Hey guys! It has been a long time since i last posted a blog post. So uh, consider me selfish, but there's a favor I'd like to ask from all of my friends.

SO the thing is, we have a contest at our school, and my friend is our representative. At first, she didn't really like to join, but umm we kind of forced her. hahha (we're such evil classmates). 

Her name's criselle, she doesn't support kpop that much, but she likes Sehun, like gawd. She thinks he's *cough cough* hot and y. 

Listen, I know this is kind of a hassle to you guys, you're not really obliged to do so, as a person with rights you may or may not do it. But i would be VERY VERY happy if you would like it. :D :D :D. Currently, the Juniors are leading, with a staggering 600++ likes, and we're KIND OF. SORT OF. A TAD BIT. humiliated. C'mon who wants to get beaten by students below your age ?(i certainly don't want to, hahaha >:)


Please? like this link!


I really would be truly grateful.


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i'm done. :DD