Exo are human beings

After reading the latest news about exo I just had to write about it. 

What gives those crazy saesang fans the right to do that? Do they have a chemical inbalance of the brain? 

Those boys work hard, they sometimes go without sleep.  I feel sorry that they have to put up with crazy fans who have no respect for them and thier privacy. 

Exo are human beings too. They have feelings, they get hurt but clearly THEY  ( saesang fans) don't get it. 

Those boys deserve to have private time without worrying about being watched and whatnot. You fans clearly have no human decency. 

You say you love them but you only hurt them.  and why isn't SM doing anything? Those boys are not money making robots! SM, do something about it otherwise we will lose these boys. We will never see their smiles again if something isn't done. 

And to parents of saesang fans! 


If my child was that crazy I would beat them.  What parent allows their child to do that?

Lastly, to the wonderful boys of Exo 

Don't ever blame yourselves.  It's not your fault.

You guys make amazing music, your personalities are delightful,  I can't just pick one bias, I love all of you guys. 

I believe that one day it will get better but until then please hold on. Continue to make the music that us Exotics love so much. 

Hopefully in the future I will meet you guys and tell you just how awesome you really are. 



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Solar_Sock #1
Amen to that!
They deserve more then to have crazy saesangs stalking them every five seconds. They have no life other then the practice room, Being stalked around the streets, preforming or being destroyed at the airport. I really hope things change, SM seriously have to do something before someone gets hurt.