
I used to think it was stupid to think that my friends don't care about me. They would always talk about things I'd never heard of and never offer an explanation to me. They never knew how horrible I felt. Once I actually cried beccause they didn't care about me or bothered to include me in their conversations in and out of school. Now that I've left, they could care less. Even if I was the best friend they could ever have. They don't know how much it hurts. I can't even make proper new friends because I'm scared they'll leave me too and I'll be alone again. 
I hate being alone.
I hate the silence.
They made me feel like I was a worthless friend.

They made me want to hate myself.


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pinkpajamas #1

Been there. Done that.

Trust me, nothing will come out good if you see yourself as lowly and worthless. Of all the things you shouldn't feel is helplessness, loneliness and self-pity.

I HATE to feel those 3. uuurgh. it boils my cold blood.

It could damage your self-esteem if you continue like that. Think of it as THEIR loss to lose you as a friend. The way how you treat yourself reflects how others would treat you (and it's applicable when you're dealing with men too)

If you treat yourself as a diamond, you would treat you like one too. if you treat yourself as a doormat, suit yourself and brace your heart for endless heartaches as a product of their treatment. :3

sorry for the long sermon. but i can't really help it. I don't want people to lose themselves just because some people left them, afterall happiness is a choice.

PS. they aren't the ones who are cooking your food and working to give you allowance, so if they left you, who cares? there's still billions of people who would like you as their friend.
Aww ive felt the same way to many times. It becomes a unwanted feeling you are to familiar with and it makea you scared..atleast it did for me.

If it means anything im here for you. Even though it might be through the internet or whatever.. and I dont really know you..

I feel almost as if my comfort is irrelevant but I care about you still and I am here for you whenever. Smile ♥