Tagged (what did I do?!!!!)

Tagged by JiMi_Maknae18


The Rules:

1: Post the rules rule

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule

4: Let them know you've tagged them




1. How did you get into KPOP?

I was stalked by a Heartbreaker (GD) link on YT, and after weeks, I decided to click...


2. First fandom?



3. First bias?

In K-pop I guess... G-Dragon.


4. Ultimate bias?

G-Dragon... (I'm a stubborn girl)


5. Favourite heteroual pairing with your ultimate bias?



6. Favourite pairing?

Dunno, it changes everyday...


7. Current favorite fanfiction?

"The contents of my heart" by Anonymous_fan


8. Author you wish would respond to your comments?

I have no complains regarding that matter.


9. Song you're most likely to base a fanfiction on right now?

Be the light, Block B.


10. Fluff or ?

Depends on the hour of the day.


11. Fluff or angst?

Fluffy angst?


Questions by lynndae.


1. Name one feature that you like about your self.

My fingernails, they're longer than the average fingernails even when they're cut short.


2. Describe your pefect date, :D

A rock concert and then having fun at night in town (when everybody else is alseep).


3. If you could create your own 6 member group with any people from any groups, which six people would you put into this group and why?

Heechul, Key, Kevin (U-kiss), Jokwon, Kwanghee and Seungri, and I'll make them dance to girl group songs!


4. Pick a season: Spring or Fall?

Spring... maybe...


5. What did you think of Block B's return?

OW YEAH!!!!!!


6. I'm bullting this whole thing, so, uhm, what kpop song best fits you?

2NE1, I don't care eh eh eh eh eh


7. Has there ever been a kpop MV to make you cry? If so, which one and who was it by?

Myname, Baby I'm sorry.


8. You own a night club!! What kind of club is it, and who do you have working for you from the kpop industry? :D

Rock club!!!! I want everyone to work part-time once in a while =)


9. If you could have one super power, what would it be?



10. How did you find AFF?

I don't remember, but probably while googling some fictions...


11. What's your favorite fanfiction here on AFF and why?

See above.



Questions from someone

1. If you could debut in a kpop group (girl or boy) what would your role be and why?

I'd probably be the cute but lacking maknae...


2. How did you get into fanfiction?

I stumbled, fell, and got stuck into it.


3. What type of fanfiction will you simply avoid and why? (genres,pairings etc)

Mpreg, intense Mary-Sueing, pwp...


4. If you could go back to any time period, which would it be and why? Would you change genders?

I want to try them all, and I'd be a guy, cause why not?!


5. Do you play any video games? Engaged in Sports? Martial Arts? Sewing? Dammit tell me one hobby of yours!

Yes but not a lot (Alice and Madness Returns). No. No. Yes, I cosplay and make some stuff.


6. If you were given a backstage VIP pass to any concert which would it be? (one band only)

Sorry, but it wouldn't be a k-pop band... but I don't know who I'd choose.


7. If you could change your gender for a week, would you? Why?

Yes, because why not?!


8. What is a kpop band that you simpy do not like?

SNSD... mouhahaha they make me want to kill babies... no really I can't...


9. You can have a house in three countries! Which countries are they and why!?

Korea (because yay), Scotland, and somewhere in Scandinavia (just because...) 


10. Have you ever watched 'Queer as Folk'?

No, watizit?


11. What is your favorite fanfiction on AFF and why?



Questions from JiMi

1) If you could marry a Kpop star (just one) who would it be?

Kim Himchan (BAP)... He seems pretty decent and responsible (and not too annoying)... I don't want to get married anyways...


2) What T.V show has traumatized you till now? Movies, drama etc

Traumatized... I've never been traumatized... (at least not by a movie)


3) Most embarrassing moment in your life?

... what... what you lookin' at?... Do you really think I'm gonna tell? (Actually I don't know...)


4) What is secret kink? That you never would admit?

I like guys with long hair, that's not a secret, but most people around me think I'm weird. Well guess what... I am. But this has nothing to do with liking long-haired guys.


5) If could be one dessert what would it be?

Chestnut cream cake <3


6) If you could live in one fantasy book, what will it be?

Lord of the Rings, I always wanted to be an Uruk Hai =D


7) If there was only one season for a whole year, what would it be?

Boring! (what do you mean "that's not what the question meant"?!)


8) If there could be only one color in the whole world, what would it be?

Boring! (Okay, that's not funny anymore, but it's the truth! So green maybe?)


9) If you could be in any current girl group now, what would it be?



10) What is your favorite yuri(girl/girl pairing)?

Fei/Jia... not sure about that.


11) If you could have one kpop idol as a parent, who will it be?

Did you know that I could be ZEA Kim Dongjun's twin? same day, same year! I want our mom to be Fei! (heard she's a good cook)


My questions

1) Do you hate an idol for no reason? Who?

2) Do you feel angry for being tagged?

3) At one point, did you wonder why you were actually answering the questions?

4) Did you lie somewhere in the post?

5) What non-kpop artist do you like?

6) Yes or No?

7) Rain or Sun? (as in Rain or Taeyang... I'm a very funny person)

8) Do you think one idol's stage name is ridiculous/lame? Who and why?

9) What your favorite MV at the moment?

10) Ever been disappointed by a comeback? (who and what song?)

11) In one word, what is K-pop to you?


Tagged by me: to come

JiMi_Maknae18 yes, you again! Hope you liked my answers^^








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Damnit xDDD i feel the love yo xPP
ill do it on the com~
O.O ahahaha I am answering here OR IT WILL NEVER END! ahahha
1) Do you hate an idol for no reason? Who?
Jung Jessica before I became a fan of her! lol

2) Do you feel angry for being tagged?
Nope, I am happy people THOUGHT of Tagging me

3) At one point, did you wonder why you were actually answering the questions?
Yes... Iam CERTAINLY wondering now... ahahha

4) Did you lie somewhere in the post?
No.. so far.. nope

5) What non-kpop artist do you like?
Taylor Swift! i swear, she is my guilty pleasure

6) Yes or No?

7) Rain or Sun? (as in Rain or Taeyang... I'm a very funny person)
Lol.. kpop-Sun, Weather-Rain (see? i can be cheeky too)

8) Do you think one idol's stage name is ridiculous/lame?
Who and why?
eer.... I cant think right now, dammit

9) What your favorite MV at the moment?
I got a BOY(I cant think of any right now, sigh)-WAIT- GROWL! lol

10) Ever been disappointed by a comeback? (who and what song?)
SHINee... all their recent comebacks... I want my former SHINee.. huhuhu

11) In one word, what is K-pop to you