SOPA 2013

SOPA 2013 is now trying to ban all copyrighted stuff. It means, that all stuff that is used and the previous item was copyrighted, it is now a felony and the person can be charged and tried, and put into jail.

All that includes:

  1. fanarts
  2. covers
  3. music in the back of a video
  4. even fanfic!

so please sign this petition to help stop it! and please! SPREAD THE WORD! ALL OF US ON AFF MIGHT JUST GO TO JAIL!


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I really don't like what my government keeps doing about this.

By the way, it's SOPA, not SOAP. It made me giggle, though. :D
Oh My Dear Lord!!!
Do they realize what they will do if this gets approved????!!! I mean, half of the world population would go to jail for this! You have to be kidding me!!!
Signing right now!