Stupid laptop is broken

Ok, so my laptop died. I don't know why.

My mousepad button keeps sliding under the outer case, but I've pulled it out loads of times before. It happened again, and I shut the laptop down (properly) and pulled the button out, but then when I went ot turn it on, it wont power up. I hear the fan start, and the light on the front lights up for about 30 seconds, and then... nothing.

Anyway, this means that I'm stuck on my really old desktop PC with the dodgy wireless connection which could cut out at any moment. Thankfully all my WIP stories are on an online thingie, so I haven't lost them.

Just thought I'd let people know that updates may be slower than normal if this PC starts acting up - sometimes it just refuses to connect to the web...also, to blow off some steam (my sister just sits and laughs at me).


*sigh* Stupid frakking technology.


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I'm sorry to hear that! This week has been about stupid computer problems! It's an omen. -_- I know the feeling. Sighs. =/