No Connections {Kwon Young}


{ Kwon Yong | Hansel }



Le creator

username: Yamitan7

nickname:  Yami^^

activity: 7 to 9~~

Basic shizz

Full name: Kwon 'Hansel' Young [birth name: Kwon Youngji. Second name: Han Youngji. Kwon 'Hansel' Young is his third name]

Nickname(s):  Kwonyoung, Hanyoung, Youngsel, Younghan [Nicknames that his friends call him to make his name easier to pronounce] || Youngji [just his birth name] || Hansel [His family calls him this]

Birthday:  8 September 2017

Age: 13

Gender: male

Hometown: Hajoong-do, Mapo-gu, Kangbook [But he moved to Seoul 4 years ago]

Height: 161cm. 5.28 ft

Weight:  43kg. 94.8lbs

Bloodtype: A

Personality: Hansel is not one you can call perfect. Well, he sure seems perfect but there is always this one side that irks others off. He is terribly negative. He has a low self-esteem although he covers it up by acting weird and trying to lead others away from his 'bad' side. Although no one can blame him. Around people he know, he is 4-dimensional and talks a lot. To strangers, he is the mysterious little prince. For his best buddies, he is a unpredictable retard. However, to his family, he is the forgotten seed. The seed that didn't and couldn't bloom to the beautiful flower it had been destinied to be. 

As mentioned in the first sentence, Hansel is really negative. He tries his best but he always has this mindset that everything he does would not work out. Ask his friends, they'll all say that he doesn't believe in himself at all and blames himself a lot. However, his acting skills are not to be underestimated. If you don't look closely with a super magnifying glass, you'll never know that Hansel is also Youngji. The Youngji who is a loner.

Background: Hansel was born as Kwon Youngji, child of Kwon Jiyong and Han Yunji. They were a secret couple because Yunji's parents didn't like her to be 'exposed' to the entertainment world. Hansel lived like a normal child, just that he had to lie to his friends about his father. Then when he was 8, a freak accident took away Yunji's life. Jiyong became depressed and refused to look at Hansel because he reminded him too much of Yunji. By then, Hansel's grandparents had already passed away so he had to fend for himself.  Not only that, Jiyong also changed Hansel's name to 'Han Youngji'.

Then when Hansel was 9, Jiyong slept with Yujin. Maybe because she reminded him too much of his deceased wife or maybe just because of the name, no one knows. Yujin became pregnant so they were forced to marry because Yujin didn't want to abort the child and her parents didn't want to see her as a single mother. The two became a hot celebrity couple and the child they got gained a lot of love. Through all this, Hansel remained a secret. He see his little sister and parents on tv, as the 'perfect family' amd always wished he was there somehow. Later before Hansel turned 12, Jiyong changed his name to 'Kwon Hansel Young'.


-the colour brown

-Sandy (squirrel from SpongeBob)

-Sophisticated people who are not too bright

-the sound of the rain against the windows and the smell of the wet earth


-Bubble Tea~~

-Green Tea

-Science Fiction, Fantasy and adventure






-Clingy people


-Disney movies..... except for The little Mermaid and Beauty amd the Beast




-Singing in alien language...

-Freestyle dancing

-Rapping...... well, trying to

-Reading fantasy and Sci-Fi novels



-Scratch his ears when confused

-unintentionally does aegyo when he feels annoyed.

-Pat other's arms or shoulders as a sign of affection

-Squeeze other's arms or shoulders when scared

-Ignores others when he's angry.... although he doesn't throw a tantrum...... yet.



-he has a collection of the B.A.P bunnies although he doesn't know who B.A.P is. He also names them. [From eldest, Yongguk/ShiShiMato, to youngest, Zelo/ToToMato. Red, Yang, Jjam, Bright, Boma, Zig]

-Can be very moody, especially when angry. He throws tantrums when moody.

-He's afraid of those who are very bright. He thinks there's another side to them.

-He normally stays away from others because he don't want to be hurt after he gets emotionally attached again.

-Hansel learnt English and Japanese from TV shows xD

-Although he's kind of emo to his parents, Hansel actually is a reliable older brother for Gretel. Maybe it was because he wanted her to fel truly loved.

-Neither Big Bang nor After School knows about Hansel. They only knew about Gretel. And that G-Dragon had some long breaks (before Hansel was born and after Yunji died). But of course the respective CEOs know about him.

-Hansel tends to be unresponsive

-He have average grades in school and normally scores around 70/100

-Part of his school's basketball team

-was in a dance crew before but he was forced to quit because Jiyong apparently did not want him to dance..... well, he's probably afraid that the kid will expose him.

-He memorised all of Big Bang and After School's songs and dance steps.

-Surprisingly, he knows how to dance girl group songs.... a lot


Looking into the mirror

Ulzzang: Han Jin Ho

Ulzzang pics: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Backup ulzzang: Park Young Jun

Ulzzang pics: 1 || 2 || 3 

We are Family


Father | Kwon Ji Yong (G-Dragon) | 42 | Neat and Tidy although he's very weird at times | Jiyong initially felt ba d for always leaving his son with his mother but later that didn't matter anymore. He promised himself to raise the boy to become a capable man but his mistake was the one that snapped their fragile bond.

Mother | Han Yun Ji | 42 | Sophiscated and delicate | Yunji was a single mother most the time as Jiyong had a hectic schedule. She created an unbreakable bond with her son and they were beyond separation. 

Stepmother | Kim Yu Jin (Uee) | 42 | friendly and bright | Yujin tried to be an ideal mother for Hansel at first but she gave up when the boy refused to open up to her.

Half sister | Kwon 'Gretel' Yu | 3 | An innocent angel who knows none about the troubles in her family | Hansel and Gretel are loving siblings. Most of the love Grtel recieve, apart from fans' love, is from Hansel. Gretel would always come to Hansel for everything and Hansel would always pamler the little girl because her parents don't do that.


Song Sanghyun | 13 | Sanghyun is a weird boy. He has a knack for judging people and is really cunning | They are classmates and Sanghyun took an interest to the loner Youngji | Best friends. Ever since they met, they've bedn stuck together like glue.

Song Sanghye | 13 | Unlike Sanghyun, Sanghye is naive and innocent. Easily fooled and really foolish | Sanghye is Sanghyun's twin. | Hansel just felt like he had to protect Sanghye when he first saw him.



-Kiki & Mimi [The black one is Kiki while the white one is Mimi]

Love interest:

Min Haryul | 11 | a smart- who skipped two grades. You think he's smart? Nu-uh. Haryul is totally naive and easy to fool. | Haryul became his classmate one day and Sanghyun dragged him to check the smart alec out | They are very close friends who got each other's back. If you hurt Hansel, it is not Sanghyun that come running, it is Haryul. Same goes for Haryul.


The Rockstar

Stage name: Hansel

Instrument: drums

Fanclub name: Crumbs

Why they wanted to be an idol: It was mostly because he wanted recognition. Having lived most of his life being hidden away from the entertainment world that his family hapily skipped away to, Hansel always wanted to become an idol like his parents and prove to them that he is capable. That he is truly the son of Kwon Jiyong and not just some emo kid who lies about his parents all the time.

Singing: ONE  (the main vocal....) TWO [GEEKS Louie]

Dancing: ONE TWO [SHINee Key]

Rapping: ONE (you probably know what I mean xD) [BEAST Yang Yoseob]

Request sheet


hello xD. I hope you don't mind that I have a non-idol birth mother...... LOL. I suggest you accept Hansel xD. Nahh, you don't have to. But I just thought it'd be interesting LOL. Isn't his story a little different from the rest? LAWL. Le narcisstic creator here xD. Good luck~~~ /blows kisses for ya.

almost forgot, if you don't like Haryul being a boy, just change the gender LOL. And about the singing links, i couldn't find a video where only Louie was singing >< Sorry~~!!!

Scene request:

×when all the members and their families are there.

×A fight between father and son when Jiyong finds out the group

×Where someone cries xD.. because of Hansel.

×It had been a bad day and to top it off, there's a thunderstorm(which I've read that Soon and Xyan are kinda scared of....) ==

Password: WALL-NUTSSSS!!!

Hansel's thoughts about;

Soon- Soon gets on his nerves a lot. Her weird love for apples and her close relationship with her parents made him wary of her.

Oksu- Oksu is one of the people whom Hansel is more comfortable with. Although most of the reason is because Oksu is someone older and more mature. Hansel finds that Oksu has many things in common with him so he feels more comfortable around him.

Ky- Hansel gets along with Ky okay but he prefers Ky's distant and reserved self.

Joe- Hansel is super wary of Joe. Joe being a kkap who liked to pull pranks and annoy others didn't help at all. Hansel avoids Joe at all costs (unless it's on a broadcast) and Hansel sees no reason to interact with Joe.

Jay- Hansel is not uncomfortable around Jay but he does not like him either. Jay comes round as a playboy and Hansel did not wish to be close to playboys especially when his own father comes off as one in his eyes. Hansel does not bother to know him better so Jay claimed a permanent 'Playboy' title in Hansel's eyes.

Tea- Tea probably seems the most comfortable to be with for Hansel. Her distant looking first impression won her a point and her small but much appreciated affections made Hansel feel loved for once. Although he does feel loved when around Gretel, he had always been at the giving end. But there's one thing... Hansel finds Tea's stage name very weird

Jison- Hansel is also comfortable with Jison although he choses not to get too close because Jison looked really fragile and Hansel did not want to break him as Hansel could be insensitive to quite a degree. 

Rimmie- This girl is too random for Hansel to handle so, like Joe, Hansel avoids her at all costs.

Cherry- Cherry intimidates Hansel a lot. Her looks alone were too perfect so Hansel usually stays a distance from her. 

Dia- Dia looked like a down-to-earth girl so Hansel was comfortable from the first time they met. Another thing was that neither of them were too chatty so they would have a moment of peace whenever they are together.... or so Hansel thought.

Hana- another person whom Hansel prefer the distant side. Hana is too pampered in Hansel's eyes.

Star- Maybe the person Hansel talks to most. She reminds him of how his mother was so he becomes a baby around her, naively sharing his honest feelings as if Star was really his mother.

Xyan- Xyan gets on his nerves just like Soon. He finds them way too bright for comfort and usually stay far from the two. Another was how Soon and Xyan were so alike each other. It creeps him out.


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