Anterograde Tomorrow, plagiarized by some One-D fan

Anterograde Tomorrow, one of the most well renowned fanfics in the EXOtic fandon, was plagiarized by one stupid One Direction fan. You do not know what you're messing with bish. AT is a legend and will always be remembered even by some non EXO fans. What, can't make a decent fanfic for yourself? Your fandom's as ugly and as stupid as the boy group you idolize so you steal our stuff? Well NO ONE'S GONNA BUY YOUR CRAP Expect lots of EXOtics ing out on you. You asked for it bish. I hope you feel proud for bringing down your fandom's name because of your stupidity.



*EDIT I am aware that ppl will get offended by this post. So i'm just gonna add sth here. I dont want to explain myself over and over again and tbh, i dont think i need to.

I was ranting. Yes i do admit that it was wrong for me to say. And i do admit that it was wrong for me to generalize. It's just that as a writer myself, i felt offended to the core that a story that played a big part in my inspiration to be a fic writer, was disrespected like this. Thru my harsh words, i wanted ppl to realize the ripples their decisions could make, and how One thing could ruin a hundred other things.

But just like how u pointed it out i could have said things in a better way. But the thing is, I cant always be nice. Sometimes i loose my cool, and throw out words i shouldnt say. But imo, sometimes you need to get slapped in the face by hurtful words to realize the gravity of your deed. Im not the only one raging like this, and im pretty sure by now you know why.

So dont take it out on angry people. I would never lash out like this on fellow fan girls if i wasnt provoked. And I would rather be mean and contribute to teaching people not to do it again, rather than watch with a patient heart and a silent mouth, and know that i didnt fight for what i thought was right. Ppl have different ways of doing things. So i guess i could say for myself that i also deserve to be understood if i'm this mad.

A dog wouldn't wag it's tail at you if you threw a rock at it. And if you hit a beehive with the intention of getting honey, all the bees wouldn't let you do it with a welcoming buzz applause, they will try to sting you and protect what they believe is theirs.

with that said, I rest my case.


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kiwiyeopta28 #1
the awkward moment when it turned out to be a messed up exotic who was actually trying to start a fanwar TT.TT
mollamolla123 #2
i'm a huge fan of exo and i'm not at all ashamed to say i love one direction and i think it was very rude of you to call the whole one direction fandom 'ugly and stupid as the boys you idolize', because first off i don't think you'd like it if another fandom called the exo fandom ugly and stupid just like exo, and secondly, there's no need to generalise the fandom as stupid and ugly people just because of one person's mistake. i don't mean to be offensive at all by posting this comment, i'm just saying.
I just read it a while ago. Didn't know she tried to plagiarize it; I thought she was spreading the EXO fandom and supporting our boys. T^T
denissemolo #4
do you have the link of the story??
we need to report it as soon as possible!!
omg where?????
and to think im a directioner
(( slight ))
as well boohoo ;n;