100 Facts


1. Name: Samantha A.V.E

2. Nickname: Sam

3. Birthdate: 11/8/96

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Primary school: HC

6. Elementary school: HC

7. High school: SSA

8. Hair color: Dark Brown (?)

9. Long or short: Not that long, not that short~

12. Phone or Laptop: Laptop

13. Health Freak: Nope. I have an unhealthy diet, thank you very much

14. Orange or apple: Both

15. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes

16. Eat or Drink: Both

17. Piercings: 1. On both ears

18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke


19. Been in an airplane: Yes

20. Been in a relationship: Naaah~

21. Been in a car accident: Nope

22. Been in a fist fight: Nope

23. First Piercing: Already answered

24. First Best Friend: My seatmate during Pre-school xD

25. First Award: Uhh.. When I was in pre-school? Because I was the 3rd in the class~ xP

26 .First Crush: You >:P

27. First word: How should I know?

29. Last friend you talked to in person: Steffy 

30. Last friend you texted: Areej 

31. Last friend you watched a movie with: Idunno xD I forgot, t'was a long time ago.

32. Last food I ate: Adobo~

33. Last movie you watched: Charlie's Angels. I saw it on HBO xP

34. Last song you listened to: 10 points out of 10 points - 2pm

35. Last thing you bought: Phone casing

36. Last person you hugged: Parents :3


37. Food: Too many to mention 

38. Drinks:  Coke, Ice Tea, anything that has flavor

39. Bottoms: Huh?

40. Flower: Rose was the first thing I thought of, so that counts right? 

41. Animal: Fish~

42. Colors: Blue, Green, and Red

43. Movie: Too many to mention

44. Subjects: Recess, Lunch, Dismissal. LOLjk~ Religion and PE


45. Fallen in love with someone: Yes

46. Celebrated Halloween: Yes

47. Had your heart broken: Yup

48. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone: Yes

49. Wanted to smack someone upside the head: I haven't gotten to that point yet xD

51. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza: No

52. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed: Of course

53. Did something I regret: Yes Yes Yes

54. Broke a promise: Mm~

55. Hid a secret: If every secret I hide is worth a piso, I'd be rich.

56. Pretended to be happy: Loads of times

57. Met someone who changed your life: Yeah~

58. Pretended to be sick: Yes xD

59. Left the country: Yup. Thrice

60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it:  Yes

61. Cried over the silliest thing: Yes .___.

62. Ran 5 miles: No

63. Went to the beach with your friends: No

64. Got into an argument with your friends: Yes. Of course.

65. Hated someone: Yes

66. Stayed single: I was always single .___.


67. Eating: No

68. Drinking: Coke

69. Listening to: The sound of my broken electric fan \m/ 

70. Thinking about: You?

71. Plans for today: This 'day' only has 3 hours left. I guess sleeping is on that list~

72. Waiting for: The day I become a millionaire :P


73. Want kids: I don't actually know .___.

74. Want to get married: With Emily Unnie? Sure~

75. Careers in mind: Architect, Accountant, or a Catechist. :)


76. Lips or eyes: Eyes

77. Shorter or taller: Taller

78. Romantic or spontaneous: Or

79. Nice stomach or nice arms: Or

81. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship


83. Lost glasses/contacts: I don't wear glasses/contacts .__.

84. Snuck out of a house: No

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No

86. Kissed someone before: Never

87. Broke someone's heart: I think?

88. Been in love: Yes

89. Cried when someone died: A lot of times


90. Yourself: Occasionally xD

91. Miracles: Yes. 100 times yes

92. Love at first sight: 50% yes, 50% no. I'll answer this when I experience it~

93. Heaven: Yes

94. Santa Clause: Well, if I'm not mistaken, this guy's a Saint who gives gifts to people. To elaborate, I believe that he once lived among us, and we just continue what he does every 25th of December (And January 1, just in case). Did I even make sense? -.-


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: Yup. Sadly, I don't want to think about it.

98. Do you know who your real friends are?: Yes

99. Do you believe in God?: Of course. 

100. Would you change something in your life?: I don't know .___.


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