Rainbow spazzing! star face off/idol athletics/just spazzing

hi guyz...sorry for the notification again....i was just on the verge of downloading chuseok program star face off...

actually i downloaded ZE:A cut first eventhough it was so damn hard to find n since i love Rainbow as well..i tried downloading their cut too...but the trouble it took led me to download the whole show even with slow internet...the pains you endure for love....lol.

and i must say i need to spazz...and since i'm already embarrassed to spazz on twitter since it'd take me hundreds of tweets probly..i'll just spazz here...lol. (if u hate the notification, please feel free to remove me from ur list, thanks)


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Rainbow did awesome!!! (though i always love Rainbow cover perfs anyway..i'm still surprised that i'm surprised for liking it lol)

i mean...i wouldn't say i'm crazy bout the song*though the more i watch n listen the more i like it..n i love that i always can't expect what sort of song Rainbow's gonna cover on these kinda shows...)...but the performance was perfect n classy. there's no gimmick to make them stand out..like some random funny stuffs/style many performers brought in...like adding humour/crossdressing/masks , hairdo , costume that replicates the exact look of real singer/weird expressions while lipsyncing to real singer's voice/etc. don't get me wrong, i've nothing against those gimmicks...it takes strategies to win the crowd n judges...not just talents n quality...but...i'm glad glag glad that the groups i love didn't have to go through so much trouble n just focus on the performances itself, as much as gimmicks are fun n would make them stand out.....it's a lil tiring n certain lengths of gimmicks freak me out tbh.....and Rainbow is so used to being hated bcuz of their y image, dedication in their works n carefree personalities that somehow jelly fangurls just hate...but this performance leaves no room for hate...they're y even with covered up style-i really like the all-covered up image on them cuz they can be y even without over-revealing clothes tbh that sometimes made them look more cutesy than y compared to all covered up clothings, they sing the song themselves and sound awesome at that...they didn't act cutesy or anything...dat fierce charisma n expressions that are cool without overdone...damnit. the less gimmicks allowed the judges to see their worth n talents i think....eventhough they might not be able to see their personalities n interesting gimmicks they could come up with. a judge/one of the commenter...even said the perf is simply just perfect n nothing more to say. n i think Hyunyoung's voice impersonation was amazing too. hyunyoung has a crazy personality that i think would go well in variety...but then again...all Rainbow members are crazy n didn't hold back to take care of their 'image' in shows...which i simply adore n is really refreshing...(reminds me watching them in weekly idol with 4minute n secret n they didn't even care acting all ahjumma-ish while the other two groups all girlgroup-ish...)...i suddenly hav an urge to write fanfic that makes use of hyunyoung's crazy shameless personality in shows...but idk...i'm good at coming up with new ideas but not at writing them...but anyway...just to say i'm having Rainbow feels rite now...xD

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and i love that SeungA gets to perform in the star face off....since she rarely had opportunity to showcase/contribute her talents bcuz usually it's always just the popular members...and even in idol athletics...SeungA participated in the 4x100(i think) running with Jaekyung/Woori/Hyunyoung...and they won bronze...n Woori won silver for high jump i heard, n Rainbow even won gold for women's archery(Yoonhye/Jaekyung/Woori) ...omg! Rainbow....whom from what i watch before this...weren't that great in sports...they must've worked hard to improve themselves...and since their team(team A) won...i'm happy that they contributed to the winning....besides other groups in the team...in fact, they contributed quite a lot. way to go! n i can also see that Jaekyung works extremely hard for the group n i really adore her. 

though i think in the star face off...they could've take someone else other than Woori since there's no rapping part n woori's not much of a singer (tbh i really really love Noeul n Yoonhye voices)...but Woori adds to the visual that fits the perf i guess...n i love the unnie-line type of matured beauty anyway...they fit the style(n it helps that hyunyoung looks matured too despite being the maknae)...idk why but in almost every group i love...i always ended up having extra lurve for the elder members.><.....though in rainbow...i love all of 'em. although i do complain a lot when certain members get too many parts all the time n certain members always left out like in Rainbow case-Hyunyoung/Jisook/Jaekyung are the members who get humongous parts in songs...i mean...this problem happen with almost all groups n i complain about this a load when it comes to ZE:A n Nine Muses too(which,both are groups i lurve)...

speaking of ZE:A...lol at them acting silly in response to Boom's comment on Rainbow's perf...lol. cuteness overload.

and to end this i just hope Rainbow's next comeback would bring back the powerful charismatic Rainbow. even if they like the cutesy image themselves....but they're made for better things. they have so much charisma in them to be wasted. i really don't want to see them to be another awesome group disbanded under dsp...T^T....my poor heart is hurt enough with a'st1....please don't let rainbow go through same fate. 



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