Ranting post ( just needed to get this off my chest)

This is a ranting post so do feel free to ignore. I was on the train home from a long day at work and I was expecting a nice quiet ride as usual. But a few seats away sat a lady with her child in the stroller. She left her kid there crying his lungs out. Honestly, I think he sounds like a tortured cat. And what do normal parents do when their kids start crying? Pacify them, right? Well, definitely not what this lady had in mind. All she did was swish her hand in front of the child and then carried on to talk to her friend... I mean seriously lady? Do you not see or hear your child crying? Because I and everyone in the carriage sure can . Even this granny heard the baby screaming! I could tell this old granny wanted to rush over to calm the baby down. But she hesitated. Makes me wonder why do people want to have kids if they are going to leave them to scream until they become hoarse. Even if the child is crying because you scolded it for something it did wrong, explain to the freaking kid what be did wrong and stop him from crying. I mean what's crying going going to do? Make your kid cry out all mistakes? I'll just end here before I start writing an essay on this. Good day to all of you.


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