10 songs i'm listening to on a (not really)rainy evening...

since nobody is entertaining me with any post/update....(i mean...it's Saturday..everyone's probly out having fun)....i'll just post stuffs i've been listening today on this rainy evening.ok fine it's already nite n no longer raining...whutev...

ahh, i wonder when will a miracle happen to change my mundane life....well, i know it's ridiculous to hope for miracle when you don't even try to seek for it...but idk...maybe i'm too unconfident to break the cocoon n live more adventurously? can u see why i can relate to/understand/empathize inferior people...being boring can be comforting..but fear of regrets are inevitable...oh well...excuse the ranting....let's listen to some songs...



- found this song(n the other songs in this album) in my sis laptop...probly i downloaded it here sometime ago when my computer broke down....lesigh...i love it though...been listening to it on repeat since a couple days ago



- the beauty/uber sweetness of this song is just....incomparable....lol. just gives you all the CORNy feels that might inspire writing?.....idk, all i know is i lurrveeee it.



- not original ver. the original was so much more poppy than this....but i adore this ver soooo much more though i like the original as well....afterall, T-Max did debut with Jpop-ish style/music...n oddball personalities...xD...love these weirddorks. n this ver is just uber sweeeet...



- one of my all time favs....i always want to be inspired to write a fic from this song...but i haven't got a really solid inspiration yet.,...lately i've been having too much CORNy inspirations for a certain coupling though....if u can see the obvious hint...



- i love this. whenever i listen to it...i feel mellowed angsty...sometimes i'd listen to it while reading my own fic....lol. how pathetic is that...xD



- oh you know how much i love this song to the point of getting a whole fic inspired by it(n one that's personally dear to me lol...thanks to the awesomely inspiring songs)...i love the original ver which is more rock-ish too....but this remix version is just beautiful...


- since i haven't got the chance/time/determination to listen to the full album yet....i like this a lot actually...i like it better than Wild...it's just groovy...xD... though typical Sweetune but at least they don't exactly rehash their own songs...



- i listen to Roxette quite a lot as a child since my Dad bought their CD for my bro...n i liked many other songs but i just feel this fits the mood now...xD



- love the song n the movie...though it's kinda ridiculous....probly one of my fav 'romantic' movie?....lol. if we ignore all the overdraggy humour...lol.



- ending this post with a lullaby for 'ya xD


i just realized so many cheesy/corny/mushy-ish songs here....omg....*runs*....lol.



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Always yes to Savage Garden, just always yes. Darren Hayes' Spin was the soundtrack to my college life.