Hai... lol

If you know me in real life I'm not sure if you should read.... for the good of myself xD


So I have this Pledis audition form saved in my computer and it's all filled up, except for the pictures and video part...... I'm starting to reconsider xD. Because I am not even 16 yet so flying to Korea just for an audition would be hard.... But I really want to get in Pledis LOL. There's just this urge to go there..... maybe because of Samuel..... lol.... gahh so frustrating! ><


Oh btw, I had a weird dream not long ago. SHINee was having auditions for something and they were broken into groups and I kinda auditioned and got into one group, Onew and Taemin's group. And we were practicing the choreo and I wasn't doing so well. Then Onew came up to me...

"You really can't dance"

Lol, I immediately woke up. It's just a dream but it had such an impact xD


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You should enter! I want to audition too, but I have stage fright but people keep telling me my singing is good >.<

If you do get in, don't forget us okay? ;D