get to know me...stollen from Daengel :D

1) My height : 168-170..i think

2) My age : 21

3) Shoe size : 40-41

4) Do I smoke? No.

5) Do I drink? Ocassionaly

6) Do I take drugs? No!

7) Age I get mistaken for : 15-16 :/

8) Have tattoos? No

9) Want any tattoos? Maybe :D

10) Have any piercings? Not yet

11) Want any piercings? Not sure

12) Best Friend :UndeadVampire , ohwells, Eddward :D oh..and makiyu :D

13) Relationship status: Kinda relationship-single [i can't really define my status because i am so not sure XD]

12) Biggest turn on: Curly hair , red hair , green eyes

13) Biggest turn off: bald people

14) Favourite movie:The Notebook , Me and Marley..too many to write :D

15) I'll love you if... you're kind with me 

16) Someone I miss: My childhood friends XD

17) Most traumatic experience:  Don't really had one...i have many depression related ones :/

18) A fact about my personality: i'm really...

19) What I hate most about myself: I hurt the people i love :/

20) What I love most about myself: My power to smile

21) What I want to be when I get older: Writer maybe?

22) My relationship with my siblings: Don't have any

23) My relationship with my parents: love them both XD

24) My idea of a perfect date: something fun like a park , or romantic as a lake dinner :D

25) My biggest pet peeves: don't really know

26) A discription of the girl/boy I like: Really sweet , makes me laugh everytime even if he's not beside me

27) A discription of the person I dislike the most: Thinks he's the best

28) A reason I've lied to a friend: protect from my problems

29) What I hate most about work/school: My stupid classmates :D 

30) What my last text message says: "Are you coming?" 

31) What words upset me the most: i give up

32) What words make me feel the best about myself; "You actually have talent"

33) What I find attractive in women: Eyes and hair

34) What I find attractive in men: same :D and personality

35) Where I would like to live: on a beach-house surrupounded by a calm ocean with my love beside me and a laptop to write more GRI :D 

36) One of my insecuriites: Almost everything..i am really shy sometimes XD

37) My childhood career choice: Fireman XD

38) My favourite Ice-Cream flavour: Cherry

39) Who I wish I could be: Any person that knows to control some damn feelings :/

40) Where I want to be right now: ia, USA

41) The last thing I ate: One Apple -DIET XD

42) iest person that comes to my mind immediately: Jiyong...well followed closely by Seungri and then by all the BB members XD

43) A random fact about anything: You don't really want to meet me in a bad mood 


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Aw this was really nice to read :D
I know more about you now I feel. thanks for putting this out :D love you! And you are the best!!
You said I'm your best friend! X3 *hugs* You're my best friend too! XP
waah I like this >^< cute!
LoneShiba #4
lmaoooo! I really want to meet you in person >w<

awww, boo. I'm on kit kats diet too /whispers/ kk~

how are you cass? ^-^