Pain, flaws and rejection

He looked at her in the eyes and asked, "Why are you so numb? Why do you show no emotions? Are you a robot?"

She bent down her head as she felt her mind and heart buzz altogether. "Because when you let your feelings overwhelm, you become stupid and eventually forget to think. You become rejected, you'll feel pain, and you'll be hurt, because we're talking about reality here."

Her voice as straight and emotionless as ever. She turned away from him, hiding her shattered eyes. Her hair that softly glowed with the moonlight swayed as the wind blew its cold breeze. He looked at her petite figure that seemed as of an angel. 

"I don't want to feel the pain of being inlove, and the pain of being alone," she said. "I don't like the feeling of pain, Tao, you know that."

"But life would be tedious without pain," he retorted. "It would simply be dull." 

She turned to him again, meeting his soft gaze. For a moment, she wanted to smile, let him know that she has feelings, but she just can't. She can't let her feelings flood her heart. She can't submerge her feelings to their conversation and let him know the real her, the girl behind the facade of hers. She wanted to be heartless; for life to be uncomplicated and carefree. 

"I've always feared to fall inlove. I hated the feeling of rejection," she bit her lip and stared at the river that flowed endlessly, "I never believed in a true, eternal love eversince I was a kid. I know for a fact that love can't be eternal and everlasting. It will always end phyisically or emotionally."

He shifted uneasily, feeling her pain. "Rejection doesn't mean that no one loves you."

"Yet, the feeling is still the same: painful. I don't want that," she stubbornly said. She stood up and invited him to walk. He nodded and stood up, following her.

"Pain is a part of life. You can't wish for a life without problems because it just can't be. Life will always have its ups and downs," he said as he slowly picked a white rose from the ground. He met her gaze, her eyes that feigned nothing. But inside, he knew that her heart is filled with emotions waiting to be unlocked. 

He knew what her fear of pain is, and he knew why. 

"I won't let your words go in me," she stated fiercely, unwavered by his words. She knew what lies ahead when she opens up to someone. She knew what the outcome is of being sensitive. She knew that tears will be the only thing that will comfort her in the end. "I'll stay numb for feelings and emotions. I wouldnt let pain torture me and change me into a horrible person."

"But it's a choice for you to choose. It's either you change and let the negative thoughts swallow you or you learn from the mistake you made," he said defensively, "You can never avoid pain. It will always be evident in someone." 

He stood up infront of her as if to block her from walking away. "I know what you are doing. I know that in every pain and problem you encounter, you just walk away from it. You run away from the pain that could change you into the better you. Why can't you see that pain is nothing to be scared of?" he aggresively pleaded. 

She fliched at his volume. she bent down her head in shame as she sulked. "I hate rejection. Why? Because I don't want anyone to pity me, to see the weak side of me," she choked on her words as tears made its way to her eyes, "I... I don't want anyone to know that I am weak, that I am a very sensitive girl who cries all the time," she cried as he hugged her, "I don't want anyone to judge me and tell me that I am weak and -"

"Weak?" he asked, "Yes, you are weak," he stated matter of factly. She sobbed all the more with his harsh words. 

"See?" she said.

He hugged her tighter and kissed her head. "Everyone has flaws. Everyone was its weakness. You just have to find someone who will accept your imperfections perfectly, get it?" he smiled at her, his eyes filled with love.

"No one is like that anymore," she said as she wiped her tears away, "Everyone in this world wants a perfect someone whom they can brag to everyone, and I'm not someone you could brag to anyone. I'm filled with flaws. I'm not the perfect girl everyone would want."

"Not to everyone, but someone," he whispered, lovingly.

She was about to break free from the hug when he tightened all the more. But this time, she didn't struggle. Instead, she just let him hug her and let his warmth embrace her body.

"But to me, you are."

Her heart beat fast. "I-I am what?"

He rested his head on top of hers. "To me, you are the girl I can be proud of. You are the best for me, and I want to be the best for you."

"Why?" she croaked, "Why would you want someone like me?"


"Because I love you."


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I love this. And it reminds me of the new fanfic I'm writing about perfections and imperfections. :D Thank you for sharing this. :3
SehunPatataaaa #2
This can be a good story ! ~
;-; did you write this? this is good! i know hoq she feels because im like her except i dont have anyone to comfort me. this story ;-; this story is amazing.