CYCLONE Manager App

Applying For: Manager
NameKim/Shin ‘Melanie’ MyoLyn
Age: 22 years old – July 19, 1989
Appearance: Hwang Mi Hee

Personality: MyoLyn is one of the most laid-back young women you will find. She used to be a model and kick boxer, so she knows what it’s like to be famous and have busy schedules. She has a two-year-old son named JiHoon, English name Raven, with that she knows responsibility of watching over children. She is very warm and motherly to the group and whenever they are free of schedules and when she isn’t too busy but with all of Cyclone, she brings JiHoon with her. MyoLyn has been going out with JYJ’s Kim JaeJoong since 2008, so for 3 years, they have been together, and they have had a child since 2009 on December 13th, so she has known JaeJoong even in his DBSK years. MyoLyn is also very strong hearted and minded because when she was dating JaeJoong, a lot of women, both young and old were jealous of the love she received from him, being a famous idol and a god with looks. MyoLyn and JaeJoong will be getting married in a month since they have been engaged since September and have finally found time for JaeJoong to be with his family. Whenever any of her ‘children’, the group, is in some sort of trouble, especially with haters, she will give them an icy glare. It is because her eyes are a bright blue since she her mother had blue eyes as well, even if she is a full Asian. Her motherly instinct with the younger generation makes her all the more likable. She doesn’t smother them, but she takes care of them the way they think she should treat them; like they say, ‘Treat others the way you want to be treated.’

Relationship status: Engaged to Kim JaeJoong.

JaeJoong & Baby 1
JaeJoong & Baby 2
The Kim Family
Baby JiHoon

AFF name: K-P0PG1rL
AFF Link:


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