Please take time to read this

This issue about Baekhyun and the sasaeng fans has been bothering me since last night and I can't help but cry every time I see it on Twitter.

I am a Baekhyun stan and this really affects me in every single way.


First, "IZE interview, Baekhyun said that he misses his family and the wedding was the time he will reconnect again" We all know that Baekhyun, not only him, the whole EXO is not being able to see their families everyday. They have to do their job to make us, their fans happy even if it means being away from their families. Yesterday, was a very special day for Baekhyun's brother, Baekbeom because it's his wedding day. Baekhyun attended together with some of the EXO members for them to witness the special ocassion. It was supposed to be a private gathering for them. It was supposed to be a peaceful and happy day for them, but the sasaeng fans ruined the whole thing. 

I have no idea how they managed to get in even if they're not even invited. Knowing the sasaeng fans, they will always try their best to see their idols and ruin their lives. And so they did. 

"Some sasaeng fans disliked Baekhyun for ignoring them, so they hit his throat as a revenge because he is the main vocal" 

After seeing that on Twitter I just had to log out and cry.

For heaven's sake, Baekhyun went there for him to enjoy his brother's wedding and not for a fansigning event or a fanmeeting or a concert. EXO's schedule is always full because of events like that and Baekhyun only needed one day, JUST ONE DAY for this. He needed that one day to be private. 

In fansigning events, you can always see Baekhyun as the happy one, the one who smiles the entire time for the fans even if you can clearly see the pain in his face. He does that for the fans. And yesterday these fans got mad at Baekhyun for ignoring them. God, who wouldn't be ignoring such people? 

Hitting his throat for revenge because he's the main vocal? These fans are totally out of their minds. Maybe they thought Baekhyun would notice them after doing that. 

"Sasaeng fans put chrysanthemum (flower for the dead) in front of SME bldg, that was for Baekhyun" 

I swear to God, this thing made me very angry. They did this because Baekhyun ignored them. How immature could you be? You ruined his privacy. You ruined his brother's wedding. Baekhyun didn't even do anything to stop these fans. He just continued doing his thing with that permanent smile on his face. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this. If you really call yourselves EXO fans then did you even think of the things that might happen after what you did? This can have a great impact on Baekhyun. DID THAT EVEN OCCUR TO YOU.

“this is my one and only hyung and his one and only wedding, why would you do this you crazy humans - Baekhyun"

"As Baek was talking to the bride, I was next to him as he continuously apologized and looked pitiful." 

To be very honest, Baekhyun shouldn't have done this. It wasn't even his fault for goodness sake.

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These fans have no idea how lucky they are. Being able to see you everyday, attend every EXO concert, ride a taxi cab or a bus to attend fanmeeting and fansigning events, some even gets to talk to them personally. If something bad happens to them, you guys can easily go and tell them to get well soon and take care of themselves. How I wish I could do that, too. How I wish I could see this smile anytime I want. But no, the best thing I could do is to look at his picture and talk to it. It makes me look crazy, I know, but it's the best I can do. I'm not used to seeing an angry Baekhyun. And it makes me sad everytime I do. I hope I can comfort him and defend him right now but what can I do, I'm 10291029302903293029 miles away from him. 

Baekhyun, I want you to know that we ing love you so much. Please be stong.

I swear to the heavens, if I don't see this smile again after this incident, I'll do everything to hunt you down.


I wish, EXO is not as popular as they are now. We may have the largest fandom with the most people, but we have the most problems, too. 

For the sasaeng fans, please respect EXO's privacy. I bet that's not a really hard thing to do, right? I'd kneel in front of you and beg for you to leave them alone when they're spending some private time with their families if I could.Because without them, there would be no Park Chanyeol, Kim Joonmyun, Do Kyungsoo, Kim Jongin, Oh Sehun, Wu Yifan, Kim Jongdae, Kim Minseok, Huang Zitao, Lu Han, Zhang Yixing, and Byun Baekhyun. 





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foreverINSPIRIT #1
How I miss MAMA era. When they first debuted. There's not many fans like now. Truthfully, I even like them before they debut. Feel sorry Baek Hyun. What he had done till this happened to him?
Baekhyun must feel bad to his brother.
Its his brother's wedding not baekhyun's wedding..
Honestly,there's no need to rush into other people's wedding..
one day later , they can meet baekhyun infront SM building
I quite understand if they waiting infront SM building,
as a fan, me also want to see them,but since I have my own life ignore this need..
But maybe not, ruining others wedding..
we all know..
we will or had wedding only once in lifetime,
except for some cases..
BaekBom(?'s wife must be dissapointed..
sasaeng fans should think twice ..
I actually completely agree with you, especially because the focus of the day was NOT exo or baekhyun at all - the focus was baekhyun's brother and his wife, and yet the saesang fans failed to understand this and decided, so selfishly, to interrupt a day which was meant to be about a new couple to a fan meeting with EXO. I'm sure that Baekhyun may have already had hesitation in bringing all of the EXO members to the wedding, but because of their good relations with one another they decided to go through with it so they could ALL celebrate his brother's wedding. I'm so disappointed in these fans who are selfish they cannot even think of EXO and their feelings, and they have ended up hurting the real EXO fans as well as the EXO members themselves.
What the actual hell!?
Something like this happened!?
What is WRONG with those people!? Hitting him is completely unacceptable, far less for hitting his THROAT! What the hell!
I can't even fully express how I feel about this right now because I'm just that pissed. Ughhhhhhhhhh. >.<
lovidovi #5
Oh My God, they're so crazy. How could they hurt somebody they love? They aren't worth to be called fans. They should be caught by police.
ayemwhyyyy #6
Who lets their own child chase after idols?! Control your kids for once, geez!
hwangyeonyeon #7
Omg, I'm super slow on this
But I'm a Baekhyun stan too
T^T why did they do such a thing to him?
I never liked sasaeng fans ever
I think Baekhyun's a really nice
person in order to not do anything
to the fans
And I do agree about not wanting
them to be not so popular
I think sasaengs for EXO are really crazy
I hope Baekhyun can smile again, and also be well
Thanks for sharing this with us
This needs to ing stop! Hitting his throat??! Like, u do know how could have hit his Adams Apple and he could have chocked on it! BAD THINGS DOESNT NEED TO HAPPEN FOR IT TO STOP! WE'VE BEEGED AND PLEADED! EXO HAS BEGGED AND PLEADED! DOES IT PLEASURE U TO. SEE THEM PAIN??! because if it does, you sick sick bastards and u need to get ur priorities in check.
I kinda wish too that exo weren't as popular as they are right now because it proves to be more negative than positive for the boys.
Well, I'm not an exo fan but I like Baekhyun. wow this time they really went overboard! Please put an end to this sasaeng fans! I really hope Baek is alright :(
CandyToo #11
AMEN! These sasaengs have no lives. The wedding is the most important event or moment in a person's life and it is also a 'once in a life' thing, but the sasaeng fans acted like it was an airport or a park!! They seriously have no respect for people!! I am so mad. SM please do something, seriously!! I hope Baekhyun will be alright. I would do anything to comfort him... OMG. I cried.
Those saseang fans are too much. Baekhyun's brother's wedding only happens one in a lifetime. Why can't they just leave him alone for once. They came only for Exo but this totally ruined the happy mood of everybody who attends the wedding especially the bride and the groom. I somehow imagine how Beakhyun's face looked like when the saseang fans almost ruined the wedding and it saddens me alot.