AFF Username : TehWrapperNaah
State why you want to join : This seems like a really well-written and interesting fic, and also I have no homework ^^.
E-Mail Address : [email protected]
Character name : Park Eunyoung
Nickname(s) : Eunhee (Gahee is her older sister, it's supposed to be a pun), Eunmin (sometimes people mistake her for a guy)
Gender : Female
Date of Birth : October 31.
Age : 14
Height (cm) : 169cm
Weight (kg) : 46kg
Blood Type : O
Place of Birth : Gangwon, South Korea
Ethnicity : Korean
Religion : None
ual Orientation : Heteroual
Traits : Boyish, witty, violent, sarcastic, erted, flirty at times, tall, slender, outgoing, not-athletic, conniving, arrogant, blunt, obnoxious
Character Overview : 
To be honest, Eunyoung is rather typical. She's just as "loud" and "outgoing" as other girls. However there are a few things about her that are rather...peculiar.

She enjoys punching people. She also enjoys hitting, kicking, making them bleed etc. She's been that way since she was born, although it did get worse as she aged. Eunyoung doesn't just go around hitting people however, she gives them a reason to get violent first and then she strikes. Whether it be flirting with a boy (or girl sometimes), annoying someone, "accidentally" bumping into someone, she finds a way. Everything is a game to her, and once she's gotten into a fight she's won. She'll do anything to bait her target, all with a cocky smirk on her face. 

There are times when Eunyoung is different though, mostly when she's alone with friends or around her sister. The only other thing that can make her sane is a piano. When she's near one, it's almost as if she's a different person. It's like it's an alternate reality, where Eunyoung is kind, supportive, gentle and sweet. There's something about the instrument that soothes her soul but, only her closest friends know that.

Deep down, Eunyoung is very insecure. She's been living under the shadow of her sister for so long, that her only aspiration is to be like her. She tries hard at the more intellectual subjects, exercises, and tries to practice dancing. She hopes that she can be as independent and courageous as her sister. The thing she wants the most, is for Gahee to be proud of her. She's definitely not a tomboy but, she's not girly either. 

Something that piss people off about her, is her attitude. Eunyoung enjoys pushing every single button, until she hits self-destruct. Her closest friends call her obnoxious, and teachers call her a brat. She'll respond to you everytime you say something, even if it didn't need a response. She enjoys especially a practice called, "dissing." She believes the main point to the existence of others, is to provide her entertainment.
Likes : 
+Fitted Caps 
+High heels (she likes the noise they make)
+Chinese films
+Classical Music
+Songs about love and ballads ("I'm in Love", "Love you like a love song", "Pray" etc.)
Dislikes : 
-Shrimp and Chocolate
-The smell of cigarettes
-People who think they're the
Hobbies :
*Composing music
*Learning easy dance routines
*Drawing (badly)
*Collecting fitteds
Habits : 
>Taunting people
>Grinning when she finds a new target
>Asking meaningless questions
>Playing around with her hat/hair
>Biting the corner of
Phobia/Fears : 
Why? That one Spongebob episode where Bikini Bottom is destroyed and terrorized by one.
>Piano (she can play almost any song she hears)
>She's decent at most string instruments (guitar, violin, harp)
Motto in life : Feel free to punch anything that isn't a piano.
Definition of Love : "That moment when you realize being away from someone is more painful than anything else."
Ideal type : A boy that looks pretty but, has a strong personality and can understand her.
Addicted to : Maplestory, Bulgogi
Favorite Food : Medium-well steak
Favorite Color : Light fluffy pink
Random Facts about your character : 
>Eunyoung cannot freestyle dance
>Sometimes girls confuse her for a guy and ask her out
>When she was younger, she wanted to be Gahee when she grew up
>She has some hair extensions she uses when going out with her sister
>One of her male friends once told her the shape of her s was nice (Youngmin)
>It's really hard to find a picture of her before she cut her hair

Parents : 
Lee Minhee - Mother
-Age 53
-Demanding and proud
-Not in contact with Gahee/Eunyoung

Park Hyungjin
-Age 56
-Caring and quiet
-Rarely in contact with Gahee/Eunyoung

Siblings : 
Park Gahee (Jiyoung)
-Age 30
-Professional dancer/teacher at NDA
-Really doting and loving, Eunyoung says she's the perfect sister
-Has a strong influence on the things Eunyoung does

Relatives : None that are of any importance...
Social Class :
Class B/C
The Parks run a rather huge farm, that contributes to their chain of grocery stores in the area.
Actual Background : 
Before Eunyoung was born, Gahee left Gangwon to pursue her dancing career (to the disdain of her parents). Later that year, Eunyoung was born. Her parents were happy to fill the gap Gahee left behind, giving her lots of attention and love. Unfortunately, Eunyoung was a violent and aggressive child. Her first word was, "Bad" accompanied by a slap across her mother's face. The first thing she ever asked for was a piano, so her parents bought one. The realized a piano held the same properties as a pacifier for her, so they made sure to develop her passion.

As she grew older, the people of Gangwon began to gossip and compare Eunyoung to Gahee. She didn't know much about her sister, so she began to see her as the best thing she could ever achieve. She felt the expectation to be like her in every way possible, and was upset that she wasn't. Older boys who knew Gahee would comment about Eunyoung's body, claiming it wasn't nearly as "y" as Gahee's. These comments disgusted her, so naturally she beat the hell out of them. As she got older, the comparisons and altercations got worse and worse. The gossip about the Parks' daughters gave their chain a negative reputation and so, Eunyoung's parents decided to send her to live with the Gahee she admired to much. 

At the time, Eunyoung had only talked with her sister over the phone so she was excited to finally meet her. They bonded almost instantly, and Eunyoung adored her more and more. Away from people who knew a lot about Gahee, there was a little less pressure.  To make Gahee proud, she tried hard to behave well, and get good grades (she even took up dance). Eunyoung focused more of her time on piano but, ended up in a relationship. The break up had a huge emotional toll on her, she had to be transferred to a different school. She cut her hair and began being a lot more aggressive, even though she did have a few friends. As a last attempt, Gahee enrolled Eunyoung into Notre Dame Academy in hopes to reform her.
Appearance : Most of the time, Eunyoung's friends say she looks like she needs a jacket.   She has pale skin, light pink, plump lips and chubby cheeks. She's a tall, lanky girl with dark hair. I guess she could be described as a manly Snow-White. Her waist isn't small, and she has almost 0 curves. Eunyoung feels as if her face makes her look like she's 5 (genetic trait), especially her large eyes. When she smiles, her dimples are really obvious (another genetic trait) so she makes it a point to scowl.
Links : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ulzzang Name : Kim Jee In
eye color : Brown
hair color : Black with hints of red
hair style : Choppy layers to the chin, with bangs
Usually wears : Eunyoung honestly does not put much effort into dressing. She's not interested in revealing her body, nor receiving attention for it. She does like bright colours and shirts with words on them (even if she doesn't know what they mean). T-shirts, jeans, hoodies, and sweatshirts are mainly what she wears. Normally, she doesn't dare wear skirts or shirts because of her chicken legs. And you can always expect to see her in funky heels. Formal events are a whole different story, she tried to give off a girly/y image so she doesn't make Gahee look terrible.
Casual : 1 2 3 4 5
Formal : 1 2 3 4
Others : 1 2 3
School Year : Freshmen - 9th grade
Type : New
Best Subject(s) : 
-Instrumental Music (obvious reasons)
-Culinary Arts (it's just mixing things together for her)
-Political Science (arguing is easy)

Worst Subject(s) : 
-Physical Education (lazy)
-Drama (teacher is annoying)
-Geology (Boring )

Grade Point Average : 3.6. Her best subjects slightly cover-up for her hardly passing the rest of them.
Club Activity : 
-Various Instrumental Ensembles
-Dance Club (thanks to Gahee)
-Debate (just to piss off other members)
School Rank : Bully
Persona : The Punching Pianist
Love interest : 
1. Jo Youngmin - Class C
2. Jo Kwangmin - Class C
3. Any Applicant (older)
Favorite picture of them : 
Relationship : 
Youngmin - Brother/Sister (with hints of ual attraction)
Kwangmin - Friends with Benefits

Applicant - Eunyoung's victim but, deep down she harbours a tiny crush. She kind of admires him.
How you met : 
The Twins
At the second school Eunyoung went to, she was on a mean streak. One day Kwangmin was walking in front of her in the halls, and according to her he was too slow. So like any logical person she slammed him into a locker and threatened him. Kwangmin kept trying to make excuses, asking for forgiveness, and it annoyed Eunyoung so she gave him a black eye. The next day, Youngmin confronted her with Kwangmin (he was disappointed his brother got beat up by a girl). Eunyoung was blinded by Youngmin's beauty and apologized and invited them to eat lunch with her. Kwangmin dragged Youngmin along and they became friends. Applicant
She saw him in the hallway, he was flawless. Being the logical person she is, to get his attention she knocked all of his stuff out of his hands.  With a smirk she walked away, hoping her image stayed in mind. It went on like this for a while, even if he was older. One day while wanting to spend time in the music room, Eunyoung saw him and her heart fluttered. A new admiration was born in her, and she always brings it up with her friends. Too bad he has no idea who she is, other than "the who keeps dropping my stuff".
First impression : 
Youngmin => Handsome prince, she was smitten.
Kwangmin => Annoying, nerdy, weak kid. She didn't like him so much.
Applicant => Interesting, gorgeous, beautiful.
Their personality : 
Honestly, he doesn't hate Eunyoung. He just doesn't want his brother to get suspicious about his relationship with her. He had seen her in the halls a few times and thought she was pretty hot but, that was kinda buried when A) She beat up Kwangmin and B) Kwangmin started liking her. Now he picks on her, teases her, pretty much anything an older brother would do to hide his original feelings. He's kind of a manwhore, makes him happy and he kind of admires the manwhores of the school. When he's older he wants to be Kingka so, this is practice ;).

He was scared out of his mind the day Eunyoung attacked him. The only reason he ate lunch with her was to up. In an odd twist of fate, he found she was pretty adorable and they became friends. Then they got to know each other more, and decided  she was beautiful when she was fighting, playing piano, yelling, laughing, etc. Basically a total fanboy. Now they're pretty close, to the point where they kiss (places not including the lips), hug, talk about boys/girls, and hang out. Kwangmin's just trying to show he can be a good boyfriend.
Any special moments with that special someone : 
Youngmin - Eunyoung will probably try to seduce him.
Kwangmin - Kwangmin eventually mans up and asks her out to the most awkward date ever.
Applicant - He eventually finds out her name and chews her out in front of everyone, leaving her to run to go cry in Kwangmin's arms.
Rival : 
-Upperclassmen who think they control the school
-Freshman Applicant
Why you hate them : Youngmin is always saying Eunyoung should be more like her, Kwangmin thinks she's gorgeous.
(Applicant) is always doing better than her in school, she's sick of it and plans on torturing her.
Friend(s) : 
-Minwoo, Hyunseong, Jeongmin from Boyfriend (although they're mainly awkward)
-Dasom of SISTAR (Eunyoung thinks she's hilarious and weird)
-Any other applicant that can handle her (Hahaha.)
Best friend(s) : 
Hwayoung of T-ara (the Yin to Eunyoung's Yang)
-A weirdo
-Likes rap music
-Enjoys making Youngmin awkward

Soyu of SISTAR (Another badass)
-Easy (-wise)
-One of those "don't give a " girls
-Somehow manages to maintain a 4.0 avg
-Being pursued as a one-night stand by Youngmin
And Kwangmin but, you already know about him.
How you became best friends: 
One the first day of school, Eunyoung found she was the only tall, non-preppy girl and they could relate. Over time they bonded to the point of sisters, they tell each other everything. They got their hair-cut together, Hwayoung even applied to Notre Dame to be with Eunyoung. She's always had Eunyoung's best interest-- they're pretty much kindred spirits.

At the second school she went to, Soyu was on the soccer team. Eunyoung was eating lunch outside while they were having a practice. The practice had to end early because of rain and at some point during the practice Soyu kicked the ball too close to Eunyoung. While Soyu was cleaning up, Eunyoung attacked her. By the end of the fight, they were covered in mud and blood. In a weird way, the event was hilarious to them. Now Eunyoung calls her "Part 2 of the most badass crew in Seoul". 

Other relationships : 
Eunyoung and Chunji got along pretty well. He was one of those charming types, that you can't help "falling" for. So they started going out and the whole class loved them together. It turns out though, the entire thing was just a big game between Chunji and his friends. All he wanted was and the reputation that would come with it. After she told him she wouldn't, he started cheating on her and treating her badly. The last straw for her was when he said, "I'd rather screw her sister." They broke up during a huge class argument.

Who you end up with : Kwangmin after realizing Youngmin will never love her the way she wants.
||Extra Info||
Describe your character in one sentence : An aggressive  and slightly bitter girl, who loves her sister way too much.
Pick one letter from the word P R I D E : P for piano!
Does your character engage in premarital : If the circumstances were right.
Has any form of vice(s) : Harassment, lying, violence, envy, anger, cruelty
Wait, you're okay with rated scenes right? : Love them.
Why do you want to be picked for our fanfic : This seems like a really well-written story, and you seem like the types of authors that wouldn't leave us hanging (like a lot of other apply fics). I've always preferred school fics but, there aren't as many.
Do you think your character is good enough for this fanfic: Yup, but I guess she's not as unique  as she could be.
If you get chosen would you comment all the time : Yes!
Would you unsubscribe when you're not chosen : Nope, just comment a little less?
Anything else you want to add: This was so long T_T. 


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