es Be Crazy!

*these are just my feels. I am addressing no one in particular. Happy Sunday guys! XD Welcome to another one of my rare blog posts. XD If You know me, You'll know I'm writing this on my crusty phone and it's a rant post, lol. In my time on AFF, it's certainly...evolved. It used to be a pretty supportive community-still is- but now you've got much more of your people that are always snapping for some tired reason, criticizing others' writing, or just being troublesome. I wish I Could just tape a big "CHILL" on people's foreheads! XD I'm sure we all know the dreaded rp adverts that we kinda delete (unless you like rp, more power to you <3) but there are others...who feel the need to curse everyone and their mom out over an ad they can just it really that deep? Smh ._. Then the critics. People must remember this is not barnes and noble--not everyone is JK Rowling or some ish, hell some of us write like kindergarteners!Does it make it any less enjoyable than another story? No. Do authors need "oh mah gah, i hate u y u make this story omg nooo" in their comments? No. So come on guys....really? Then you got the bloggers. The ones that get mad over the silliest things and feel the need to be rude to others over it. Not the ones who spread fun and nice gifs (love you PeterChan) the ones who feel the need to spread all this angriness and hate and profane crap about how they hate everything. Now, hey, this Isn't a problem. You Hate stuff? Thats okay, do you. But its not okay to complain about something you can change--every second of the day. Im sure sarah and joe know you hate them--but you dont need to put it in a blog post and make them feel bad about it. And some blog posts in general are just filled with hate and How the person just cant stand everything that lives. Its a bit disturbing...wish theyd either leave the site or find a way to love the awesome things about the people here, and the wonderful, beautiful, creative stories people are able to think up. I think its absolutely incredible. In a nutshell? I think the divalicious way of saying would be: I know the world isnt filled with sunshine and smiles. Some people just need to calm the down. Its never that serious. Learn how to embrace things that make you angry by ignoring them, and not being a douche to everyone about it guys. C: This has been one of my lengthy rare rants. XD Mimi, out~


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I don't understand the need for cursing when you can just delete the advertisement. I think it's a very shallow and stupid thing to do.

As for the critics, well I pretty much ranted over this in one of my blogs: if you have nothing worthwhile to say, just shut your mouth and keep your crap. Negativity doesn't really help writers. Yes, feedbacks are important especially if the authors want to know where they can improve but at least have the courtesy to keep your comments in a constructive level.

Now the bloggers. Okay, firstly I think I should feel guilty here. Hahaha. No. I mean, I kinda understand the need to let off the steam when you're angry. That's what I did in some of my posts, but I always saw to it that I was still coherent and I made sense, that the topic I addressed was not something just randomly picked out just coz I wanted some attention, that people could actually relate to it. Err, I tried. But you know when emotions get the best of you. Maybe I overdid it a bit. I'm so sorry. Hahaha. But yeah, I also get you about other people's blogs. They're just so angry. Some don't even make sense, what the are they talking about? Even going as far as cursing their own family or like acting all suicidal or something. I care for my friends alright, I really do. But sometimes, it's just too much. Okay, I think I've said so many things already. Ahahaha.

The advertisements kind of bug me sometimes, but I just ignore them and continue on with my day: Not leave a long, rant about it and make advertisers feel bad like most people do.

And if you don't have a post on your profile saying 'No advertisements' then how do the advertisers know you don't like advertisements? O_o And you could simply mark your profile 'friends only' to decrease the advertisers ^^ So many options out there.

And as for stories: As long as I can understand the writing I don't care if the author's grammar isn't very good, as long as I can understand what I'm reading then I'll support the story and author ^^
omg, you don't know how much I love you for this. I jusy read a blog post by...somebody, and my nerve got so bad because she was so serious!
I was joked and mad at the same time. Like, calm down, bruh. It ain't even all that. Lawdie.