Some announcements

Annyeong! It's me, gamer217 :) I know, it's been a while since I made a blog post. I'm just really busy lately. Juggling sports and my studies isn't actually great. I mean, ever since we started our second semester, we're being flooded with school work and activities. Combine them with the weather we have in our country =.=" It fluctuates from really hot to really cold OR sunny then rainy, and THAT just happens in a DAY. I got sick because of it.

As the title says, I'm going to announce that  'My Twisted Life with Super Junior' will be placed on hiatus until I fix everything up. I'm still not sure when, but I'll be back! I promise! I just lack inspiration and time.

Recently, because I'm being stressed out with Idunno, everything? My health decides to mess with me. I know I should take care of myself but when I just can't help it. I haven't been having the right amounts of sleep, I'm studying the hell out of me because of this goal that I wanted to enter the top 3 in our class =.=" (What? I was motivated by my friend xD What am I gonna lose? I'm just gonna try) and other things.

Because of this, I'm going to visit the doctor tomorrow and I'm wishing that the sickness that I'm experiencing right now aren't worse. Like asthma, I don't like the treatments I'm gonna have if I'm diagnosed with it. Imagine all the medicines that I have to take, the deadly nebulizer I have to inhale. It , right?

Second announcement: I might focus on my other story. I already had the written drafts for chapter 2,3, and 4. I just can't find the time to type them.

Another thing that was that I'm almost near to finish typing chapter 2 when BANG! We lost electricity. It pissed me off because it was kind of a long one and it did not save. =.="

Third announcement: I know I keep saying this over and over, but I'm going to limit myself from using the computer.

Since you know my goal: Entering the top 3 in class (Not overall. I'll kill myself if I do that xD The top 1 in the overall has an average of like... 97? Not actually sure, we're not close. And mine's like 85.)  Which means that I have to give my best in my weak subject: Chemistry. Fortunately, since our topics already involve some computations, I'm actually improving (Just saying xD) 

By limit, I mean, yes I'm still gonna log-in. But I'm not gonna stay as long as I used to.

Last Announcement: There may be days where I'm gonna disappear, so these are the reasons I'm gonna give you.

1. I'm studying for some test.

2. Doing some project.

3. Summarizing Reasons 1 and 2: I'm doing my obligations as a student.

4. I'm sick. I need to rest.

5. I'm busy thinking of ways to actually save money.

6. I'm thinking of something for the next chapter of MTLWSJ.


That is all~ Thank you :D *bows*

Kyaaa! Give me a moment to spazz about the picture above ^ I swear, that wink can seriously kill fangirls. Specifically gamers. *dies*

Outside I was like:

But inside? Oh boy~

My heartbeat?

At first it was,


then it turned,


Okay, now I'm starting to sound random xD

Anyways, I have to go. Bye! :D

yeahsuperjunior:  donghae861015: 우린 슈퍼주니어~~~~~~~~에요!!!6주년 이네요 !! 사랑하고 또 사랑하고 더 많이 사랑하고 아끼고 또 아끼고 더 많이 아껴줄께요 !! 감사합니다 ELF I  U [TRANS] We are Super Juni~~~~~~~~or!!!6 year anniversary !! Love (SJ) and loving  those who love (us) and cherish (us) and cherish all who cherishes (us)  !! Thank you ELF I Love U (credits: 13elieveSG)


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