Sonata App


user info ; 

username - TehWrapperNaah
profile link - 
name - Nana

character info ; 

full name - Lee, Yi Bin
nicknames - Bin or Bin Bin
preferred name - Yi Bin
age -  17
birthdate - January 30, 1995
blood type - O
height -    172cm
weight -  48kg
birthplace - Somewhere in China
hometown - Tokyo, Japan
ethnicity - Half chinese, Half Korean
spoken languages - (In order of fluency) Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Conversational English

appearance info ; 

appearance -
ulzzang name - Yiyi or Wang Yi
style ;
casual- Basically anything short at the bottom, or tight (skinny jeans). On top she'd wear something fairly loose and colourful.
formal -  Tight and black, or frilly and white. There is no inbetween :P.
training - Just comfortable clothing that keeps her warm.

dorm - Anything that aren't jeans, and shirts that can replace a blanket.
onstage- Something that's mostly dark for sophistication, but shorter and shows off her figure. If the song is more vibrant, something with lots of patterns and colour.

personal info ; 

personality - 
There's really one word to describe Yi Bin's personality-- immature. She's the type to laugh at "inappropriate" words (buns, wiener, bone etc.), the lamest jokes you have ever heard (ex. Knock Knock jokes), and she's a ert. It's one of the main reasons she's really touchy, and also closer to males. For her looks, she actually has a rather tomboyish personality. She enjoys videogames, and can spend an hour insulting the dynamics of a video game. When in the company of friends she's close with, she sometimes swears.
Deep down, she has a lot of insecurities. Like any teenage girl she worries about her looks but, more her personality. Seeing as she's usually approached first for her looks, Yi Bin often wonders what people really like her for. To her, the personality counts more than the outside but, because of her childhood she hasn't had many friends. She's always worried about being alone; basically finding someone who will accept all of her and not just her appearance. Even if she's no the best at it, the thing she enjoys doing the most is dancing. After doing so much with her body (modelling), she found a new way to express herself and move. For once, what she's doing isn't about a single moment but, something that continues on. For Yi Bin it means a way of getting people to pay attention to her for more than a second.
likes - 
-Afterschool (for their beauty and power)
-Videogames, computers, the internet etc.
-Fitted Caps
-Nike shoes
-People who like touching (in the non-dirty way XD)
dislikes -
-Kids shows
-Skirts (unless they're mini-skirts)
-Girly clothing
-People who are too serious all the time
hobbies -
-learning idol dances
-collecting spongebob memorabilia 
habits -
 -braiding parts of her hair
-eating off lipstick
-crossing and uncrossing her legs
-interjecting with lame puns/comments/jokes/song lyrics
-falling asleep randomly (early in the morning)
trivia -
-The first dance routine she learned was Son Dambi ft. Afterschool's AMOLED
-Yi Bin is deathly afraid of butterflies
-She can't remember what her first love looked like
-She's trying to learn how to play the guitar
-Her musical inspiration are Brown Eyed Girls, and T (Yoon Mi Rae)
-Ideal type is someone with a pretty face but, manly qualities: DGNA's Karam
-Yi Bin can eat 5 large plates of fries, it's her obsession.
random facts - 
-People say Yi Bin looks like a really creepy doll, especially when she smiles
-Yi Bin wants to get piercings once she reaches the age of 18
-She'll sometimes wake up at 6AM for no reason, and then go right back to sleep
-She was named so that her chinese name would be able to be spelled in Korean as well

background info ; 

background  -
Yi Bin was born to a Korean father and a Cantonese mother however, her father returned to Korea after the brief affair. With no secure way of supporting her child, Yi Bin's mother put her daughter into modelling. By the end of her early childhood she had made a name for herself, and they moved to Japan to continue her career. Yi Bin was in a few commercials, movies and was the spokesperson for a few products before her early teens which rarely left with time for frirends. Around the age of 13, her mother married a korean man and they moved to Korea. Her adolescence was extremely lonely, being a foreigner who was pretty famous made her a target for bullying and no one would ever talk to her. Most of the shoots and cfs she did centred around her being cute and girly but, she really wasn't. Yi Bin became unsastisfied with this image and learned to sing and dance so she could enter pageants.
how you got accepted to DGEnt - Yi Bin was scouted after performing part of B.E.G.'s Abracadabra in the same competition Nana of Afterschool competed in. 

relations info ; 

parents  -
Lee Hwangyu, 40  (Mother, cantonese)
Kim Jaemin, 42 (Father, Korean)

relationship info ; 

friends - Miss A's Jia and F(x)'s Victoria since they're of the same background and passionate about dancing.
rivals - 4Minute's Hyuna, Yi Bin feels that her dancing is only to maintain an image and not to showcase talent or express herself.

stage info ; 

stage name - Yi Bin
individual fanclub name - Buckets, when she found out what Bin meant in english she thought it was cute.
individual fanclub colour - Stormy Grey
position - Sub-rapper, Lead Dancer
side jobs - Probably just a permanent guest on a variety show.
Extras ; 
Your favourite song - Little by Little - Boyfriend, Hot Shot - Brown Eyed Girls, Diva - Afterschool


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