Officially Boycotting All Entertainment Industries

I am boycotting all entertainment companies, until the slave-like treatment and abuse of idols (including Exo, SHINee, ZE:A, Vixx, BtoB, BAP, and any band you can think of) ceases. I will not support companies who make their money from idols who work extremely hard, and then are abused, treated terribly, and not given their fair share of what they deserve for all the work they have done. This post further explains boycotting the companies. 

I sincerely hope the rest of you will join me, because this is our idols' lives were talking about here. Unless you sincerely have reduced them to only a pretty face, body, voice, etc, for your own pleasure to take in with no life nor rights of their own, I strongly encourage you to join in

reposted from beccadanielle8d (you should probably go to her blog for the link)


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