Get to Know Your Author


Hair colour: Dark brown with natural highlights which somehow makes my hair look ORANGE under sunlight.

Eye colour: Dark brown.

Skin colour: slightly tanned, but I'm losing my tan now because I don't have time to go outside these days OTL

Most favourable facial feature: Eyes, I guess

Most disliked facial feature: Uhh... my weird smile D:

Height: 5'3" OTL SO SHORT


Name: Karen

Age: I dunno if I should put my real age here. Creepers. Creepers everywhere. /slapped

Nationality: American \O/

Country of origin: Korea... OTL

Current location: Americaaaaaaa

Favourite colour: Green XD

Favourite animal: BUNNIES FTW 

Fandom: Like everything out there. BABY, Secrettime, Angel, Blackjack, 4Nia, VIP, BBC, Melody, etc...

20 Random Questions:

Summer or Winter?

Do you have a special talent?
I can... imitate Zelo's voice?
I can pick up languages pretty well.
I have good memory when my brain allows me to remember OTL

Do you think you are a strong person?
I dunno...

What are your phobias?
I have claustrophopia. And like elevator-o-phobia. Like seriously, I can't be calm inside an elevator.

When do you feel most calm?
ooh um... when I'm reading Harry Potter for the umpteenth time, and the second after I finish all my homework lol

What inspires you?
Okay this is weird, but I'm pretty close to my mom, and when she talks, she's full of these Korean superstitions and proverbs and they inspire me...

What do you dislike about yourself? 
My indeciciveness, broad shoulders, and my leg hairs/mad hairy eyebrows I'm too scared to wax/shave off /slapped

What are your top three favourite colours?
Green, red, and blueee

What are your hobbies?
I like playing piano, listening to music, reading, eating, drawing, and researching random usless things for fun OTL

What is your favourite subject?
Omg Health is definitely my fave subject. My teacher and the kids are HILARIOUS.


What are three of your current favourite songs?
Oh, hmmm... Coma, BAP
One Shot, BAP
Going Crazy, Song Jieun ft. BYG.

What is your favourite day of the week?
Friday...? I think. Or Saturday.

How would you describe your current mood?
Stressed and tired as hell OTL

What are your future goals?
I'd like to be a singer. But like that's near impossible, so I'm working to get into the psychologist/psychiatrist field lol. I'd like to stop procrastinating.

What artists do you like?
BAP, Secret, Untouchable, 2NE1, 4Minute, IU, Ailee, Block B, etc etc

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?
I'd like to experience for myself time of war, or the Great depression In America. So right around the Great depression, just before WWII.

Which artists do you dislike?
I don't really dislike anyone... unless they have like attitude problems or something ><

What is your favourite month?

Do you believe in love?
Sometimes, but then other times, I question myself and my judgement and go all like, "Now why the hell did you put up with this guy? WHY do you like this airhead? WHAT does love actually mean? Does real love really exist??" OTL Yeah watch me go all philosopical over this, I am not sure if I spelled that right.

What is a saying/quote that you live by?
It's not really a quote. I live by the song One Shot and BYG's quote, "Do what you like and love what you do." BAP's so freaking deep I love that XD

Last beverage: Water. 

Last text message: "Lol sure. I can't resist food when it comes under my nose, lol"

Last song you listened to: Madonna, Secret.

Last time you cried: A month ago, a freaking record for me, who cries at the drop of a hat

Ever got back with someone you’ve been with before? 
Uhhh no.

Ever been cheated on?
I don't even know OTL /creys

Ever kissed someone and regretted it?
I have never actually kissed anyone. My parents would flay me alive, going, "NO KISSING OR DATING UNTIL YOU'RE MARRIEDD." Anyways I'm uber awkward when it comes to skinship. I don't even link arms with my friends. If my friends run at me and hug me, I just like awkwardly pat their hand like, 'uhhh... yeah nice to see you. Please let go of me.' .__. So yeah I'm not gonna be kissing any time soon.

Ever lost someone special?
Define "lost".

Ever been depressed?
Well, I've been upset a lot, but I haven't officially been diagnosed with depression or anything. Koreans don't pay attention to depression and mental illnesses, which is pretty messed up if you ask me. So like if you're depressed, you're parents won't really pay a lot of attention, saying, "It'll pass. You're just sad, you'll cheer up in a while." errr... no. You have ADHD, Autisum, Schizophrenia, etc etc? Most people don't care, they only call you 'troublemakers.' like seriously? Okay. done ranting.

This year have you…

Made a new friend?
Yupyup XD

Met someone that changed you?
I don't really think so...

Do you want to change your name?
My name is super common, and sometimes, I think that my parents should have named me something more interesting, but Karen's still a good name, and I have no intention of changing my name as of now.

What can’t you wait for?
Summer vacation OTL I like live for vacations. 

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Doing homework OTL

When was the last time you saw your mother?
less than a second ago.

What is the webpage you visit the most?
RPR, AFF, does Google count?

What is your relationship status?

What do you worry over the most?
My future, My family's future, what the hell I'm doing with my life

First surgery?
No surgery.

First piercing?
My ears when I was 8 OTL I remember I tried not to cry, and I held it in for my right ear, but after my left ear, I started BAWLING OTL

First sport you joined?

Do you want kids?
Not really. My health teacher described her niece's birth wayyyy too graphicly OTL I am not sure if THAT is a word.

Do you want to get married?
Sure. If I find the right guy OTL

What career do you want? 
Psychiatrist. Or singer, which ain't gonna happen OTL

Ideal type…


Older or younger?

Shorter or taller?

Romantic or spontaneous?
Both, I guess.

Lips or eyes?

Appearance or personality?
Both, I guess, but I think personality affects me more.
Like there's this guy I liked and he wasn't too good-looking, but his sense of humor and his gentlemanliness (OTL did I say that) kind of like attracted me...? MOTHER FATHER GENTLEMAN


Yeah I'll just leave this here OTL



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