I thought I had it.

After a whole semester and a half of counseling I finally thought I could be somewhat fine.

Even my counselor says I'm doing better. I seem to be happier. I'm not.

I know I should tell her everything honestly but I can't.

I'm scared. I'm scared that what I have is worse than what she said. 

Dysthymia. That's what she thinks I have. I would talk more about it but I think Google is a better help than me. 


Today I failed my Chemistry test. I've isolated myself from everyone since then. I've wanted to cry since I saw the results.

I wanted to run away. So bad. I've been sitting here in the dark for almost 3 hours now. I don't even want to move. Whenever people come up to me and say "hey why are you in the dark by yourself?". All I say is, "I just needed time to relax alone you know." I pretend that I'm okay even though all I want is to cry and scream because I feel so stupid. I CANT FAIL CHEMISTRY. I CANT. ITS MY ONLY HOPE FOR THE NURSING PROGRAM. If I fail that. IM DONE. 

What am I gonna do when I tell mom? dad? when everyone else finds out?

They've wasted so much money on University and I can't even do the one thing they want me to do. I can't even become the nurse they want me to be. 

I've been blessed to go to College and I can't even do anything right. I'm failing and its upsetting. 

It makes me hate myself so much.  I deteste myself so much. 

I was given one thing to do. ONE GOD DAMN THING, BE A NURSE. That was it and now that I'm so close to it. I'm pushing it away.

It might sound stupid but after seeing that grade and seeing my Chem grade, I wanted to die. I wanted to disappear forever because I'm done trying to make this so called "dream" of mine come true.  Sometimes I don't even think it's my dream. It's everyone elses and I'm just the puppet they want to use to make it happen. 

I don't even have a chance anymore. I may be 19 and an adult but I can't even make my own decisions. Whenever I make a decision, I have to think of everyone else. Everyone before me, ALWAYS. 

"If I do this, how will it affect everyone else?"

"Will they be okay with it?"

"Can I provide for everyone with this?"

I don't even know anymore. I'm honestly sick and tired of lying to myself and to everyone else.

For once, I just want to be happy. Like actual happiness where I don't have to think for others but just myself. 

What will make me happy?

What will provide enough for me?

I'm tired of being this stupid puppet, but what can I do when everyone expects so much?

Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe anymore. I feel like I'm being suffocated by everyone.

I'm loosing me without even wanting to.

Someone help me find me again. I can't do it alone anymore and I'm just too scared to ask.




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LittleNobody317 #1
You must let these all out to someone you trust. Just you know, so you won't stress too much. Keeping things inside hurts the most. I know how it feels. Be selfish for once. Humans are selfish. Even though you seem selfless, you must want to be selfish. Just once, don't think aout others. Think abour yourself.
hey!!why so emo?..cheerup...your life is pretty good compared to mine and if you do ever feel sad remember you are as great as leo nado di caprio no of oscar won is the same as you, me and him..:D cheer up...there is more to life than feeling pathetic..