What Happens?

Sorry but here's another idea/theory that i suddenly came up when i was studying 1948 elections and how SPP fought for equality between locals and europeans haishhh exam stress :( 

It's just a theory, which actually quite makes sense to me. I don't know if anyone has come up with this before, but it just struck me and if it's been published somewhere......... i'm sorry did you go into the future and steal my idea? 

Don't judge. I think i'm a genius.

Energy and carbon. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. Carbon, even with the carbon cycle, will eventually end up back in the atmosphere, floating somewhere. 

So what happens after we die? We have energy. What happens to all the energy we harness? We have carbon. We are sorta made up of carbon. other than oxygen and water anyway. Does all that carbon release into the atmosphere upon our decomposition?

So now we have the issue of ghosts. Ghosts exist. Or thats what i believe anyway. What are ghosts made up of? Why can we sometimes see them and sometimes not see them. Why do some people see ghosts and others dont? Intriguing, no?

And then we have another problem, of global warming. So global warming is the increase in air temperatures supposedly brought about by the increasing number of industrial and other human activities worldwide, which produce greenhouse gases which trap heat in the atmosphere. There is no doubt that global warming is the result of humanity. But what if global warming is actually caused by a more, say, subtle, process? 

Hence my weird idea/theory is that. What if we, humans, are directly the cause of global warming? Directly. Not because of the activities like burning that we carry out, but by our death?

We are made up of energy and carbon (partially anyway), and when we die all this energy and carbon is released and we become ghosts. We, as ghosts, then float around in the atmosphere. Is carbon dioxide not one of the many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causing heat to be trapped, thus causing global warming? And since death rates everywhere are increasing, doesn't it correspond with the increasing amount of greenhouse gases? So we, by our presence and existence as ghosts after death, trap heat in the lower atmosphere of the earth and cause global warming. 

Or that's my theory anyway. 


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breathlessbot #1
....omg, krispy, you are daebak. go watch Vsauce on youtube. its a channel abt all this kind of psychology stuff. Its my of my favs....dun judge.
Wait how did you link spp with energy and carbon anyway
Stop. The mind.
And please don't use 'anyway' ugh it gets so annoying.