Sorry for the hiatus >.

Recently I have been really busy. Preparing for the major exams and all and this week I have oral exam...BUT

I can promise you a update on A Parcel for you around the weekends or next week. When I am free that is.

This is a tough week but I can squeeze in time to update. hehe. 

Having the temptation to write nowadays. The temptation and ideas just come at the wrong timings.. you have books or book series that you simply could not forget? I the Shadow Fall series by C.C. Hunter and recently I had finished the Fallen Series by Lauren Kate. I simply could not put down the book for both of the series. It is simply too interesting and engaging.

If you have not read these series, you should. Both belongs to the fantasy, supernatural, love and romance category. Oh, did I mention the coughhotcoughguys in there? HAHAHAHAHA

Recently, I am reading The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot. It is an interesting series and so far I am on the third book. It is about a girl named Susannah Simon who is a mediator- a liasion between the living and dead. She communicates with ghost and help them. Normally, shows like Ghost Whisperer where the medaitor is really gentle and talks to the dead in a polite manner, right?  Well, she doesn't. If the ghost does not listen to her, she uses violence.  It is really funny when it comes to these parts. 

Do you guys have any books of recommendation? :3

Hehe, random post today~ Get ready for a update and probably a new fanfic..............I can't help it. That idea for the fanfic had been stuck in my mind for a long time and it kept urging to type it down......

Soo..get ready for a fantasy and romance fanfic. :D 




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