08/20 Giveaway One: The Cupcake Edition

a.k.a. updates from the world of maunier
Hello everyone!
Maunier here. As some of you might know, I've been holding a few karma/layout/graphic/drabble giveaways for the wonderful readers of Exposed: The Secret Lives of EXO to thank them for their ongoing support. The second giveaway has just begun, but before I pick the winners for the next giveaway, I have a drabble request to fulfill from Giveaway One. The following drabble is dedicated to the lovely impeccableduizhang.
For those of you who have never read "Exposed" before, you can check out the story by clicking here. And if any of you have succumbed to the twin evils known as Tumblr and Twitter, feel free to browse/chat at play-baek.tumblr.com and/or @maunnier. 
Maybe Until next time,


almost (not quite)

[ Sehun/Boa | Fluff | 434 words ]


"Noona, I need a break..."

Boa rolled her eyes at the panting boy standing before her. Sehun's caramel bangs were plastered to his forehead and he was bent double with his hands on his knees, clearly struggling to remain upright. They had been practicing for the past three hours to perfect the choreography and despite being a veteran dancer, even Boa could feel the rigorous exercise taking a toll.


"Fine, Boa sighed finally, taking pity on the boy. He collapsed into a heap and lay sprawled across the wood floor. Boa flopped down beside him, relieved to be able to take the pressure off her feet.


"I don't think I'll be able to walk tomorrow," Sehun moaned as he rolled onto his back.


"Oh stop being such a drama queen."


"You don't understand! My legs feel like really liquidy Jello right now…"


"Then just crawl to all your schedules."


Sehun turned, cheeks puffing up as he pouted. "You're such a meanie, noona."


"You can call me whatever you want, but that doesn't change the fact that we need to nail the choreo by Thursday." She raised herself up onto her elbows and nudged him with her knee. "C'mon, let's go through it once more."


The boy held out an arm and looked up at her expectantly. "Help me up?"


She took his proffered hand and saw his smirk a split-second before he jerked her forward, causing her to fall on top of him.


"You are such a brat."


Rather than answer, he pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her. They were no more than an inch apart and she could feel the heat of his skin and the warmth of his breath against her neck. When he spoke, the whisper soft against her ear, she felt a strange tingle down the length of her spine


"I may be a brat, but noona will always love me, won't she?" he murmured. When he pulled away to gaze at her, there was a twinkle in his eyes. She stared back, forcing herself not to look at his lips and struggled to banish all thoughts of kissing him, right there and then.  


Thankfully, years of training had taught her not to give in to her impulses so she climbed to her feet and replied "No she won't. You have to earn her love so get up and let's get back to practice."


Grumbling under his breath, Sehun nonetheless followed her lead and got into position. Right before the music began, he flashed a winning smile and asked, "You're still treating me to dinner, right?"




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paperboat- #1
ohh chinjja kyeopta!
sorry, there are scenes where I can't help but pronounce this korean words even when I don't understand korean at all
it was just soo sweet!
Oh so fast!!! Thank you so much!!
I love it!! I love you!
Its wonderful fluff!! Too much feels!!!