For my friends on aff who writes and is pretty unconfident/unsure of your writing standard, this is a writing review shop called I HEART KPOP by Supergirl27 and inSHININGspirit (and they have four more reviewers, making 6 in total) where you can get your story reviewed and graded, to see on which areas you can improve on. The rules are pretty simple to follow and they are currently holding a giveaway contest, so be sure to check it out!


Getting to the main point, I actually have joined this giveaway contest. I've already gotten two copies of xoxo, one kiss and one hug, but I'm still aiming for another one. I know I'm being really selfish for joining this when someone else out there might need this album more than me. But I have my reasons.

I bought my xoxo from a fan base, and the albums were distributed randomly, everyone has a fair chance of getting anyone's photo card. I helped my cousin buy hers, so I must do the job of collecting it too. So when I received the albums, I gotten four, two of each versions. Since I had the albums on hand, I chose one kiss ver first. I've gotten the Xiumin photo card. I mean, I was fine with it since I like Xiumin, but he's my second bias in M, I like someone more than him.

Afterwards that day I met my cousin and let her chose her kiss and hug ver. She opened her hug ver and gotten Xiumin too. At that moment I was glad that I chose the kiss ver I have because I don't want to see her have two of Xiumin's photo card. But that moment when she opened her kiss ver, my whole world seemed to have crumbled and I didn't know what to do. For her kiss ver, she's gotten Kris' photo card, which is my bias' photo card.

I wanted to be so selfish and asked her to trade her Kris to me, but at the same time I half knew she wouldn't want to give it to me and I wouldn't bear to. She has her rights to not give it to me since I was selfish in the first place to choose my album first without her consent. We're close, and she had told me she did thought about giving it to me, but for the moment she just wants to be selfish and keep it. And I don't blame her. I wouldn't bear to take it from her and leave her with two same photo cards anyway.

My cousin of course would know that I was very affected by it, but I didn't want to make it so obvious, so I left to buy my subway meal. While queuing up, I cried. But that wasn't the only time I cried over that.

I tried many times to see if there was anyone out there who would appreciate the Xiumin photo card more than I do. If it wasn't for that Kris photo card in my cousin's hand I believe I would appreciate what I have more. But I only ended up meeting people who were more selfish than I am, who are brats because their parents can afford to buy them 10+ xoxo, while I scrimped and saved to get one for me, and the other for my sister.

I told myself that I would get over it and not buy another xoxo, but I just can't, at least not for now. And now that I see there's an xoxo giveaway, I told myself I must try to win. And maybe, who knows? I might just get lucky. 


So that is all of my story, sorry if it was too long. I hope that even if I didn't win, my friends online would get to know slightly more about me, and strangers wouldn't see me as a scary and arrogant person. I'm actually a very soft person who has a weak side too, and not just the keyboard warrior who scolds people online when they are rude to my close ones.

Also, thank you for reading! Once again, be sure to check out the review shop! I'm still not comfortable with getting graded (bad experience and memories) so I don't know how's their service like, but their review shop has many upvotes (way more than any of my stories) and many comments saying they've requested for reviews at the moment. I'm confident of their skills. Moreover, from their language, I'm very sure they're good enough to do reviews, unlike some people out there. 





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