What is happening with my stories? Let's just say I've caught EunHae fever >///

I feel that there is a need to write this blog post cause I've kinda gone in a completely different direction in my writing lately.  So, I feel to the readers of my OC stories I owe them an explanation. I love my OC stories each one of them very much.  I must admit Sam from Sorry Sorry holds a special spot in my heart.  But frankly lately I haven't really felt like writing them.  Lately I've been reading mainly EunHae fanfiction, I kinda got bored with even reading other peoples OC fanfictions.  So naturally I've felt more inclined to writing stories with EunHae, sj pairings and f(sj) pairings.  

Also there is a fact that unlike before with Sorry Sorry etc when I updated them once a week I have a lot more on my plate.  I go to tkd 5 times a week, work and now help manage a fanbase ( it's superauself).  The only time I write is on public transport and sometimes on weekends. 


So, in order to get me into the rythm of geting fanfictions done I'm just going to quickly do a summary.  I'll also do a sneak peek of stories I might be planning to write.  Maybe if I put them in a blog post it'll force me to keep my promise. Plus I admit to having multi story syndrome and the fact I always have ideas for fanfictions. ALWAYS THEY KEEP BUGGING ME ~ 

That Man + A Man in Love (EunHae/KyuSung)- Are my priorities right now.  Both only have one chapter left in them so I'm hoping by the end of this week to get this done.

The Standard of Proof This is my next priority and is my MiQian fanfiction.  Actually because this is a lawyer fanfic it's good for me to write for my studies.  It'll end up being around 6 chapters long.  Chapter 2 is halfway done so I'll do that as soon as.

Insanity:Reality - Is a forever fic, it's kind of like a sitcom it's not meant to have an ending in site.  It's my I'm too hyper to write anything else/ I'm in a crack fic mood.  The next chapter is about 3/4 done but I really do need to be in the mood.  So if you want the next chapter of this feed me bubble tea. :P

Sorry Sorry -Wow, this story is so very long, 62 chapters.  Plus I've left it on a cliff hanger. Honestly I want to keep writing it I really do but after I lost my competer data when my old laptop crashed I have to rewrite big chunks of it I'd already pre written. I will finish this I think in one hit over the summer holidays.  It's got about 50 chapters left in it.  I did contemplate shortening it but I don't think it would do justice to the large amounts of time I've spent writing it.  Plus I'll probably get my insipration back once glee comes back or a rewatch dream high :P 

I Swear I'm Straight- Well on my laptop this story is finished but I'm not happy with it.  So basically once I've recieved some inspiration for it the last chapter will be posted :P


Code SJ15- I've REALLY wanted to write this.  My fellow princess liner and I have been talking about sj spy fics quite a bit so I'll get to writing this once I've finished Beyond Reasonable Doubt.  I've shortned the story line (already planned) so it'll finish in about 5 chapters.  This originally was meant to be a lengthy saga like Sorry Sorry but I simply don't have the time to finish it.  This hasn't been updated in like more than a year, which I'm sorry for T_T It will get updated, I promise !! 


WTH I'm Going to Hogwarts- Eeeek I know where I want to go with this but don't have time.  I'm actually contemplating to turn it into an EunHae fanfiction to give me a push to finish it but we'll see :P  For now this fic is on Hiatus. 


Okay now for future projects XD 

These days I'm all about shorter stories since I've worked out epic long ones are, how to put it, easy to loose inspiration on.  


When Lightening Strikes- another OC fic which is already 6 chapters long.  I write this when I'm in a super hero mood :P  It's and sj/exo/f(x) fic.  It'll be around 10 chapters long and involves parrell worlds and the like :P I've had a lot of fun writing it and I can't wait to publish it ! But for once I want to type out a whole fic and then publish it so this might be out at the end of the year, but updates will be quick as it will be finished. 


It's Not Called Soccer- I'm thinking about ither writing a sequal or writing another chapter of this.  It's very very very tempting.  Would involve shirtless EUNHAE !!! (Who wouldn't love that).  Also an introduction to Siwon's chara which was deleted from the oneshot.  Maybe while I'm watching the AFL grandfinal.


*EunHae Fic yet to be named* - Basiacally I had this idea whilst listening to So Cold and pining for Siwon, Henry, Donghae and Hyukjae to do promotions for it ! It'll be a three shot though it's got the potential to be extended. Idk I write this one when I want to write kinda agnsty eunhae. 


"Once in Every Dynasty"- I have always wanted to see Mulan as a musical so this story is a one shot about making it one.  It's a HyukjaexOC story and has Hyuk as a bad arse try hard rebel.


"It's a Twoesome Place" - Half written fanfiction which features one of my friendsXsiwon ! It'll get done, though she probs needs to nag me about it.


"The Train Tracks" - I'm acutally going to post this on Donghae's Birthday if I get the guts to.  This story is kind of very personal to me.  It's based off a true story and mentions suiscide and all those lovely things T_T so who knows if I post it. Might just put it to friends only or something idk.  It's already mostly written but it's got depressing stuff in it.  So I don't know if I'll publish it. 


I actually also have a spin off of the "walking dead" that may never see the light of day.  Mainly for the fact that the OC reminds me too much of the OC in "When Lightnening Strikes"


Do a Deer - A mini series with SJ as kids ~ Based off the Sound of Music.  Yet another fic I need to be hyper for so feed me bubble tea and it'll come :P 


So that's it. Sorry for the lack of updates on my long fics :( I've just recently been in the mood for EunHae >/////< hopefully A Man In Love will get it out of my system).


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