I Wonder...About Guys./ Being Pushy (For Girls and Guys)

So I was sitting here playing an otome game and...

I had thoughts running through my mind. Which I REALLY wanted to blog. Some of you may notice I barely ever post on my blog but being as summer vacation is here (HELL YEAH) all my time is devoted to updates and working with my fine korean co-worker godammit  respectable young co-worker. I got a text message from a random guy who I met at mcdonalds and it got my brain jogging.

Why did my friend give my number out to a guy I barely know? (who screamed out "white shirt" when I was leaving and attempted to drag me away back to his friends' table. Oh lord jesus it's a fire.)

Or better yet--guys, why, within five seconds of knowing a girl, is that SOME of you ask for numbers so quickly? Why not try to get to know her first? Talk about movies, music, whatever comes to mind. She's not going to just invite you into her phone so you can be texting her at random hours of the night if she doesn't know you. Of course, when you give a number out you can talk and get acquainted phonewise, but usually people like to know who they're giving it to. Idk the point I'm trying to make here...it's just...where did all the manners go?

Which would you rather hear when you're walking to the train station for work?

"AYO shawty whatchyo name is? Can I get a lil bit a dat cake?" vs. "How you doin' today, ladies?"

AM I STUPID FOR CHOOSING THE SECOND ONE??? I find that guys who approach me are never really polite. It's not about the way he talks, if he combines you is or makes grammar mistakes that don't even matter it's just:

1. Miss instead of "shawty".

2. Don't scream out vulgar statements.

3. Be a gentleman. If Shinee can stop me in my tracks just by saying hello, all you need to do is say HELLO, HELLO!

Some of you may know, I'm black. Of course, my color doesn't matter but I'm going to include it here because guys of my race can be pleasantly forward. But sometimes it's that obnoxious forward that makes a girl want to tase you. Now, people think that when you live in the hood you'll get shot and all that bull. That's a stretch. (DON'T LISTEN TO SEUNGRI) The people there are just living. The reason I mention the hood is because, not to sound conceited AT ALL but when I used to go out to buy things for my mom I'd encounter a few guys that tried to approach me. Before I moved from the hood, when I would sit down next to a guy who was eyeing me like a piece of steak he would immediately put his foot in his mouth. Before even saying hi, it's :


Ca' yo numbuh? Can I have it? Can I have it? Can I have it?"

can i have your number

I'm probably just being an old lady in a 17 year old body, but what I'm saying is--

I wish dudes would just relax on the phone number stuff and just take it slow--'cuz we're ordinary people, like John Legend says.

I wanna hear comments cuz I think I made no sense here.

What do you guys think? Is asking for a number right off the bat too forward?

Love to hear what you have to say~!


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SoldierOfLight #1
I'm a guy and I never do that. I don't even stare, if i do I keep it to a minimal level or just while it's still appropriate. I guess Asian dudes and western dudes are THAT much different ._.
SoldierOfLight #2
Well.. That is too forward ._. .. I can give my number to a person in class whether I've just met him or have known him for a long time (I'd give it to someone whom I'd know I'd spent a lot of time together, atleast in the future), but not to a total stranger. You do make sense and I think if a person has this certain "feel" to him or her, I'd probably give it ... it depends ._.~ I guess, it depends on your first impression .. Insincts? Whther he leaves a hood impression or not .. If he looks good and is well mannered and has this good aura around him, why not?~ but I think getting to know a person first would be better. BUT~ I think them asking for phone numbers means they're interested and want to get to know you more, and want to get in contact with you incase you never meet again in person .. It's pretty safe anyway since you could choose to ignore him or get your cellohone number changed ._.
I'm 15, black, and feel the same way. I find it absolutely unattractive when guys do not know how to talk. On the other hand, if a cute guy no matter what race came up to me and asked for my number, I'm not denying I would give it to him.
recommend any otome games for android?
I'm not sure.
I understand what you mean about the Black guys coming up to you all stupid, because it happens to me too. Yet, if Kai or Leo was to ask for my number off the bat...i'd be trying to find the nearest pen and paper!
It depends on the guy.
If you can tell that the guy is just gonna text you stupid stuff and be all nasty or whatever; then the answer is no.

But if its a good guy and you can tell he really just wants to talk to you more often; then i'd say yes.

Now...if the guy changes half way thrugh...just handle you B and tell him back up.
moodymuppet #6
I'm a 16 year old grk and I agree with you completely
Some guys can be downright disgusting when you first meet them~