[RANDOM] When you look back at your childhood and see how retarded you were

Since I already exposed my face, I figured I might as well lol



This was me 5 years ago, in our dingy apartment during a blackout. I was turning 16 then.



Kyahahaha this was a month before school started, I was an incoming senior in highschool XD Me and my sibs were bored bc the blackout was going on for HOURS, and it was way past bed time. It was also raining really hard.


so we looked for things to keep us entertained. We found a big bottle of baby powder and a couple of ketchup sachets and voila! Our failed attempt to turn me into a living corpse ^^;;;


I don't think I look that different now, but I think I've gotten a little more vain O.o 


What do you think? *w*





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