First Rambling Of A Demented Mind



Usually I find myself asking this question, and at most it's only on a whim.  From the trivial thing such as asking the reason for washing my hands after rummaging through my very own landfill bag.  Which, according to my mom, the insides of my bag resembles a dark, unknown jungle.  I'm starting to ramble other things, aren't I?  

Psh....Going back to the topic, 'why?'

... from the trivial to the most complex of questions like, why not all birds fly?  why do people breath through their noses? (Don't tell me you never wondered about that question...acting indignant, eh? too bad i could see you're nostrils flaring which means you're lying...LMAO)

Bringing us to another set of questions that maybe going through your heads right now, dear reader.  Why did the writer of this blog entry think of posting such nonsense claptrap?  And why did the writer kept on rambling despite knowing this?

I myself am completely bothered of not having the answers for the last two questions.  It is as they, say one of earth's greatest mystery.....


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