get to know your author (stolen from ellasaurus)

well this is awks since im pretty sure less than .01 of my readers are my friends sobs. well whatevs. i like answering questions. so i will answer questions. the end.

Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown.
Skin colour: Tannish. idk
Most favourable facial feature: My eyes.
Most disliked facial feature: I don't like my face shape. o n o It's too like, thin.
Height: 5'3
Body type: My torso is long. I have short legs... Says my sister, so idk how accurate that is >.>
Name: Mir
Age: I'm actually not telling.
Nationality: Puerto-Rican
Country of origin: Puerto Rico
Current location: New York, USA
Favourite colour: Yellow
Favourite animal: What's an animal? Um... I guess dogs.
Fandom: Almost every kpop guy group fandom or whatever.
20 Random Questions:
Summer or Winter?: Winter.
Do you have a special talent?: I play the piano and clarinet. And I dance.
Do you think you are a strong person?: Um... If it's like, strong as in like, mentally or whatever. Yeah.
What are your phobias?: Um... Bees. People (wow, look, my anti-social side. say hello juseyo).
When do you feel most calm?: Listening to music alone.
What inspires you?: Music.
What do you dislike about yourself?: I'm anti-social. Like, it's not curable. People try to talk to me, but I just shut them out, I guess. o n o
What are your top three favourite colours?: Yellow, Gray, Purple.
What are your hobbies?: Writing, dancing, rapping, performing, reading.
What is your favourite subject?: History.
What are three of your current favourite songs?: "Run & Run" by BIGSTAR; "Kiss the Rain" by Yiruma; wowican'tthinkofanotherone... um oh! "Open Arms EXO Version" by D.O., Baekhyun, Luhan, and Chen.
What is your favourite day of the week?: Saturday.
How would you describe your current mood?: Tired o n o Piano classes the life out of me sometimes.
What are your future goals?: To become a trainee in SM and debut gdi.
What artists do you like? EXO, SHINee, Big Bang, Teen Top, CN Blue, FT Island, Yiruma, Seventeen, BIGSTAR, um almost any other guy group. i kinda don't like girl groups /shot
If you could travel back in time, where would you go?: To the year before last when auditioned for SM and ing missed the audition cuz my freaking passport expired o n o
Which artists do you dislike?: Almost every American artist o n o
What is your favourite month?: Whenever there isn't school.
Do you believe in love?: Sure o n o
What is a saying/quote that you live by?: Trees can't grow without roots. I forgot how it went exosactly, but yeah.
Last beverage: I can't remember.
Last text message: "You should come over and have some of mine." I was talking about chocolate covered popcorn.
Last song you listened to: "Angel" by EXOM. I'm listening to it right now.
Last time you cried: Yesterday because of personal stuff.
Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before?: Nope.
Ever been cheated on?: No.
Ever kissed someone and regretted it?: What is kissing?
Ever lost someone special?: I can't remember.
Ever been depressed?: Uh-huh.
This year have you…
Made a new friend?: Yup.
Met someone that changed you?: Everyone I meet changes me a little.
Do you want to change your name?: I go by Mir, rather than my real name... Does that mean that I want to change my name? idk
What can’t you wait for?: SM Auditions.
What were you doing at midnight last night?: Reading fanfictions.
When was the last time you saw your mother?: In the kitchen just a couple minutes ago before I went to my room.
What is the webpage you visit the most?: AFF and Google (who has time to answer hw questions)
What is your relationship status?: Single
What do you worry over the most?: College.
First surgery?: On my foot.
First piercing?: Ears.
First sport you joined?: Swimming.
Do you want kids?: Sure.
Do you want to get married?: Sure.
What career do you want?: Performer.
Ideal type: Someone who can protect me no matter what, and is a sweetheart and kinda romantic. I'm not really picky tbqh.
Gender?: Any.
Older or younger?: I think I like older better, or the same age as me.
Shorter or taller?: Taller.
Romantic or spontaneous?: Both.
Nationality?: Doesn't matter, but like almost every other international kpop lover, I tend to look at Asians first.
Lips or eyes?: I look at hands first because I have ugly hands, so yeah. Then I guess eyes.
Appearance or personality?: I'm not gonna lie, I look at appearance first, but personality is going to decide for me if I like like someone.
To my readers
What is one thing that you don’t know about me?
I'm a certified counselor. e w e I swear.


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mink_wu #1
Oh wow you are gonna try for SME trainee?!! Wohoo go for it girl *raises pom poms*
bluecheeese #2
MIR! /cries and hugs you tbh
Fellow Hispanic whoop whoop!

My family judges me for listening to Korean music and not, like, freakin mariachi music (idek Spanish music genres)

It's so annoying >:|