Background: He came from an academically-minded family - he was always told to study as a child. His parents knew how promising he was and had faith in him, so they pushed and challenged him quite a bit. They loved him, but they weren't very affectionate or open in their love - a "good job, son" and a pat on the head was pretty much the equivalent of a glomp. His attendance in the Academy was pretty much a fact of life, in the eyes of his family, and they wanted him to be in the top classes so he would be able to learn everything he possibly could from the masters. As a result, he grew up pretty distanced from the rest of the world and especially from his peers.
When he first got to the Academy, he was completely socially inept. He was never bullied, but he didn't have friends and the only people who talked to him were those who were really nice and talked to everyone. His parents didn't help, either, since they encouraged him to study instead of socialize.
Lifestyle: They used to live in Hwang, but moved to Si as there were better job opportunities - his mother wasn't good enough to teach at the Academy and found alternate jobs in other places, while his father's skill was welcomed in any city. Although they aren't multimillionaires, they both have very decent salaries, so they've never wanted for anything. Kiju lives in the Academy, partly because commuting takes a while, partly because it allows him to focus more on his studies.
FatherLuriema Pallis ⋮ 49 ⋮ Operator, magnekinesis  Mechanical Engineer ⋮ Cold, logical, realistic, supportive ⋮ So many kinds work to impress their fathers. Kiju used to, but then learned that his father's always impressed with him - he just never shows it. His father takes a more hands-off approach to parenting, but always gives Kiju the support he needs if he really needs it.
MotherLuriema Cante⋮ 50  Operator, hydrokinesis ⋮ Educator ⋮ Persistent, strict, intelligent, caring, fluid (hahaha i'm so punny orz) ⋮ Cante has been the driving force in Kiju's life, really. She's very passive-aggressive and knows exactly how to get people to do what she wants - this does not in any way exclude her son.
Sibling(s): n/a
(Best) Friend: Do Kyungsoo ⋮ 20 ⋮ Academy (Mae) ⋮ Operator; geokinesis, enhanced strength⋮ Student ⋮ Calm, rational, judgemental, laid-back ⋮ They're classmates and work together on a lot of things. Kyungsoo's honest, if nothing else, and that helps Kiju not doubt himself or get too caught up trying to please him, so they have a relaxed dynamic together. Kyungsoo's one of the few people willing to talk to Kiju, so there's that.
Rival: Kim Taeyeon ⋮ 22 ⋮ Academy (Yong) ⋮ Operator; audiokinesis, enhanced balance ⋮ Student ⋮ kind, funny, astute, dorky ⋮ This was entirely Kiju's fault. The first time he met Taeyeon was when she'd just found out that her mother had died. She was obviously distressed, and he had no idea how to comfort her, so he said something along the lines of "maybe it's for the better". Somehow, he didn't realize his mistake, even after Taeyeon got (rightfully) indignant and angry. Now she doesn't like him because she thinks he's completely insensitive, and Kiju's just really clueless.


How much?

 Operator ⋮ Electrokinesis (Electro-Magnekinesis) 
Description: The full capacity of electro-magnekinesis is the ability to generate and manipulate electromagneticm - as it accounts for basically all physical phenomena we can see except for things due to gravity, it's very difficult to get that full capacity. His specialty focuses more on the electrokinesis aspect - he's best at creating and conducting electricity, so he's able to charge and heat up objects as well as induce static cling on walls so he can essentially wall-climb. He's currently working on expanding his skill set, as his specialty opens up the possibility of doing electrical attacks and making electrical constructs.
Back-up power: Aerokinesis + Astral Projection (opt.)
Weaknesses: Rubber, as weird as it sounds, as well as anything that's a good insulator. He can still run a charge through it - it just takes way more time and energy which he might not have to spare. He's also weak to physical attacks since he's pretty much a wimp, as long as his attacker isn't wearing armor that would be a good conductor.
 Social rank ⋮ Upper Middle Class 
What would you do if you found out you were a sensorium?: "It would be completely impossible. The sensorium skill set does not coincide with my specialty, and it would be difficult to train. I have also read that sensoria develop their skills at an early age, and I am well past that benchmark. Barring that, I suppose you're asking me to consider the hypothetical, however improbable. Um... I don't know what I'd do? I'd finish my schooling, but... I'd do governmental work? Mother and father would be disappointed. I'm sorry, I really don't know. Is that okay?"
Fun facts: He treats his abilities like a rare specimen or something. He's always pushing himself to determine exactly what he can or cannot do, and then try to breach that wall. He tries not to use his abilities for trivial or foolish things, although he does sometimes charge his phone with his powers if he'd forgotten to the night before.


What have you learned?

 Type of student ⋮ Studious, attentative, obedient 
How do you act in the academy?: "Um... I try my best, I guess. I don't much like fooling around, because I think it's better to learn when you can. Um... but... I don't think it's a bad thing to play some pranks occasionally. I try to get all my work done and I don't like... um... rushing it, I guess, because it normally doesn't yield good results."
What do you think of your own country?: "I think Mae is a... um... good country. Our current governmental system is possibly the best out of available options at the moment - dictatorships can be easily corrupted by a bad dictator, communism can be corrupted by a group of greedy people. I'm not saying it can't be corrupted - all systems are flawed due to our non-idealistic world, but it's more difficult to have corruption when no one person or group of people are in power at one time. Our economic base is much less steady, however, and makes us reliant on our two neighboring countries."
What's your view of the other countries?: "Beom's government would be the easiest to fall apart, I think, due to the reliance on nepotism and a certain family line. If something were to happen to that line, the system would fall into disarray. Yong's is more chaotic - it's almost like a ton of mini-empires fighting for conquest of one land mass. Based on various studies by psychologists and sociologists, Yong has the least sense of unity among the country, as it's somewhat "your family against mine". They both have more stable economies and would be more self-sufficient than Mae, however."
Who do you get along with best?: "The professors of the Academy are really knowledgable. They're really good at what they do, and many have published well-written and well-recieved studies on many aspects, both Operator-specific and not. Um... the students are really nice, too. I don't really talk with much of them, but I suppose they'd be more... relatable? I'm sorry; I'm not sure."
What happens after the Academy?: "Mother would really love it if I could teach at the Academy, and, um... I think Father would too, but I'm not sure. I... I would like to become a researcher, maybe, or help the government somehow. I'm not sure."


What is love?

 Love interest ⋮ None 
Age ⋮ Birthdate: n/a
Nickname(s): n/a
Back-up love interests: Another applicant (so, basically, first choice would be no love interest; second would be with another applicant. If an idol is necessary, just tell me and I'll add one. The personality would just be something of an "ideal type" thing.)
Personality key traits: Honest, accepting, kind, determined, intelligent (ideal type thing)
Occupation: n/a
Operator?: n/a
How do you meet?: n/a
How do you act around each other?: n/a
Would you want a lot of drama or a possible love triangle?: Yes XD
How do you want your story to end?: Do whatever the heck you want.
Would you want to see them again if you two separate?: Yes


Have I seen you before?

 Newcomers ⋮ Hongbin, Tao 
Stranger: Huang Zitao ⋮ 20 ⋮ Academy (Yong) ⋮ Operator; enhanced senses, reflexes, strength ⋮ Student ⋮ Fiery, frank, cute, courageous
Stranger: Oh Sehun ⋮ 19 ⋮ Academy (Mae) ⋮ Operator; aerokinesis ⋮ Student ⋮ Stoic, easily bored, hard working, petty
Stranger: Lee Hongbin ⋮ 19 ⋮ Beom ⋮ Not an operator ⋮ Artist (painter) ⋮ Creative, humble, shy, down to eath, thoughtful



What else would you like to say?

Comments: both of you better stop having amazing ideas or else i'm going to fail all of my classes orz. also the layout is ridiculously amazing.
Questions: if i messed anything up you know what to do
Scene requests
⋮ Kiju gets really nervous and nearly runs away while wetting himself the first sign of conflict, but gets better later on. orz that's not really a scene i'm sorry
⋮ Mind-reader operators can be bribed. (sorry i have a soft spot for dystopian corrupted governments)
⋮ Difference in opinions lead the group to splitting up partway through, which nearly ends up disastrous for them
⋮ idk i'd just think it would be funny if the princess turned out to be a complete brat and everyone's just like "...why did we want to save her again?"
 Turn ⋮ Back

 'turn back' returns you back to the story; layout by -catalyst 



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